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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Finally watched Pulp Fiction for the first time today. Thought it was decent, if a little poorly edited. Some of it seemed out of place or in the wrong order.



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Just watched a short called, The Lift. Nothing really happens, but I found it very engaging. It's basically one cameraman in a lift filming people getting on and off. Sometimes people relate to each other, sometimes not. You get little tidbits of insight as to what they're doing, where they've been. Oddly welcoming.

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Finally watched Pulp Fiction for the first time today. Thought it was decent, if a little poorly edited. Some of it seemed out of place or in the wrong order.



I always get flack for this but Pulp Fiction is one of the few films I've given up on and switch off. It just didn't do much for me and I found it a bit dull to watch. This may be because by the time I watched it I'd seen so many parodies and pastiches it had lost some impact, it may be because its really a bit over hyped and wank.


I intend to go back to it and give a good viewing in full, see if it can win me over

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I started watching The To Do List yesterday. It's basically treading the same virgin-finishes-high-school as American Pie, Superbad and a million other films, but it's a girl -- Aubrey Plaza. There are a few other decent second and third tier comedy names in it as well (Donald Glover, Bill Hader, Maeby, Andy Samberg, McLovin, Jack McBrayer) but I only made it halfway through. There are one or two good lines, but the writing is very bad on the whole. Just not funny.

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See this? See it? This is why you don't let women pick which film you're going to watch. The worst part was that she knew it was absolutely shit, and was hating it, but wouldn't admit that she was hating it, because it would mean that I was right, and she shouldn't be allowed to pick films. So we both had to sit and watch the whole fucking thing.


It's one of those films where they do a dumbed down parody of a successful film, and then just shoehorn in loads of references to other current things, whether they make sense or not, and whether they're funny or not. Usually not. Donald Trump turns up. Some bloke in the attic says he's a raccoon and starts eating the loft insulation. Adele is in a storage unit playing the piano.


If anyone suggests watching this, punch them in the face. You'll both find it a more enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Edited by Nostalgia Nonce
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Went to see Escape Plan last night and was a little disappointed to be honest. Arnie was the best thing about it but Sly who I much prefer seemed to really be phoning it in, the whole thing struck me like a Seagal straight to dvd movie with Arnie and Stallone thrown in with the plot holes etc. Jesus was decent as your typical villain in these kind of movies but I thought Bullet To The Head and Last Stand were both much better.

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I've been on a bit of an 80's comedy bender lately.

Caddyshack (which to me, is probably the most perfect comedy ever put to screen), Back to School, Weekend at Bernies, Vacation and Stripes. I then veered away from 80's comedy and rounded it off with my favourite movie of all time, Aliens.

I ain't been well lately, so they really cheered me right up!


Aliens just never gets old. It actually shits on it's predecessor and successors.


See this? See it? This is why you don't let women pick which film you're going to watch. The worst part was that she knew it was absolutely shit, and was hating it, but wouldn't admit that she was hating it, because it would mean that I was right, and she shouldn't be allowed to pick films. So we both had to sit and watch the whole fucking thing.

Fucking brilliant! Completely feel your pain. She went to the shop once and came back with this:


Worst part was the fact she actually thought it was hilarious, and that made me sad, because I realised I may have made a wrong decision a few years back.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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I have, for several years now, trumpeted the director's cut as superior to little or no avail. I can't watch the shorter cut either.


Two reasons, really:-


1) I really love the extra scenes. I just think they are all really good. Aside from the one where Hicks tells Ripley to call her Duane. Ewwk.


2) Because it's more Aliens, isn't it? The longer that film is, the better.


It's my favourite of all time as well. It's got absolutely everything that you could want from that kind of film. It's a great standalone film but I also think it is under-appreciated for how good a sequel it is.

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2) Because it's more Aliens, isn't it? The longer that film is, the better.


Couldn't have put it better myself, sir.

The Sentry Guns scene is another belter. And I do also like the little colony backstory.


Paul Reiser really plays a horrible cunt well, doesn't he? I'd love to see the Burke/Ripley cocoon scene in there too, but beggars, and all that.


To this day, if somebody says 'Favourite piece of music from any movie ever?', I'd say this:

Bishops Countdown

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