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Jake Roberts and Randy Savage was a top of the card feud and that's more memorable that 90% of the things from that era. Jake's actually the perfect example of getting by on your character. I dont know if Jake ever had a great match ever. He had some good ones, but his matches were miles behind what he did as a character.

I can't remember a really good Jake match. I don't think it's particularly relevant to the argument either. There are guys now on top who wouldn't have merited a job then. It was a different world.



Reigns has natural charisma and star presence.

Can't argue with that. I'm just not sure that when you put him out on his own and ask him to carry main event feuds that he's got it in him. I'll admit I'd have said the same about Batista 10 years ago so who knows really but I don't think Reigns is anywhere near as well rounded as Batista was.


I don't know much about Ambrose before WWE, I'd only seen one match on YouTube before he turned up. I just really like him. He seems to have a lot about him in the ring and does a lot of the small things right. He seems a really good talker too and that's with material that's been pretty basic. I think he's better than Punk was a year or so into his WWE run and he's done alright.

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He's definitely more ready now than he would be if he spent another twelve months having unnaturally-long, diminishing returns six-man tag rematches. When he's getting the reactions he's getting, and he's got the skillset he's got, the smart money is on striking before the iron goes all lukewarm. Capitalising on his star potential before it fades is more important than teaching him how to do a better bump or wristlock. Meandering and lollygagging would just make him another stop-start nobody.



Ryback is the prime example of rushing someone because they are over. The guy was getting crazy reactions so they push into into the main event. Now look at him


Not saying Reigns isnt ready just that this kind of thing has back fired in the past

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Ryback is the prime example of rushing someone because they are over. The guy was getting crazy reactions so they push into into the main event. Now look at him

That's a terrible example- he isn't in the shitter because they pushed him too soon, he's in the shitter because WWE bottled it. Ryback was white-hot and although they were taking a chance, they were striking whilst the iron was hot. If he beat Punk at HITC I think things would be massively different. Going into that match he was so over, so you cannot say he was rushed at all.

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Ryback is the prime example of rushing someone because they are over. The guy was getting crazy reactions so they push into into the main event. Now look at him

That's a terrible example- he isn't in the shitter because they pushed him too soon, he's in the shitter because WWE bottled it. Ryback was white-hot and although they were taking a chance, they were striking whilst the iron was hot. If he beat Punk at HITC I think things would be massively different. Going into that match he was so over, so you cannot say he was rushed at all.


That was just bad timing. They were in the midst of building Punk's title reign when Ryback struck a chord with the audience. They had to pull the trigger one way or the other. With hindsight, they should have shifted him off to Smackdown and had him destroy a transitional champion for the other belt.

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He went from not been booked at Night Of Champions to being the #1 contender the following month at Hell In A Cell. Come to think of it, he hadn't been on PPV since July when he smashed Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks


Yes, he was superover, but he wasn't ready to be in the main event and they booked themselves into a corner with it. He had a hot undefeated streak going but wasn't ready for the belt. So he had to lose, as any other result in a Hell In A Cell math would have been completely stupid, and he never recovered from it. He could have been booked to go after the IC title, held that for a few months to then challenge for the world title when he was more ready for it.

Edited by KingOfMetal
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The Ryback argument is terrible and is always tedious, but if you are over, you are ready. People will look past your flaws if you are over. Goldberg, Cena and Batista are prime examples of that. They were horrible when they won the belt, but they were over. All this "he wasn't ready" is just shite. We tell you when you're ready. The promoters dont. If it was up to the promoters then everyone would be over and we'd be talking about Battleground as if it was the Deadly Games tournament.


And even if they didn't want to give him the belt beating him on a fuck finishes and then having him lose every PPV match for a year is just a horrible way of treating your characters. Now he's ripe for a sacking and I wouldn't care if he got fired. The moment is long gone and you cant catch lightening in a bottle again.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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The Ryback argument is terrible and is always tedious, but if you are over, you are ready. People will look past your flaws if you are over. Goldberg, Cena and Batista are prime examples of that. They were horrible when they won the belt, but they were over. All this "he wasn't ready" is just shite. We tell you when you're ready. The promoters dont. If it was up to the promoters then everyone would be over and we'd be talking about Battleground as if it was the Deadly Games tournament.


And even if they didn't want to give him the belt beating him on a fuck finishes and then having him lose every PPV match for a year is just a horrible way of treating your characters. Now he's ripe for a sacking and I wouldn't care if he got fired. The moment is long gone and you cant catch lightening in a bottle again.



