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Has Batista VS Orton ever happened on a big show before though? It may well have been, I didn't watch wrestling at the time when Batista was a big player, but I'm not aware of one. Definitely not at Wrestlemania. Summerslam perhaps?


They wrestled at Armageddon once, it weren't much cop.

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I'm still pretty clueless to the Wrestlemania card, truth be told. My best guesses would be:


- Undertaker vs Lesnar

- Cena defending the belt against Batista, who wins the Rumble

- Punk, Bryan, HHH and Michaels being tied up with each other somehow (the only possible match that doesn't make sense there is Michaels/Punk, anything else is a possibility)


So that leaves us with Orton doing nothing, and one other anomaly lurking at the back of my mind - The Rock. Has there been any news on whether he's likely to be about?

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Rocky recently tweeted that he has no plans to wrestle at Mania 30. The original plans however were for him to have a match with Brock. That'd have been intriguing but the card isn't really crying out for him...which seems so surprising considering the excitement when he returned.

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Has Batista VS Orton ever happened on a big show before though? It may well have been, I didn't watch wrestling at the time when Batista was a big player, but I'm not aware of one. Definitely not at Wrestlemania. Summerslam perhaps?


They wrestled at Armageddon once, it weren't much cop.



They fought on a couple of shows in 2009 as well, in a little run between two Batista injuries.

They have to have a big match then surely. Cena & Batista have had a Wrestlemania match, as have Cena and Orton- albeit part of a triple threat (as well as many other PPV bouts, including two Summerslams). Two of the big three from the past generation yet to clash on an 'A' PPV? It's gotta be done.

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Ian is probably right with the Brock Undertaker prediction. But I'd personally be a little disappointed with that. I kind of feel (and want) them to pull out all the stops over the next couple of months with the Network launch and the big three zero. And I guess I also feel they'd want their big belt being on Brock because of the publicity that may create going in, like last year with The Rock. Orton vs Batista doesn't need the belt for me, there's story there already with Evolution and Flair that can be utilised. I'd personally love Brock vs Cena at Elimination Chamber, with Bryan having won the Rumble. Brock takes the belt and then the next night on Raw, Cena feeling its the only thing left and needing to do it to prove it to himself that he's still got it challenges Undertaker at WrestleMania.


Won't the title be defended in the Elimination Chamber? I've not really watched Raw, but I gathered from a workmate that Brock's title match was going to be at Elimination Chamber. At first, I got giddy with excitement/confused thinking Cena must be winning the title at Mania as Brock would never be facing Orton at Elimination Chamber. Then I realised the title will surely be contested in the chamber. I'm guessing Brock's not just saying 'I'm going to be one of the six in the chamber' either.

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Has Batista VS Orton ever happened on a big show before though? It may well have been, I didn't watch wrestling at the time when Batista was a big player, but I'm not aware of one. Definitely not at Wrestlemania. Summerslam perhaps?


They wrestled at Armageddon once, it weren't much cop.

Pretty much the reason I'm opposed to it. Orton can have good matches with the right opponent, and I'm not convinced Batista is that right opponent. I wasn't too keen for Batista vs. Cena happening at Wrestlemania a few years back either. Just because they're both big stars doesn't mean they must clash on the big stage. Triple H and Stone Cold never had a Wrestlemania match, and they worked far better together than Batista and Orton. There's plenty of fresher options for Batista, the biggest obviously being Lesnar, following that, Bryan, Punk, Big Show, even guys like Henry or Ryback could be good big man clashes.


It might appeal to some people, and I get how it could make storyline sense, I just wouldn't be too excited for it personally.

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Like a lot of fans, I like Randy Orton and think he's capable of fantastic matches, but there are very few feuds that you could put him in that would excite me. The feud with Bryan was the most interesting angle he's been involved in for couple of years, but that was entirely down to Orton being the chosen one of The Authority. Daniel Bryan vs Triple H was the real story- Randy was just a pawn, along with The Shield. I think they would have to do something similar to get me into a programme between Orton and Batista- get The Authority involved and play off their Evolution history. Maybe even get Flair back in to side with Big Dave.

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I think they should do some kind of Piper's Pit segment with Hogan, Austin & Cena. Cena's looking to be the spare part this year (if he's going up against Wyatt), so maybe if you make the main feature of Cena's WM appearance being a Piper's Pit segment that can lead into the match. I think the idea of Austin, Hogan & Cena all back to back at The Wyatts or The Shield circle the ring would be a pretty powerful WrestleMania moment.


Other than that, I'd go with;

Batista vs. Brock

Bryan vs. Undertaker

Punk vs. Triple H

Orton vs. Sheamus


Maybe swap Bryan for Orton and then do Bryan vs. Michaels. I'll happily sit through 'Taker vs. Orton if the rest of the matches pan out as they do. I think Orton & Bryan are the safest options for Undertaker. You never hear of them 2 hurting anyone. Brock vs. Undertaker is asking for Undertaker never coming back.

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Not going to happen, but just imagine:


Hogan, Austin, Cena, Rock, Warrior & Sting vs. Wyatts/Shield?


Arguably the biggest names there have ever been in the business that are still alive and can go, to varying degrees, for a war of a six-man.

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WWE, you sly bastards... on the Facebook page, the Raw preview post has a picture of Lesnar and Batista, sending the comment section into meltdown. Well played!


I'm excited for this Raw. Batista returning, Lesnar will be there, follow up on Bryan (although his concussion may compromise that) and the Rumble go-home show. A lot to look forward to!


Oh, and Cena and Orton will be there, I suppose.

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