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Daniel Bryan is still over like a motherfucker...he couldnt look less starstruck with the look on the face when everyone is going mental for him though, always looks like a kid making a guest appearance or something.


Really hope he can come back one day, reaction will be mental if he returns and actually starts wrestling.

That's got Rumble written all over it. Even if he can come back sooner, Rumble please.

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Daniel Bryan is still over like a motherfucker...he couldnt look less starstruck with the look on the face when everyone is going mental for him though, always looks like a kid making a guest appearance or something.


Really hope he can come back one day, reaction will be mental if he returns and actually starts wrestling.

That's got Rumble written all over it. Even if he can come back sooner, Rumble please.

Not unless he's winning it. They've had 2 consecutive rumble winners shit on because they weren't Bryan.

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No, his wrestling is spot on these days (I've always loved his selling, but the conviction in most of his signature moves is wonderful too now), but I've come to the conclusion he's unbookable, except as a practically non-verbal bastard lunatic. He puts me to sleep with his promos, and he's almost entirely unlikeable.

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For an awful moment I thought Sheamus was getting the belt but it looks like they are going for a clusterf*ck of a title match at Summerslam if Cena doesn't make it. Fully expect him to but they were obviously covering all the bases.


Question is, what would the plan be if sheamus does win/steal the title?

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Dunno if just me who finds this "Diva revolution" fucking tedious.


They're just like the rest of the midcard now. Long, pointless matches that are vaguely about a feud.


The difference is the divas have factions, but they're showing that factions mean nothing unless there's creative effort put into having the factions do interesting things.


I just take RAW as a glorified advertisement for PPV matches


That's what Raw should be. It's not what Raw currently is.


I've come to the conclusion he's unbookable, except as a practically non-verbal bastard lunatic. He puts me to sleep with his promos, and he's almost entirely unlikeable.

There was one week during his paper champion run where he decided to do a Ravishing Rick Rude gimmick, and it was great. I don't know if it was just the novelty of him doing it, but he'd be much more interesting going down that route. As a babyface, it does just have to be the non-verbal psycho stuff, yeah. RKOs out of nowhere. Thing is, he's the next best thing when Cena's not there so they have to use him as a talker. They shit the bed with Ryback and Roman Reigns and that keeps Cena and Orton in the top spots.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Daniel Bryan is still over like a motherfucker...he couldnt look less starstruck with the look on the face when everyone is going mental for him though, always looks like a kid making a guest appearance or something.


Really hope he can come back one day, reaction will be mental if he returns and actually starts wrestling.

That's got Rumble written all over it. Even if he can come back sooner, Rumble please.
I hope they don't. If you bring him back for the Rumble like they did this year, they (and you all know who I mean) will get it into their heads he's winning it (much like they did this year) and then throw a massive #canelwwenetwork strop again.


Bring him back for the run in to Wrestlemania by all means, but don't give people false hope

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Would they even risk him in the top spot again? Its two years running he's been out by 2 months after Mania, third times a charm?


Ideally if they did go full blown Daniel Bryan is the messiah route, have him come back at Rumble after a month or so of Triple H and Steph refusing to let him wrestle on medical grounds because WWE doctors have judged he's not in a good condition. It may seem to obvious around the Rumble to do it, so maybe around Survivor Series, that way by the time the Rumble comes around, Bryan is still at home, still not cleared.


30th man hits, fans go wild, Bryan comes in and wins it. First rumble win. Only thing is he wasn't cleared to compete, HHH doesn't allow it, wants the decision void. Turns out Vince put Bryan in because a "B+ Player" wouldn't want to fight when he was down and out, Bryan isn't that. Can then have HHH throwing opponents at Bryan to prove how tough he is, especially if Lesnar is the champion again, because Lesnar hurts people, he hurt Taker, he hurt Cena etc. Kane and Sheamus as the two that "put Bryan out" in the past 2 years, maybe Big Show, just keep throwing bigger challenges at him.


Have Bryan take a pounding, suplexes etc, if Taker's taking them at like 55? then a fully healthy if he is Bryan surely can. Have him fight back, knock Lesnar loopy with the running knee and then hit a second and a third until Lesnar is down and out. Get the win, crowd goes ballistic.


Can easily have Sheamus take the title off him at some stage with the briefcase, make the point that he took away a year of his career, his World Heavyweight Championship and now his WWE World Heavyweight Championship in the space of like 5 years, builds heat for him and brings Bryan back as the underdog, because he only works as that.


