Caiman Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 Just finished reading Hardcore Hollys book and I must say, despite being labelled a bully by many, a lot of his antics are justified and he does seem to have an awesome passion for the business. Personally, I think he is/was way under-rated and was never used to his full potential. Â Any thoughts?
Mr Lawrence Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 What would consider his full pull potential? World champion? No way. He was what he was really. A midcarder, didnt have a great look, spokelike a redneck but could have the odd decent match. Seems a on ok chap though.
C-Rock Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 I agree about his book its an excellent read and he does seem to justify a lot of his actions and ultimately he comes across like a really decent guy who tells it how it is and speaks his mind. I wish Holly had more meaningful feuds in his career he did just seem to the be the guy who was a good hand and could work with anybody and make them look good. I would have liked to have seen Holly work more with the likes of Regal, Benoit and Bradshaw/JBL. From what I could tell from the book he was seen but not often heard in the locker room and over looked. Holly doesn't come over bitter in his book and seemed pretty content in his spot but he did mention on occasions missed opportunities were he thought something more could have been done in fueds and his pushes etc but overall he was a company man who didn't want to rock the boat which is admirable, understandable and ultimately the key to his long career in WWE.
Paid Members Sergio Mendacious Posted August 2, 2013 Paid Members Posted August 2, 2013 I always thought Holly was wonderful - seemed like a tough guy, could work a good match, was a better talker than people give him credit for (I think he sounds just like Billy Bob Thornton), and stayed quite over for most of his tenure.
truthofsin Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 I always though Holly could have been used more throughout his career. He was a solic mid card act who could throw one of the best dropkicks in wrestling. Could he have been world champion? Not in my opinion. But he could have been great in the chase, in either a heel or face role. Holly was one of those guys that could have decent matches with just about anyone, it was just rare he had any kind of real angle to work.
Vamp Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 Some guys are great midcarders and some guys are main eventers. Holly was a midcarder, that's not a knock on his ability though. People seem to think all good wrestlers should be main events and that's just not the case. I will say that I actually quite enjoyed Holly in his feud with Lesnar but its not a role I think he could have done with any regularity. Given Japan's love of WWE midcarders who are muscular and wrestle hard you'd think he'd have had at least a bit of a good run there.
Paid Members CleetusVanDamme Posted August 2, 2013 Paid Members Posted August 2, 2013 He was a model employee for years, hardly ever involved in trouble, never whined about his spot on the card, good hand in the ring, kept all of the young dickheads backstage in line. And took an unfair amount of shit for doing so, some of the things he was being labelled a 'bully' for, were the same things Benoit was being hailed as a 'leader' for. I think he'll be employed again by WWE, in some capacity. You can never have too many experienced, solid hands about. Â His book is fantastic. Probably the best I've read since Jericho's first.
Paid Members IANdrewDiceClay Posted August 2, 2013 Paid Members Posted August 2, 2013 Bob Holly was great in ECW when he jumped on board that show. I remember him just having good matches every week. People were praising him for it as well. He'd probably have been good for TNA around 2009 when he got released. He'd have probably thrived in a smaller environment with the guys they had at the time. Â I definitely think he should have been used better in 94/95. Especially with that roster. He could have been a perfect heel opponent for the 123 Kid and Marty Jannetty or a babyface against the likes of PCO and Hakushi. Always found it strange that he was a glorified jobber around that era, when he should have been doing far better than he was.
Moderators Chest Rockwell Posted August 2, 2013 Moderators Posted August 2, 2013 I always though Holly could have been used more throughout his career. He was a solic mid card act who could throw one of the best dropkicks in wrestling. Â Â Â As soon as someone breaks out the "best dropkick in the business" line I'm laughing at you and not listening anymore. Â I don't think Bob Holly was terrible, but he never excited me. "best dropkick in the business" is one of the most fucking generic things a commentator can say. Damning by faint praise by numbers.
Paid Members Sergio Mendacious Posted August 2, 2013 Paid Members Posted August 2, 2013 I always though Holly could have been used more throughout his career. He was a solic mid card act who could throw one of the best dropkicks in wrestling. Â Â Â As soon as someone breaks out the "best dropkick in the business" line I'm laughing at you and not listening anymore. Â I don't think Bob Holly was terrible, but he never excited me. "best dropkick in the business" is one of the most fucking generic things a commentator can say. Damning by faint praise by numbers. Â One of the best posts you've ever made.
Professor Paul's Bin Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 He's an alright bloke is our Bob. I'd really recommend his Youshoot which is basically fans calling him a arsehole, bully and boring bastard throughout. To be fair I really liked his feud with Lesnar aswell 'Brock you broke my neck'. Its a shame the match was dull but what do you expect
digforvictory Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 I always though Holly could have been used more throughout his career. He was a solic mid card act who could throw one of the best dropkicks in wrestling. Â Â Â As soon as someone breaks out the "best dropkick in the business" line I'm laughing at you and not listening anymore. Â I don't think Bob Holly was terrible, but he never excited me. "best dropkick in the business" is one of the most fucking generic things a commentator can say. Damning by faint praise by numbers. Â I used to think it was meant to be a joke thing that it was referenced so much, like it was a great accomplishment, but I think they really meant it. Â I agree with you, he was a solid hand but I always thought he was really dull. I enjoyed his clear couldn't give a fuck-ness at that TNA thing the other week though.
Paid Members Arch Stanton Posted August 2, 2013 Paid Members Posted August 2, 2013 Bob always had great tough-guy credibility, still does. That's something I like in a wrestler. I think he accomplished about as much as he could have expected though, he was never any more than a solid mid-carder. Â Interesting to see so many people praising him now. I always thought he was alright, but for the last six years of his WWE run he was absolutely detested by the IWC. He was easily one of the most hated people in the business. Watching his YouShoot was absolutely cringeworthy I thought, with moron after moron trying to get themselves over by bashing Bob through the video submissions. He laughed it all off, but why bother even giving those idiots the spotlight? It was just embarrassing.
TheShowOff Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 I liked his hardcore stuff in the late 90's, some of his wild brawls with Al Snow hold up today as being fun watches on cards which mostly don't stand the test of time. Â "Big Shot" Bob Holly had potential for about five minutes as well, before it went nowhere.
patiirc Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 I liked Bob's matches solid decent and versitile,capable of good when required. Probably at his rigght level on the card. Semi decent finisher. Can't see what there is to dislike aside from 'shenanigans' that were reported
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