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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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The Hound ridiculing Arya's weak sauce sword style was fun. Those two have been a great double act though I found Arya's acrobatics a little too much considering she didn't train that long (though I'm having trouble working out just how much time has passed since S1) and has spent almost the entire series either on the run or held prisoner.


Little Finger is clearly going to fuck Lysa over isn't he? Woman's a loose cannon who knows way too much.


Will Sansa ever do anything of interest?

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Will Sansa ever do anything of interest?


No. She's a pawn, a talking prop around whom other people's more interesting stories happen.

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She ate some lemon cakes, finally.


Is anyone else finding Dany to be the dullest part of the show right now? I just can't be doing with her, everyone seems to gush over her because she's some pretty pale thing with dragons but i just want to see them divert from the books and have her killed by a "freed" slave (that may actually happen, i've not read them but i'm guessing not).

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Lass at work asks: "So who was it that they poisoned, can't remember them"

Book geek friend: "Jon Arryn, former hand of the king and lord of the eyrie"

Lass: "Who?"

Me: "The fella who had eyes painted on stones in episode one and looked weird"

Lass: "Oh the one Ned replaced!"

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Dany's arc is a little dull at the moment but it was anything but that last season. The Dracarys and Mysa moments are easily my favourite of the last series other than the Red Wedding. I'm sure business will pick up soon. She better hurry and get over to Westeros (which sadly might not be for a while if she seems intent in staying in slavers bay and ruling) and win the throne, because I'm starting to warm to Tommen as king!

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Will Sansa ever do anything of interest?


No. She's a pawn, a talking prop around whom other people's more interesting stories happen.


This has to be littlefingers plot, he will marry sansa, she is the only stark known to be alive would that not give him right to the north?

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She ate some lemon cakes, finally.


Is anyone else finding Dany to be the dullest part of the show right now? I just can't be doing with her, everyone seems to gush over her because she's some pretty pale thing with dragons but i just want to see them divert from the books and have her killed by a "freed" slave (that may actually happen, i've not read them but i'm guessing not).


Yeah, she was great when Khal Drogo was going buck wild on her but she's been a constant bore since she appeared naked with dragons. The season ender last year with her crowd surfing was shit and now it appears she's staying on the desert to rule.


I reckon Little Finger is planning on offing Lysa and marrying Sansa making him super powerful with his big fuck off coalition army and unbreachable castle. Imagine what kind of crazy accent he'll have then.

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Get to fuck! When she commanded the Unsullied to slay their matters and then gave the order for Drogon to burn the Good Master- that was brilliant.


That was a great scene (and pretty hot). However, I do agree that Dany's storylines have been pretty poor on the whole since the end of season one. In my view, there are a couple of reasons for this: firstly, it's been pretty nailed on for a while that there's going to be some kind of climactic battle between dragons and white walkers, and as such, they need to keep Dany out of the way until the white walkers get their shit together. So, while you're on tenterhooks with the fate of just about every other character, Dany's storylines lack that sense of tension. It just seems to be a series of smallish tasks she needs to complete - get gold, get some ships, raise an army, etc.


Secondly, I think it's partly to do with the old wrestling cliche that a babyface is only as good as the heels they have to work with. The Lannisters, the Freys, the Boltons, even the Night's Watch mutineers all have a reasonable backstory and depth to them, and thus they make for more engaging villains. The heels in Dany's story arc are all 2-dimensional pantomime villains who you know are going to be dragon bait sooner rather than later.

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I hate to be that guy

Then don't. Why is it so hard to purely comment only on the tv show without going "yeah but the book right..."? Not only that, but anyone quoting you will see the spoilers you put in!

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Secondly, I think it's partly to do with the old wrestling cliche that a babyface is only as good as the heels they have to work with. The Lannisters, the Freys, the Boltons, even the Night's Watch mutineers all have a reasonable backstory and depth to them, and thus they make for more engaging villains. The heels in Dany's story arc are all 2-dimensional pantomime villains who you know are going to be dragon bait sooner rather than later.

That's a really good point. The masters of Slavers Bay were all proper pussies, especially Meeren and their rubbish champion. I thought the Warlocks might pose a threat, but Pyat Pree was jobbed out like nothing. Dany needs some bad motherfuckers or real slimy treacherous enemies to oppose her.

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Is anyone else finding Dany to be the dullest part of the show right now?

She's not blowing me away recently but there are much duller characters on the show. Sansa for one, but especially fucking Samwell Tarly. I will cheer his death.

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I think my subconscious was trying to pretend that Samwell wasn't a real thing, i forgot all about him. But yeah, he's possibly the worst character of the whole show and Cassie from Skins isn't much better and I've now lost any obsession I ever had for her.

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