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No! Shut up khemical. That's not who he is.


He's some fucking dickhead who made up a story about white knighting a Muslim girl on the tube. It never happened. His name is Ashley Powys, and he is a cunt.

Sorry. I missed the word "allegedly" from the end of my description.

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Something happened today on my journey home yesterday that I have to share.


I went into what most of you would call a corner shop (not naming the actual shop, don't want to publicise it), and I went to ask for assistance from the young female shopkeeper (standard protocol with the ever changing shelving and display functions) She smiled (as she is paid to do to provide reasonable customer service) and I asked 'Do you have any tins of Semolina?' in a way that can be described as quintessentially British. Indeed she did and nothing else was said. Just then, another 'customer' came into the shop and began staring at the assistant. She asked if she could help, he didn't reply, he went nearer to her and said 'MERINGUE NESTS', quite loudly, hence the capitalisation.


Obviously, that immediately got my attention.


He then got closer and began firing off a series of insults with machine gun like speed (to the point where even I was impressed, internally of course, he was a scum bag) and saying that 'her people' are the reason he can never get a decent egg-related dessert. I instantly thought to myself (might just slide out the door, leave the money on the till, they've got CCTV, if he knifes her, I'll leg it) and then thought, 'NO', she might be new in the job, she might be unaware of the procedures, poor woman might be on her probationary period (unlike him, definitely on probation). I stood in between them and said 'They probably don't stock them due to low demand, try one of the corporate supermarkets' I said, a voice sturdy in defiance.


He was aghast, probably because I used too many large words, and was more than likely unemployed (and on benefits no doubt). I then stood side by side with the shop assistant, who at this point had tears in her eyes. She wasn't wearing a name badge (curiously unprofessional, but backing my probationary period theory). The man continued to hurl abuse; he mentioned something about condensed milk, whilst I kept the assistant busy. She was showing me the new shelving to price sticker layout and I was suitably impressed, as I became her Berlin Wall to the cold-hearted consumerist.


He then knocked a jar of Nutella on the floor from the top of a well constructed 'house of cards' presentation (difficult as Nutella possesses a rectangular bottom with curved edges). We both looked at it.


'Look at that, You've made a right Islamic State of the floor' I shouted. I could see the look of enjoyment in his face, befuddling all that is humanitarian and kind in this world.


The man (if you could call him a man, with some some kids name on his neck) eventually left (he settled on Angel Delight, the flavor escapes me). I asked the assistant whether she got this type of abuse all the time, she said she did. She thanked me for 'My tremendous kindness and interest in the tinned fruit shelves' as she began to cry. I gave her a hug and said she should never feel afraid in her own shop. I then left, as a burst of sunlight highlighted a Lottery poster on the wall. 'It could be YOU' I smiled to myself, making a dated reference. I was about to leave then popped back in to get a Wispa (left her some extra change as well, being a respectable and charitable Caucasian).


The treatment of shop keepers and more to a point the 'minimum' wage assistants is terrible. The customer is always right? WHAT IF HE WAS A 'TERRORIST', I ask you. We should unite so that everyone can get decent quality shop assistance.


People like the shop assistant who didn't have a name tag (should definitely have them all 'tagged') don't deserve abuse for the clothes she wears (a tabard is standard), the standard of products or the admittedly shaky sandwich fridge. She is much braver than I am, because I'd probably go on strike for those wages. Bravery comes in a pittance, as does her pay packet. But she inspired me to stand up for what *I* believe in, which is a reasonable product display structure and easy access cooler doors for retrieving cans (you can't ask for much more).


And with that, we can be at our strongest and united.


I want to send a message to 'those' people. My bravery doesn't need rewarding or shouting about, but what they complain about, it might not be in stock. What you can't have, is probably readily available in another store. Please take care of shop assistants, you'll never know when you might be in an area you are new to, and can be directed to the nearest amenities... She was also a Muslim by the way, scarf thing and everything. Just throwing that in there.

Edited by WWFChilli
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Who asks for help in a corner shop?

What kind of cunt can't look at the shelves in a corner shop.

The main thing about convenience stores is they are small and stock a small number of a limited stock range.


If you can't find the bread in a corner shop your too much of a moron to be allowed out without supervision.


Secondly what kind of middle class fucking world is this, with semolina and meringue. Corner shops by me you pick up bread, milk, pot noodles and chlamydia and be bloody thankful.

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A tramp once called me a cunt for 'taking a grand out of your account and not giving me any' when I probably had about a tenner to my name. I didn't punch his nose through the back of his skull. Do you reckon I should put that up on FB? I mean, I must be the goodest of samaritans.

I once gave a homeless man my drink after I left Burger King in Leicester Square one night. He was outside the Empire. I was about 10 feet away from him when he threw the cup towards me and as I turned around he shouted " I fucking hate Diet Coke".


Thus proving beggers can be choosers after all

Edited by Nick Soapdish
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Now everybody's a white knight! Once again, this could have actually happened, but it's all the 'thanking and hugging' the victims do which makes me cynical:


And this is why I'm proud of the good people of the North East. Via a listener of the podcast:

I'm raging. Was sat coming back home on the metro after a day in Newcastle. There's two Muslim women sat opposite me and my partner. 10 minutes into the journey some horrible little bastard comes up to the two ladies and demand that they move for him, then tells them to get off altogether as he is English and he has a right to be there and they don't... And other such shite.

What happened next was mental. A few of us immediately told him to back off and leave them alone, then quite quickly pretty much the whole carriage joined in. Everyone from mams to students to nanas were telling this kid to leave the lasses alone and told him that he was the one that needed to leave, as he stamped his feet a little bit and half arsedly tried to argue that he shouldn't have to leave and we'd be sorry when the women blew the train up.

But by this point he was being pretty much yelled at by everyone who were telling him to get off at the next station. Two older blokes in their toon tops and scarves came forward and said he could leave at the next stop or he was getting dragged off. So he tottled off with his hate filled little tail between his legs while the carriage clapped and gave a little cheer and the women thanked and hugged everyone for sticking up for them and said how lovely it was that everyone came together for such a display of unity.

I'm still raging, but am very, very proud of the good geordie people.

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