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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Good Raw, some solid matches, didnt like the attempt to recreate the Claire Lynch angle, blah, blah, blah...


Hogans seg was friggin epic! Mainly because we got the originals back in the Black n White, great to see Scott Hall back on Raw.


Cant wait for Cena Lesnar!

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That Megan stuff was fucking brutal. What saddens me is that this feud absolutely did not need it. All it needed was a Steph promo in the ring being a bitch and a promo with Brie at Nikki's bedside explaining why she's going to kill Steph at SummerSlam. Not this fucking soap opera dirge.

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Normally I'd be up for a bit of cheesy soap opera, but that brutal Claire Lynch angle has tainted things and I groaned a bit when they did their segment. Rick is right, in that this angle really didn't need all of this, right now. Maybe in a month, if they want to drag it out, but not now.


Cena's promo was again bloody good. When he's this good he seems to always get the fans on side, come the end.


The Hogan birthday bash angle was an odd one, as it made you really want to see Hogan v Lesnar. I'm not the only one that noticed Cena is now wearing red and yellow, I imagine.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Aye Bollocks, and that's why Hogan was in the Black & White, I gather.


I fast forwarded through most of the Steph/Bella shit as it was cringeworthy at points. Steph almost undone a lot of her stellar work over the past few weeks with all that muck.

I'm not into Roman Reigns, at all, it has to be said. Magnificent specimen, but there's just something I can't put my finger on as to why I don't like - or believe in - him.
Heyman's delivery was magnificent as always and Lesnar looks straight savage, but Heyman's pretty much been rehasing the same speech over and over in this build up and it's kind of grating on me now.

Not sure why I was surprised to see Swagger get a clean one over on Cesaro, but I was.


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I think it's designed to grate. It's too continue the ramming down of Brock and about conquering the streak. It's effective in making you want someone to shut him up and have the smug delivery shoved down his face. I personally loved when Brock came out for Hogan's Birthday and Heyman turned to the rest of the roster like 'WHAT?! Anyone?!' little touches like that are great.

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I'm not into Roman Reigns, at all, it has to be said. Magnificent specimen, but there's just something I can't put my finger on as to why I don't like - or believe in - him.

He makes you question your sexuality.


To be honest, I've always thought he was great. When he made a program with Randy Orton interesting, I realised he's a fucking god.

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Piper's entrance is great, even now. He just comes through that curtain looking like he means business. One of the most underrated entrances in wrestling, I think.


Mr Wonderful was an embarrassment, spending half an hour milking a crowd that don't give two wanks about him. He was irrelevant by the time Hogan slammed Andre, and WWE haven't really done anything since then to make people think he was great. He's forgotten. I bet if they did a poll of fans, half would think Cowboy Orton was Piper's partner at WrestleMania 1. Orndorff went into business for himself during that entrance, and that'll probably cost him paydays down the road. His lingering ruined any chance they had of staying on time, and blew the big joke they had planned, a birthday cake with candles spelling out 9.99... They didn't do that bit until the post-show thing when only people on the network were watching.


Heyman and Lesnar were good, Cena was really good.


Orton's certainly been more interesting during his feud with Reigns. It's weird, Orton does have the ability to be very entertaining -- he's definitely better off being more animated and doing more Rick Rude style showing off -- but he usually doesn't bother.


Heath Slater's doing well for himself lately. Wins on the main shows, and he's actually got a storyline (or at least skits) on the lower tier shows. Fans are into him as well. Could see him doing well over the next year, although WWE are likely to lose interest in him like they have the Rhodes brothers (who Slater and Titus beat the other day) and the All-Blacks.


Wyatt and Jericho had their best encounter yet.


The Brie Bella and Stephanie stuff was a bit crap compared to previous weeks.

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Yeah, I cant believe they used Orndorff after he nearly ruined the Hall of Fame in 2005. Amazing to think he actually thought he was going to be the headliner of it and sulked when they were basically pushing him off the stage near the end of his speech.


Liked the Hogan stuff. Shame there was no Brutus. I'd have preferred Bruti to Orndorff. Funniest part was Hall hiding behind Gene Okerlund when Brock came out.

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I'm not into Roman Reigns, at all, it has to be said. Magnificent specimen, but there's just something I can't put my finger on as to why I don't like - or believe in - him.

He makes you question your sexuality.

Very surprised Branquey isn't into him, thought he'd be right up his alley. Being a bit of a looker and all.
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