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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I really like Bayley and I'm looking forward to the Charlotte feud, but she really needs a bit more pace and explosion in her offence. When whe does her signature elbow into the corner after mimicking the tube men thing, it never looks like it has any power behind it. Ditto for some of her other moves.


Also, "sexy pinata". Good ol' Jericho.

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Is "let's start the rivalry!" said with a smile the worst possible line to start a feud?


Usual weirdness of just steaming straight into the match, without a drop of build. Why not, as said above, turn Sasha for Bayley and give Charlotte Nia Jax or something to keep her busy?

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It's a bit too early for the Sasha turn for me.


*Fantasy booking alert*


Keep Sasha busy with Nia Jax until Mania time... at which point she interferes with Bayley/Charlotte for the heel turn.


You can then run with Sasha/Bayley for a good long while and Charlotte can brag about being untouchable, the best etc etc... only for Asuka to debut and kick her fucking head off :D

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I think the final two in the Rumble will be Zayn and Strowman. Zayn wins. Getting us to Reigns vs Strowman for the US Title and Zayn vs Owens vs Balor for the Universal title. Finn can come back and demand the rematch because he never officially lost the title. Plus who wants to see a straight up Owens and Zayn one on one match ever again?

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I think we'll see the following at Wrestlemania, for the guys on RAW.


Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg III

WWE Universal Championship - Roman Reigns © vs Finn Balor

Seth Rollins vs Triple H

United States Championship - Chris Jericho © vs Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn vs Rusev

WWE RAW Tag Championships - Sheamus and Cesaro © vs The New Day vs The Club vs Enzo and Cass

WWE RAW Womens Championship - Charlotte © vs Bayley

Big Show vs Shaq


Braun wins the Andre Battle Royal and there'll be some pissing about on the pre-show for the Cruiserweight Division.

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I really hope we'll get a Shield match. At this point I couldn't care who it is against, but it's arguably the best way to utilise all three guys as they're all pretty dull right now, a way to cut three potential matches down to one and plus a reunion (even if brief) would really get over. Maybe a Triple H/Wyatt Family team as opponents.

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Now they've confirmed it's not Owens vs. Jericho at Rumble, surely that's your Raw Title match for WM. You don't tell this story for months on end to not take it somewhere. Unless they do it without the belt which just seems so unlikely.


After the matches he's had with Bryan and Styles, I'd like to see Reigns vs. Zayn for the US Title.


Looking forward to Strowman's involvement in the Rumble. Surealy he's primed for the clear a load of jabronis spot. Then someone like Godberg comes out.

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I don't watch the weekly TV, only keeping up with the product by watching the pay per views, but this Jericho and Kevin Owens storyline is by far the best thing they've got going on the Raw brand, and Owens vs. Jericho would be my first choice for the Universal Title match at Wrestlemania. Nothing else comes close to the momentum those guys have. Incredibly, considering how little I've cared about him in years, I'd give Jericho the Royal Rumble win this year. What a turnaround these past six months have been for him. In an ideal world I'd have him teasing facing the Smackdown champion, only to eventually turn on Owens and face him for the belt at Mania. Imagine the promo when he eventually puts him on the list! It'll be magic!

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