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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I think because last season was so epic people have been a bit disappointed with this one. I'm personally enjoying it but it does feel like a bit of a transitional season, clearing the mess from last year in preparation for the end game. Considering what an overbloated mess the books are at this point I think they've done remarkably well to keep the whole thing on the rails.

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  • Awards Moderator

Bloody hell, that final twenty minutes… bloody hell! Absolutely gripping, highlight of the season so far. Makes all these political machinations in King's Landing feel a bit irrelevant. WINTER!


I also liked the Daenerys/Tyrion scene, but Arya's storyline… it's really going nowhere. It's especially tedious compared to what happened at Hardhome this week. Bloody hell!

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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That was more like it!


Have to love the giant no selling all of it. Is he going to swim to the wall?


Ramsey is a cunt isnt he, hes going to take on an army with 20 good men?


This whole thing has to end with Denny and her dragons toasting that army of the undead doesn't it? And sam on the throne.





Arya is just the shits. 

Edited by quote the raven
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What an episode! From the minute Jon Snow got to Hardhome I was on the edge of my seat and when he was fighting that White Walker boss my heart was properly racing,  really compelling tv. That White Walker King guy looks like a total bad bastard, looking forward to seeing more of him.

The stuff with Tyrion and Daenarys was strong too, if they find Varys then they've got a good wee team there, hope she gets herself over to Westeros and starts fucking shit up soon.

Arya might as well be noone because her story arc has died a death, couldn't care less about Lana and her fucking oysters. If it wasn't for Sam taking up so much of my dislike for a character I'd maybe even be actively hoping for her character to be killed off.

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The first half of the episode was good enough — Dany and Tyrion was very interesting, nice to see storylines colliding, and I don't really care one way or another about Arya, but I trust that it's just on a low boil with her, so that other shit can happen and she can become a badass down the line.


The Hardhome scenes were insane, though. I was on the edge of legitimately cheering some of the battle scenes, and who doesn't love a good giant? The moment with the White Walker leader on the dock slowly raising his arms was amazing — looking back, of course he was raising the dead (and his middle finger at Jon Snow), but I was convinced for a moment he was going to freeze the fucking sea, or call up a kraken, or something.

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One thing I love about the white walkers is that they aren't just mindless zombies. They have a fucking King who they follow orders from. Like there's the dead but there's the proper White Walkers who are leading it all. The scale of this thing was epic too, bigger than anything else they've done so far.

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I would strongly suggest you watch the latest episode Keith. I just finished it and it definitely won't bore you. It's a must see.

Will do

"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"

Edited by Keith Houchen
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I want an undertaker match at next years mania just to rip off the white kings arm raising and dead rising for his entrance

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Those bastards have got me all in on Jon Snow, if that farty little squire shite kills him then I'll be pissed. If Martin hasn't already killed him off I hope the TV show jumps ahead so to give us hope of Jon not getting offed. Who'd have thought he'd become the hero of the piece when he was a whiny little bitch in the first couple of series.

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since we know dragon glass kills white walkers, are we to assume jon's sword is made of dragon glass?

I'm sure it's Valyrian Steel, can sort of remember Ned Stark saying that when he gave it to Jon.


Edit: actually, it was Mormont the Lord Commander before him that gave him the sword.

Edited by stumobir
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