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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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Apparently, according to an over used quote, if you only get paid enough to preserve yourself you are a slave. Of coarse every time this pops up I have to point out that slaves don't usually pop on their laptops or iphones to complain about being slaves on social media what with them only having enough earnings to preserve them selves and not have the money to buy fancy gadgets and have super duper fast broadband. I get deleted often.

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On the countdown to giving up facebook and messenger for February. I'll be deleting the apps before I go to bed but not deactivating so my friends can see that I've stuck to my word and not logged in. See you on the other side peeps




It's obviously not just a Facebook thing as I've seen it happen here a fair few times but it really bugs me when people have to announce that they're leaving a website, just fuck off already.

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I ended up deleting Facebook myself, around November 2014. After a few weeks of feeling a bit left out it was a great decision that I didn't regret at all, though I did reactivate it around March time as I had missed out on news of a few artists going on tour, and realised it wasn't just the insecurities of acquaintances that I was missing out on. Before long I was falling into the same old shit... as a fellow insecure person I end up getting pissed off and bitter when I see people on holiday or in relationships, etc. and before long you forget you're seeing what people want you to see about their lives, and not the truth. So I deleted it again around June or so and haven't been back since.


Except I have! I do a bit of writing for music sites and so on, and all those kind of things are run on Facebook groups, so I do have an FB account under a pseudonym which I purely use for writing groups and certain pages. I really don't miss those stupid FB "trends" and viral shite, though. Not one bit.

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Seems like an awful lot of effort personally, what about FB was so bad for you?

I enjoy my "Sassy Socialist Memes" and the "Anime Communist Party" too much to stop using it, I get a lot of info from artists/bands etc from there too.

Same here.  There's stuff that bands put up that I would never have actively sought out that I ended up loving.  This bad boy by Frightened Rabbit and Manchester Orchestra (both of whom I love), that I would never have found out about otherwise..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMXyniloAlk&list=RDkMXyniloAlk.  And gigs that I would never have gone to if Facebook didn't let me know about it.


It can get annoying when you have to scroll down through 'inspirtational' pictures and the like, but it's worth it for the ability to stay in touch with things, be it stuff you're interested in, or friends you rarely see.  For example, I had a great chat with someone I went to school with, but wasn't really 'share your phone number friends' with, who moved to Japan.  That never would've happened if not for Facebook.

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its easy enough to stop yourself seeing things on facebook, you just hide people's posts you dont want to see, just dont take FB so seriously, its meant to be fun, having re connected with someone i hadnt seen in 21 years, and ended up good friends with a girl when we couldnt stand each other at school, for me these 2 alone are worth all the shit it spouts out!

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its easy enough to stop yourself seeing things on facebook, you just hide people's posts you dont want to see, just dont take FB so seriously, its meant to be fun, having re connected with someone i hadnt seen in 21 years, and ended up good friends with a girl when we couldnt stand each other at school, for me these 2 alone are worth all the shit it spouts out!


This. Unfollowing people is pretty straightforward.  Anyone who life I don't care about and posts excessively about it gets unfollowed as does anyone who posts drivel. My feed is just stuff about my friends and interesting articles, music etc. Mostly just use it for tracking events/gigs and facebook messaging to organise stuff but there's very rarely anything on my feed that "blows my mind". Just take control of the situation..

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Unfollowing people doesn't always work.  I've deleted everyone I don't care for, and I follow even less.  However, my feed is still completely full of total strangers because my friends have 'liked' their posts.  I don't follow Lad Bible, for example, but I may as well based on the amount of stuff of theirs I see.

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I have no intention of coming off Facebook but I recently deleted the app and Messenger app from my phone because I was having space issues and they take up a stupid amount of room. The Chrome skin for facebook is really good anyway, so I'm not missing much* and it has had the added bonus of not getting notifications from facebook. So I only look at it when I want to look at it, which is great for me as a grade A procrastinator.



* you seemingly can't share to a friend's wall or to a group, only to your own wall from the Share button, which is annoying.

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