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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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My opinion of all this white walker stuff is that while it's pretty cool I don't actually give too much of a shit. The politics, treachery and backstabbing of Westeros is a billion times more interesting than zombies. If anything it drags the show down a little bit, because the white walkers just don't fit seamlessly into any of the storylines except the ones based at The Wall. I'd find it hard to take seriously a scene where Cercei and Joffrey are running away from white walkers for example.

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  • Paid Members
My opinion of all this white walker stuff is that while it's pretty cool I don't actually give too much of a shit. The politics, treachery and backstabbing of Westeros is a billion times more interesting than zombies. If anything it drags the show down a little bit, because the white walkers just don't fit seamlessly into any of the storylines except the ones based at The Wall. I'd find it hard to take seriously a scene where Cercei and Joffrey are running away from white walkers for example.


I hear that, but i fear thats where it will head, everyone will stop fighting each other to fight them.


Joffrey Being eaten alive would be a nice end to the mad little shit mind.

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I finally got around to watching this last night I wasn't disappointed! Arya and The Hound are a great combo, my favourite pairing so far I think. I get a feeling I'm really going to love Oberyn Martell.

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Question: What was it that Tywin took the sword out of and then hoyed in the fire at the beginning? At first it looked like a big direwolf's head, like the one that was stitched to Robb's body, but when he chucked it in the fire it looked like a much smaller animal.

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Question: What was it that Tywin took the sword out of and then hoyed in the fire at the beginning? At first it looked like a big direwolf's head, like the one that was stitched to Robb's body, but when he chucked it in the fire it looked like a much smaller animal.


It was a direwolf pelt, the sword that was melted down was 'Ice', Ned Starks sword. The whole scene was Tywin symbolically putting an end to the Stark threat - he think Sansa is the only Stark left and she is now his.

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I don't think much time, if any, has passed between the end of the last series and the first episode of the current one. Of course, the kids in reality are a year older so they look quite different.

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