This is why I'll never book for WWE. 

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I don't think Bryan 'had to' win that Rumble, I dunno, maybe, but I thought the crux of the complaints were that Bryan was there about 2 minutes and was made to look crap. As long as he doesn't get eliminated like a jobber by Harper or someone, he can make the final 2 or 3 of the Rumble and get taken out by a top heel if they don't fancy him to win, someone who's already been eliminated would get some great heat


I thought the backlash all the way through this year's match was a bit much, but I don't think theyd be stupid enough again to have him eliminated midway

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He had to win it if he was in it, I mentioned it at the time but bringing him back in time for the Rumble was a fucking stupid move, considering what happened the previous year. They were trying to get Reigns over, who had started to get some boos as it was, bringing back Bryan for the Rumble added a LOT of fuel to the fire. Also, it served no purpose- they should've held off until Mania.

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I don't see why he can't crop in the Rumble with a number in the early 20's, make a few hot eliminations and make it to the final 2 or 3.

That beats 2014: not entered and 2015: jobbed out to Wyatt. I'm a massive fan of Bryan and would love to see some crazy Lesnar main event but the fans can't start thinking they write the ending of the Rumble if that just can't happen. He can still come out the Rumble with a hot Mania match at the ready without winning if they didn't wanna pull that trigger, they just need to write for it properly unlike the gormless way they've booked him previously


Returning at the Rumble is the way to return - it's scientific fact. Just big time Rumble comebacks have often lead to Rumble winners, nothing wrong with mixing up the formula

Edited by sj5522
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If he was in the Rumble and didn't win it, you'd get the same reaction as the last two years no matter how well they did his elimination. I think that's pretty much a foregone conclusion. Even if you had Brock run in and rip him to pieces before the end of the match then have eight guys officially eliminate him, you'd still have people chanting for him if he didn't come out again and win it at the end. Much better to hold him off until after the Rumble, even if he's fully healed. I wouldn't even have him on the card, it's not worth it in the long run.

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Another really good episode imo. I'm not sure what it is but I've enjoyed the past 6 months of WWE tv more than any other timeframe from the past decade or so. It's not necessarily the best its been in that time, but overall it's the most consistent its been in a long time with only the occasional god-awful segment and very few 'waste-of-space's on the roster.
I'm also just about on board with the 3-hour format as well now. It was a real drag at first, but recently since the tag team & diva's divisions have had some focus that slump in the 2nd half seems to have eased, and there's always at least one cracking match per show. It's still all very formulaic, but I think they've finally perfected that formula.

Great to see them finally pulling the trigger on Cesaro. I can't see him going much further than this, but he doesn't need to. I just can't really buy into him being the top guy, or even feuding with top guy, but he's brilliant in that near-main event spot having great matches with all the other top guys while they're feuding with someone else. Owen's is a great foil for him, there's something very reminiscent of Benoit/Jericho when they work together.

The 'Diva's Revolution' seems to be cooling somewhat, although it's hard to place my finger on how it could be done any better. I think they've probably just brought in way too many new divas at the same time, and they seem to be giving them multiple long matches 'to show what they can do' rather than trying to establish their personalities, which instead is just leaving everyone way too overexposed and underdeveloped. 


This Lana/Rusev/Summer Rae angle looks like absolute dogshit on paper, but their segments are quickly becoming the highlight of the show for me. Rusev is just absolutely brilliant, AND he can go in the ring, which hasn't been the case for a lot of WWE's previous 'big-rookie-guy-experiments'.


Big E might be the single most entertaining guy in the whole company personality-wise. I'm really enjoying all of The New Day at the moment, but Big E really is something special.

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Yeah the decision to put him in the Rumble this year is mind boggling looking back on it. And that WWE were expecting a backlash so they brought The Rock in just to try and mitigate it is even more mind boggling. If they had just waited and had Bryan have his return at Wrestlemania it would have been much more special. They should of had a "mystery opponent" slot for that ladder match and had Bryan come out as a suprise on the night and win the IC strap. It probably wouldn't have created the massive Roman Reigns backlash at the time either. Perhaps the extra couple of months of healing for Bryan too would have been good for him in the long run.


Big E is indeed something special. In a few years after a slow burn push I think he's going to be huge. And Rusev is simply out of this world good. Shows you that for some guys they don't need years of indie experience, the WWE system is enough for them.

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