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I'm not going to be mean and cynical about the cancer selfie thing but I was a bit perturbed by its development whereby if someone nominates a man to do it they have to take a photo with makeup on, presuming most of these men don't have makeup it does seem like them dropping the money into a collection bucket might be more useful.

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Fair play to Cancer Research UK's social media team. Although initially it was nothing to do with them, they have jumped on it and have been plugging the shit out of their text to donate numbers.



I did an interview with someone from Cancer Research UK today and they said that they're all for it. It's nice that they're rolling with the craze instead of fighting against it.

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It's great that it's become more relevant and people are donating with it more now but is there any need to screen shot donations. Is this meant to be part of it or is it just a bunch of self congratulatory gits trying to show us cancer lovers that they're doing it right?

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The no makeup selfie has started to appear on my Facebook too. I've actually started replying with a link to the charity's donation page for anyone who doesn't actually post said information. This may make me a nob, but I decided to do this after I saw this:


Girl A: "Here's my #makeupselfie! I nominate Becky, Stacey and Charlotte!"


Girl B: "Good on you hun! It's great that you helping to raise awareness for breast cancer!"


Girls A: "... breast cancer!?"


Sorry, but if you're not actually going to post any details on how to donate, you've wasted an opportunity in my eyes.

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In my limited experience with women, it's unbelievably hard for some of them to go out without makeup. Good on them for posting a picture of themselves on a public forum sans the stuff. If they raise more awareness then every ones a winner!

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Every one I've seen has elicited a stampede of comments from mates and disgusting crawling lads saying "you look lush hun, better without makeup!". All the comments say that, and none of them are accurate. I didn't pay attention to what they were about at first, and just thought it was people building awareness for that zombie apocalypse event in Newcastle in the summer. They look fucking horrendous, and it's ruining my Facebook wanking.

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It's actually getting on my fucking tits now. Somebody just uploaded a picture of themselves with no make up on from twenty years ago:


"No make up

(a long time ago)...

Well you didn't say it had to be a recent pic lol!!!!"


That was the status that accompanied it. No mention of cancer awareness, a donation link, nada. Fuck off.


We should all start posting our own no make up selfies in order to raise awareness for Arachibutyrophobia (the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.)

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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I've a ton of stupid pics/comments about it


'C'mon girls don't be ashamed to post your pics we can beat this' as if woman should feel ashamed to be seem without make up on.


I can imagine a bunch of them marching down the street singing 'we're not gonna take it' thinking that cancer is gonna shit itself and do a runner

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It's actually getting on my fucking tits now. Somebody just uploaded a picture of themselves with no make up on from twenty years ago:


"No make up

(a long time ago)...

Well you didn't say it had to be a recent pic lol!!!!"


That was the status that accompanied it. No mention of cancer awareness, a donation link, nada. Fuck off.


We should all start posting our own no make up selfies in order to raise awareness for Arachibutyrophobia (the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.)


Still made you associate what she had done with cancer awareness though.

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Somebody did that up here in Glasgow on my Facebook list. A picture like that but saying that it was an outrage there wasn't a memorial to Kriss Donald on the River Clyde walkway. Pity there is and I've walked past it 200 times. He was quite insistent that it wasn't there.


ADDED: Really quite sick what they put that kid through.


I posted this on my Facebook a couple of months ago:

Though I love my job and have cherished the last seven years in this amazing job sometimes I truly feel that I am maybe in the wrong profession. I attended a course on challenging behaviour yesterday and was sickened by the "there is no such thing as bad behaviour" (from people with Additional Suport Needs) perspective. Should somethig happen it seems the onus; if not fiull blame falls upon staff. I thought I was an enabler; someone who assists young people with Additional Support Needs to function as part of an integrated society. Obviously I have that wrong too. I genuinely feel that I've been wasting my fucking time for the last seven years if that is the common and accepted perspective.


Five weeks later my boss approaches me and tells me a staff member had spoken to her. She asked why I made a FB comment mentioning my company (which I don't disclose), how much I hated my job and criticised the service we provide. I put all her concerns to bed by simply showing her my post and reiterating my feeling that having a "there is no such thing as bad behaviour from people with disabilities" is discriminatory.


The staff member who I think spoke to her re-posted that Kriss Donald RIP shite from the fucking English Defence League! Talk about strange priorities.

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