Goldberg Cena and Batista all won the belt. Ryback was pushed to main event then they bottled giving him the belt beacause i guess they didnt want him to have it (not ready)


I think everyones take on "ready" is different. Mine is they are are going to use him as a top top star. My concern is they wont have faith him him carrying the belt and 4 months down the line he ends up loss after loss until no one gives a shit.


Maybe with anyluck they will start him off midcard IC title then move up.

Edited by quote the raven
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Ryback could have been massive by now. Massive.


One moment that always sticks out for me is the contract signing between Punk and Ryback, Punk was in Rybacks face mouthing off, Ryback calmly grabbed Punks head and smashed him through the table before giving him the shellshock.

Ryback looked super cool and the live crowd was white hot for the segment.


Entire arenas chanting along with the feed me more whenever he flicked his shoulder, the guy was ready, WWE fucked it up big time.

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Do they have the patience to draw it out for another year though. They've planted the seeds already so people are expecting it to happen. I think it will either happen at Wrestlemania or the night after


Exactly - Roman should leave but The Shield should still stay together and recruit another member or two.


I know it's late, but I think this is a very bad idea.


Bear in mind that one of central points of The Shield's gimmick, especially when they started, is that they are a threat to even main eventers because of their unparalleled team-work, something that commentators also make sure to emphasise regularly. If this team-work was so easy to accomplish, everybody would be doing it, and The Shield would be easily defeated by three main eventers who decided to team up for a while. Bringing in a new guy would imply that any old guy could take that over seamlessly from whoever got kicked out, whether it be John Cena or Zack Gowen. This sounds complicated and over-thought, but it would be pretty blatant on TV to the audience, I think.


The only way I could imagine a new third member would be if he was made part of the feud between (assuming this happens) Reigns and the other two, where they try to prove they don't need him and keep losing; a bit like when Team 3D split in TNA and Bubba/Bully Ray brought in some random black guy in order to prove he was the real talent, because D-Von could've been replaced by anyone. (I know it's TNA, but I think it was one of the few angles they've ever done right.)

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Goldberg Cena and Batista all won the belt. Ryback was pushed to main event then they bottled giving him the belt beacause i guess they didnt want him to have it (not ready)


You really aren't getting it. Ryback was only pushed into the main event (sooner than they would've planned) against Punk because Cena got injured and they had fuck all else in terms of potential good drawing main events.


And the reason they didn't 'want him to have it' wasn't because he wasn't ready, it was because they thought CM Punk's year plus title reign being ended by The Rock (which had been planned for months) would be massive, which it wasn't.


It doesn't excuse that God awful finish though.

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I think Ambrose is fantastic on the mic. He's definitely got that going for him.


I'm not a fan. From what i've seen his way over the top bordering on ridiculous. Prime example is a couple of week ago when Punk opened the show and The Shield interrupted.

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Yes, he was superover, but he wasn't ready to be in the main event and they booked themselves into a corner with it. He had a hot undefeated streak going but wasn't ready for the belt. So he had to lose, as any other result in a Hell In A Cell math would have been completely stupid, and he never recovered from it. He could have been booked to go after the IC title, held that for a few months to then challenge for the world title when he was more ready for it.


Nah. If Ryback had hit Punk with the shell shock and beaten him clean at HIAC he'd be a star today. Punk was already over and didn't need the win. Holding the belt for a long time doesn't really mean anything now so it wouldn't have hurt him to lose to Ryback.

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I think Ambrose is fantastic on the mic. He's definitely got that going for him.


I'm not a fan. From what i've seen his way over the top bordering on ridiculous. Prime example is a couple of week ago when Punk opened the show and The Shield interrupted.


I thought he was great with Piper the other week.

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He went from not been booked at Night Of Champions to being the #1 contender the following month at Hell In A Cell. Come to think of it, he hadn't been on PPV since July when he smashed Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks


Yes, he was superover, but he wasn't ready to be in the main event and they booked themselves into a corner with it. He had a hot undefeated streak going but wasn't ready for the belt. So he had to lose, as any other result in a Hell In A Cell math would have been completely stupid

Yet infinitely less stupid than the result that happened.


He could have been booked to go after the IC title, held that for a few months to then challenge for the world title when he was more ready for it.

So who could have fought Punk in the cell?

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