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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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The Gift is really worth watching. There's a certain point in the movie when you kind of assume how the movie is going to play out but there's a great swerve towards the end.


Knock Knock is really best avoided, although the two girls play their parts well (one of them being Roth's wife) but Keanu Reeves puts in one of the worst performances I've ever seen from a big name in Hollywood. It had all the right ingredients to be a good movie at the start but it turned into such a farce after 40 minutes mainly due to Reeves's awful acting. After this I wouldn't be surprised if he only does straight to DVD stuff. If National Lampoon made a Thriller/Horror movie this is what you'd probably get.

There is always John Wick

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Went to see Krampus last night because the wife wanted to do something after we'd been to Lincoln Christmas market.


All I'll say is, don't go see it. Thanks to having a Cineworld Unlimited card I don't feel completely like I've been raped of my money, but holy fuck this was bad.

It starts off as a really poor attempt at being National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, even going so far as to having the date show as an advent calendar spot, and then morphs into a horrendously bad knockoff of Black Christmas.


It's just fucking fire on every level, and I'm not even going to dignify making the obvious pun were you take the M out of the first syllable

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So Star Wars it out tomorrow just incase no one had noticed. Naturally, there's some people who will do anything to be noticed:

A group of Star Wars fans are threatening to spoil The Force Awakens, the latest episode in the franchise, on social media unless studio Disney agrees to film the saga’s abandoned “expanded universe” stories.


Lucasfilm executives announced in April 2014 that only the six Star Wars feature films, as well as the animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars series, were considered part of the saga’s official canon. They also said that the new series of films, of which JJ Abrams’ The Force Awakens is the first instalment, would not draw on the hundreds of Star Wars novels and comic books published in the wake of success of the original trilogy.


An online organisation going by the moniker The Alliance to Preserve the Expanded Universe has been campaigning ever since for Disney to change its mind, for fear that characters such as Mara Jade, Jacen Solo and Cade Skywalker will be consigned forever to the garbage compactor of history. Now, members have been caught making threats to reveal The Force Awakens’ deepest secrets via social media in a process dubbed “spoiler jihadi” in online circles.


While a number of groups promoting the campaign have already been shut down by Facebook, members are threatening to pop up with spoilers anywhere that Star Wars fans are likely to discuss the new film.


“I have held my vivid tongue waiting for the movie. After it’s released, well, the gates of hell shall be released,” wrote campaigner Roberto Carlos Moscono on Facebook. “I will see it on Wednesday at midnight, so I will have all Thursday to spoil it before anyone else sees it in the US.”


As with all major blockbusters, Disney has been rigid in its efforts to avoid spoilers hitting the public domain. Most media outlets have been particularly careful not to reveal too much about Abrams’ movie to avoid a backlash from a keen Star Wars fanbase.


A Google Chrome app, the Star Wars Spoiler Blocker extension, promises to save users from the horrors of unwittingly discovering the secrets of The Force Awakens. If they are about to encounter spoiler-heavy content, the user will see only a large box resembling the space saga’s famous opening crawl with the warning “potential spoilers ahead”, rather than the page in question. They will then be given the option to “proceed anyway”, should the temptation to ruin Abrams’ movie for themselves prove overwhelming.

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Can I just say something here. I know someone, someone I trust the value of film from, who has seen it.


The reviewers can all say what they want, and it's largely been positive (Pete Bradshaws write up in The Guardian was good, spoiler free too, nothing we don't already know), but this person said that it is genuinely one of his top 5 films of all time. And he cried his little fucking heart out when Phantom Menace came out. He was 14 same as me. I mean I was disappointed, but I didn't cry.


Anyway, the hype is real. The film is fantastic. Bring on Sunday morning.

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Just finished 'Star Wars - A New Hope'. Never seen it before, so here is everything I remember from my first Star Wars experience.

Were on some ship, I can't remember which. Darth Vader is milling about, he's the boss apparently. He runs the empire and has loads of Stormtroopers. They remind me of those shitty Power Rangers goons. Vader hates rebels, it's a bit like the French Resistance....IN SPACEEEE. Anyway Princess Leia is some sort of UN inspector, Darth is having none of this. Leia gets thrown in the nick.


We get R2D2 and the gay robot. Fucking annoying these two. They piss about in the desert for AGES before some little blokes catch them in a big dumpster. They then get cattle auctioned to some guy and Luke Skywalker. Mad projection thing, Luke thinks Leia is hotttt, someone find Obi Wan. THE SAND PEOPLE!!! Obi rocks up. He's a Jedi, learn the force Luke etc. Luke's dad is dead and his Uncle or whoever is dead too. They go to some mad bar full of weird blokes and find Han Solo. He's some sort of space taxi driver who owes money to a slug thing. The death star blows up something.


Solo and the lads go to the death star and cosplay as Stormtroopers, thanks to help from Chewbacca, a thing. They rescue Leia, shit loads of gun fire, nearly get crushed, do a runner and escape to a forest looking place.... Oh, and Obi and Vader have it out. Obi gets mullered. The find a way to destroy the death star. They all get in little ships and fly off. Fuck loads of flying about, people die. USE THE FORCE, Luke blows the death star up because Han (who was a bit of a prick) helps. Vader kabonged into space. Medals are given out and everyone is pretty chuffed. Luke is well into Leia. Go on lad.


Good movie, I'll watch the next one eventually.

Edited by WWFChilli
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Empire gave it 4 stars. Which amazed me because they usually give the big 5 to a film they've been hyping so much (such as Dark Knight Rises). And also because they gave Attack of the Clones a 5 star review when that was released.

Is Empire some sort of parody magazine? Fucking hell fire Dark Knight Rises AND Attack of the Clones getting five stars is some fuuny shit.

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