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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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So, speaking of single mums, a girl I know got dumped last night because she had a glass of wine whilst pregnant. Her boyfriend put a big rant about it and tagged all her friends in it, and now they're leaping to her defence. Here's one such nugget of support from someone who appears to be mid-late twenties.






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A woman on my newsfeed was bemoaning the approaching stampede of Romanians coming in to the UK the other day. Pretty much by the by for Facebook apart from the fact that she's married to a Turkish kebab man and has little kebab children with him. Seriously, if your surname is Akbhas just leave the subject of immigration alone.

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Beware of cars flashing their lights at you too. It's a new gang initiation thing and they have to kill the first person that flashes back.


Yep, I'm "friends" with people who would warn us about the same kind of things. Jesus Christ...

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I'll only support this if they also bring out AIDS Barbie, leprosy Barbie, flesh eating bug Barbie, gangrene Barbie, and severe peanut allergy Barbie. I don't see why cancer should get all the attention.


And purely because it made me go "Oooh!" as if I was in Jerry Springer's audience, here's an update to this:


a girl I know got dumped last night because she had a glass of wine whilst pregnant.




I'll presume this is why she has a PS4 for sale at the moment.

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Got a number of first time parents over the Christmas holidays posting an obscene amount of photos of their newborn s first Christmas. I'm not hating for the fact they are proud parents and I understand people post photos of their kids on Facebook to share with overseas family members but I found it a bit over the top that one of my proud parent friends posted 300 photos of their Christmas day up. I think 50 photos max would have sufficed.

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Ha Baz! For me the last post I made here comes from speaking to people who are pro photographers. If a photographer is doing a shoot they will take hundreds of photos but only pick the best ones for public display as being a pro photographer you only want your best work to be seen. The problem is with camera phones is people are just snap happy to photo everything they do and upload it online instead of taking the time to have a few quality shots.



If and when I decide to have a family of my own for me its quality over quantity so if I want to share photos of special family moments online I'd want to take a good few shots then post about a handful of the best ones.


The other Facebook rant again it's about uploading photos it's the people who post about 200 photos of them on a night out and it just makes me think are these people actually enjoying themselves being out or are they more bothered about what people on Facebook will think about them that they need to show the world they are out having a good time?

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Do you think the average person has time in their lives to siphon through hundreds of photos to pick out the ones that they reckon people like you might appreciate and not moan about on an internet wrestling forum? No they don't. And should you ever have a family, I think you will find that to be the case as well.

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