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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I really like the Stardust gimmick, I think it could last a while.


There is no point rushing into a feud between the two as there's currently not much else for them to be involved in.


Could lead into a retirement match for Goldy? That would be a good blow off at a big PPV.


A feud sounds far more viable this time round, as there's a definite Riddler vibe in Cody's appearance and mannerisms - he's moving in a more deliberate but fluid manner, and his execution looks crisper than even '95-era Goldust.


I can see the turn being sharp and brutal, and as long as Oldust gets enough heat in the build a Mania blowoff sounds really appealing - kinda like the Hollywood Backlot Brawl from WM12 with the roles switched. And hopefully without Cody in a basque.


Awful finish in this match though


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Just glanced through Smackdown. Rollins takes off the top half of his new gear before the match, which makes the whole look a lot better. The new top makes him look tiny during his entrance. Ambrose seems to be keeping the jeans and vest gear for normal matches, as well. Looks good, and keeps with his character.

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I'm not a fan of either Rollins or Ambrose's new gear. Both would look better in just trunks.


Really hope the WWE allows them months of feuding together though. Would be hugely beneficial to both.

Edited by Winston
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Cody Rhodes thinking he wasn't good enough to be his own brother's partner was my worst storyline since the time The Big Show wouldn't stop crying, I had no idea where they were going with it but I popped when Star Dust turned up. It probably doesn't have the longest sheld life ever but it's a lot more fun than i was expecting from this angle.


They should just give Roman the title, they waited too long with Bryan and it ended with a shit run, they ruined Ryback by messing him around in title matches early in his run. They wanted a new champion for the people to get behind and if Bryan's not about give it to RR, the belt going back on Cena or Orton would seem so boring now and I'm not keen on Bryan at all so the thought of someone keeping the title warm for him to come back.to doesn't do it for me either

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Cody Rhodes thinking he wasn't good enough to be his own brother's partner was my worst storyline since the time The Big Show wouldn't stop crying, I had no idea where they were going with it but I popped when Star Dust turned up. It probably doesn't have the longest sheld life ever but it's a lot more fun than i was expecting from this angle.


They should just give Roman the title, they waited too long with Bryan and it ended with a shit run, they ruined Ryback by messing him around in title matches early in his run. They wanted a new champion for the people to get behind and if Bryan's not about give it to RR, the belt going back on Cena or Orton would seem so boring now and I'm not keen on Bryan at all so the thought of someone keeping the title warm for him to come back.to doesn't do it for me either

The last I heard about the winner of the belt at MITB,

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

whoever wins the title will be fighting Brock Lesnar at Summerslam. Having Reigns win the belt and then lose it to Lesnar (I am guessing that they are having Lesnar win the belt) at Summerslam would be silly. Out of the 7 involved, it would probably make more sense for Cena to win and then drop the belt to Lesnar. Then Lesnar can drop the belt to Bryan or Reigns late in 2014 or at the Rumble/WM31.


[close spoiler]

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Cody Rhodes thinking he wasn't good enough to be his own brother's partner was my worst storyline since the time The Big Show wouldn't stop crying


I thought it was a relatively rare development - realistic, poignant character-driven storytelling - by today's standards in WWE. Regardless of how the resolution has worked out, I thought that if they were going down the split route, it was far more original and interesting than the "tag team argues, one turns heel and they fight" routine we've seen a thousand times.

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Cody Rhodes thinking he wasn't good enough to be his own brother's partner was my worst storyline since the time The Big Show wouldn't stop crying


I thought it was a relatively rare development - realistic, poignant character-driven storytelling - by today's standards in WWE. Regardless of how the resolution has worked out, I thought that if they were going down the split route, it was far more original and interesting than the "tag team argues, one turns heel and they fight" routine we've seen a thousand times.


I have to disagree, no one will ever get over by burying themselves, Cody has been seen as a hot prospect at a couple of points in his career, him saying he wasn't good enough to be his middle aged brother's tag team partner is a terrible angle, that's why it hasn't been done loads of times. Where does someone go from unwarranted crippling self doubt? It's not a good wrestling angle. Much happier it turned out he became Star Dust even if it is a bit silly.

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Well, it looked like he was going to eventually turn around and go "actually, you keep losing even with other partners. YOU'RE the weak link, not me!"

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Cody has been seen as a hot prospect at a couple of points in his career, him saying he wasn't good enough to be his middle aged brother's tag team partner is a terrible angle, that's why it hasn't been done loads of times. Where does someone go from unwarranted crippling self doubt? It's not a good wrestling angle.


Yeah, that never makes for good storytelling. Emotions, being down before you can be up, doubting yourself, showing vulnerability, eventual redemption etc. I thought you considered yourself a movie buff?


"His middle aged brother" is a great wrestler in great form. I don't see what the relevance of that description is. The team had great success, then they started losing matches, and Cody blamed himself. It's a perfectly understandable, human reaction. Not all good guys have to puff their chests out and claim to be invincible. Cody showing a flaw makes him more of a developed character than just losing every week without consequence. It makes him more interesting and gives people a reason to watch, maybe even to care. Yes, it could have been part of a heel turn. If played sensibly, they could have made it part of a "one last title shot" deal and Cody getting the pin could have been a great feelgood moment as it was when they beat The Shield in the first place, and sympathy could have turned to happiness for him pulling through when it mattered most, but that's not the way they've gone with it. But it beat bloody fuck out of a predictable immediate heel turn and feud, which would have been just a "wrestling angle" instead of a decent story - which is what the best angles actually are. Telling stories.


If it was Nick Cage effectively portraying crippling self doubt in the face of letting his family down, you'd fucking eat it up.

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Watched RAW this week and really enjoyed it, up till the Main Event. I do not want to see Kane Vs Cena.


Some really interesting stuff happening at the moment and plenty of fresh talent. The Main Event at MITB looks really interesting and I really don't have any idea who is going to win the title but my money would be on Bray Wyatt (Facing Cena? But what happens with Orton? Maybe a 3 Way?). Looks like they'll do Reigns Vs Triple H, Ambrose Vs Rollins for the MITB briefcase and Lesnar Vs Cesaro at Summerslam. Paul Heyman is simply great.

Edited by Professor Paul's Bin
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Watched RAW this week and really enjoyed it, up till the Main Event. I do not want to see Kane Vs Cena.


Some really interesting stuff happening at the moment and plenty of fresh talent. The Main Event at MITB looks really interesting and I really don't have any idea who is going to win the title but my money would be on Bray Wyatt (Facing Cena? But what happens with Orton? Maybe a 3 Way?). Looks like they'll do Reigns Vs Triple H, Ambrose Vs Rollins for the MITB briefcase and Lesnar Vs Cesaro at Summerslam. Paul Heyman is simply great.

the MITB briefcase has only been switched in a match for it due to injury. cant see that being on the line

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Where is all this Lesnar/Cesaro at Summerslam talk coming from? As it stands now, Cesaro is nowhere near Lesnar's level whatsoever.
that they're linked with Paul Heyman. Cesaro isn't at brocks level, which is why Cesaro would lose
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