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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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The episode was good - Tywin laying the law down in the Sept, and the Pod/Tyrion scenes were highlights, as was the last bit of Dany stood outside Mereen.


I didn't like what they did with Jaime and Cersei. I don't know what's going to happen next, though.


I don't mind Sam so much in the books, but fuck me the scenes with him in are so wet and shit. I suppose he's such a departure from the badassery of most of the other characters, it's really grating, but even so there's a limit to how much I can put up with.


Littlefinger's accent is fucking terrible.

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It's practically Irish now, isn't it? Maybe he's just stopped putting an accent on?


Oh, and Pod drew some emotion for me. Amazing really seeing as he's probably the fiftieth or so most important character in the show so far.

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I crammed those books in a couple of months a few years back now, so a lot of the details are a bit fuzzy in my mind as I've ably demonstrated in this thread...but the scene in the sept was a bit too rapey for my liking. It was always a pretty mental scene and didn't need ramping up that way in my opinion. Overall I thought it was a pretty dull episode apart from anything involving Charles Dance.

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The scene with Tywin was pretty great. The detachment with which he spoke about Joffrey in front of his grieving mother came as close to eliciting some kind of sympathy for Cersei as I'm likely to get. At the same time, his coldness in doing so was absolutely justified - this was him symbolically taking Tommen away from Cersei, evidently blaming her influence for the way Joffrey turned out and determined she wouldn't ruin the new king in the same way.


I'm glad we're going to get a showdown between the Night's Watch and the mutineers at Craster's Keep. It'll be good to see Rast and his mates get some sort of comeuppance for killing the Old Bear. I think the introduction of the Thenns is doing a good job of reasserting the nastiness of a lot of the wildlings and why we should see them as a threat, after Tormund and Mance Rayder sympathised them so much last season.

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Man, just as Jamie had appeared to establish himself as a face he had to go and rape his sister next to their dead son's body. Those Kurgan looking things are terrifying, "I'm going to eat your mum and dad" was pretty mean spirited to be fair. Just a thought, but if Little Finger had Joffrey poisoned then headed north with a (soon to be widowed and ready to remarry) Sansa he'd probably have a good shot of raising an army right?

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Watching this episode on second viewing, I noticed a blatant Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference when Shireen pronounced the word knight as ker-nigget :thumbsup:


Still got a long way to go to beat the WCW Thunder game on the PlayStation for Holy Grail references, though.

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Full list of episode names and running times for anyone who's interested:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

4.01 Two Swords (59 minutes)

4.02 The Lion and the Rose (53 minutes)

4.03 Breaker of Chains (57 minutes)

4.04 Oathkeeper (56 minutes)

4.05 First of His Name (54 minutes)

4.06 The Laws of Gods and Men (51 minutes)

4.07 Mockingbird (52 minutes)

4.08 The Mountain and the Viper (53 minutes)

4.09 The Watchers on the Wall (51 minutes)

4.10 The Children (66 minutes)


[close spoiler]

Edited by LaGoosh
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I can't believe South Park spoilt Joffrey's death, cunts. Did they follow that episode up with a satire on angry nerds and spoilers?


This IMDB page contains the mention of Joffrey in South Park. Considering it's mixed up with plenty of other stuff (that doesn't seem to be spoilers as far as I can tell), plus lots of talk about penises and pizza, it'd probably pass you by if you weren't listening out for it. I missed it when I watched the episode anyway.

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I can't believe South Park spoilt Joffrey's death, cunts. Did they follow that episode up with a satire on angry nerds and spoilers?


This IMDB page contains the mention of Joffrey in South Park. Considering it's mixed up with plenty of other stuff (that doesn't seem to be spoilers as far as I can tell), plus lots of talk about penises and pizza, it'd probably pass you by if you weren't listening out for it. I missed it when I watched the episode anyway.



A bit of an over reaction to say they spoilt his death, it just says he is poisoned

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I enjoyed that episode, if only for the fact I'm actually interested in Bran's story for the first time since Maester Luwin died. Nice that it's also probably going to tie in to Jon's story, going to fight the mutineers, and Theon's as well, since that Locke guy's turned up at the Wall (I assume this is because Lord Bolton sent him to go and sort out the Stark boys a few episodes ago?). The mutineers are a vile bunch.


I'll bd very sad to see Diana Rigg go, if this was her last episode. She's been brilliant since she came in, and her scene here was no exception. Her scenes with Natalie Dormer have been highlights of this season so far. Dormer was great in that scene with Tommen as well. Margaery vs. Cersei will be taken to another level now.


EDIT: And as PunkStep says below, Tommen's reactions were indeed brilliant.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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