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All depends on how far the power is abused for me. I think if you're in a state of authority like the police and some smug shit head teenager tries to push his luck then he deserves a roughing up.

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I'd like to think someone in that kind of position of power should probably know better than to beat a child because "he started it" but clearly a lot of the time they don't so I'm glad they get called out on it.


There's still way too many bad apples in the bunch for me to be willing to cut them any slack. I'm not gonna go about antagonising them but I'd be hard pressed to feel sympathetic either.

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You can have rights and still not be a prick about it.

The prick in question is the one telling people they can't do something that they can. As Chest said, before mobile phones these fuckers had carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they wanted, tarnishing good police with their shitbrush.

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I'm on both sides of the fence over the Police at the moment. One on hand I have had to make a complaint regarding one officer to the IPCC over their actions, or rather complete lack thereof. On the other, I have made 2 commendations about officers because they have been genuinely fantastic, going way beyond their allotted role to make sure that I was okay.


I understand the reason why the Police come under such flack, but as with any job there are some better than others and some worse than others. Mix that with power and it's easy to see why it can quickly become a disaster in flash situations

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I've got no issue with the filming and questioning of police actions it's the rudeness of some of the people who are being questioned in most of these videos. It's probably born out of previous bad experiences with the police but it's not fair to tar them all with the same brush.


One video that comes to mind is when a 'Yoof' is being spoken to by an officer and he's being a right bellend and the copper asks him not to speak to him like a dick and the lad states that it's not his duty to be respectful to him but it is the cops as he has a code of conduct etc. Surely it's better to show a bit of grace when you're one upping a copper.

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