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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Aye, Genny, it is. I'm not spoiling anything here, but the part where they fight each other (it's in the trailer) is especially believable.

The effects (both CG and practical) are seamless, as far as I could see anyway.


I really liked the 'double turn' - given the realm of the discussion group we inhabit here - as initially you find Ronnie Kray horrible (yet funny) and Reggie to be the cheeky chappy, tough guy with a heart of gold and by the movies end you find yourself really liking and sympathising with the Ronnie character and finding Reggie borderline repugnant


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Sorry for the double post here, lads.


Legend –

I grabbed my sprite by the middle and it burst open all over my crotch.


Is this one of your whacky euphemism's?


Watched Fury Road the other night. I think it's probably the best in the series and my favourite film of the year. Just a big fuck off futuristic car rock opera. 

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No sir. I was drinking Sprite with my Nachos.

I lifted it out of the cup holder by the middled and it sploshed all over my crotch and surrounding areas.
it was part of my experience while watching the film, and thought I'd share it.

Somebody kept coughing too.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Is the doubling really convincing then, Scott? I haven't had much of a sense from seeing the trailers and things but it's easily believable that Hardy's actually two different guys and they're both in the same place at the same time?


I wouldn't say so, largely because his Ronnie isn't at all believable anyway. It's one of those committed, OTT caricature performances that's designed to impress -- and it does -- but you can never really suspend disbelief. You're always thinking "blimey, Tom Hardy's giving it some welly" or "he's doing that one normal, but he's doing that one as a right weirdo lol" rather than getting sucked into the story. Some of the scenes are set up to make you laugh at one bloke playing both characters as well.

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Watched still life on Netflix this morning. Knew nothing about it before it showed up, really enjoyed it. Not a thrill ride, but has lots f sympathetic characters, and flowed well.

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quatermass 2, given I enjoyed quatermass and the pit the other year.


Its an old film but its not aged badly apart from a couple of questionable acting moments but overall its a solid story and fun to watch.


Does anyone have anything similar to recommend?

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So i finally got around to watching Electric Boogaloo - The Wild Untold Story of Cannon Films.


Very rare I get excited to watch anything these days unless it's got Arnie or Stallone in it, but ever since I first heard about it on here, i've been desperate to get my hands on a copy.


Now i'm starting to think i've gotten to a point in my life, where i'm completely apathetic towards almost everything, because I didnt think, despite the fascinating subject matter and crazy characters involved, that this was particularly interesting at all.


It has an incredible opening credits sequence, with a montage of clips from American Ninja, Braddock, Over the Top, Bloodsport and the like, but after that, it's a bit of a damp squib. 


With a running time of almost two hours, I was confident there'd be plenty of time to get into the detail, but the opposite is true.  I dont think its as much the amount they try to cover, as the amount of talking heads they try to include, but the whole thing is edited at a breakneck pace, and no one gets to say anything of note.  It's a bit like one of those 50 greatest.. type shows and in the end, it's all soundbite, no substance.  Feels more like a 2 hour long trailer in that respect.


Don't get me wrong, I didnt actively dislike the film, some of the clips from movies i knew nothing about are utterly bizarre, and so there's some fun to be had just enjoying the madness of their back catalogue, but again, it sufferes from never really elaborating or segwaying into the next topic - at times i found myself thinking "Hold on, what's this got to do with that?" before realising they'd just moved on.


Not terrible, but dissapointing.  I'd say it's still worth a watch for anyone like me who's a sucker for Cannon output, even if just to remind yourself of the sheer lunacy of some of their stuff.






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Fully agree with you there, Colonel!
I was a documentary that sounded much better on paper than what actually wound up in front of me. Interesting at points, but that's about it.


I watched Enemy Territory on MGM.

Fuck me, it's tremendous. How did this get past me as a kid??? Absolutely fantastic flick and if you're flicking past MGM and it happens to be on, give it a watch. Kind of like a cross between The Warriors, Assault on Precinct 13 and Die Hard, and that's a very fucking good thing.

I'm sure most of the buffs on here have seen it, but I'd never bleedin' heard of the cunting thing. Shame on fucking me.

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Didn't know where to put this but it's movie related. This was on reddit earlier, 80 high res movie posters with no writing. I've never seen Robocop look more gorgeous, they make excellent phone wallpapers.



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12 Rounds : Lockdown - I don't know really. It was either shite or average and I can't decide which.

I like Reynolds' visual style and I think he'll probably be the new Renny Harlin (for what it's worth) given a bigger budget, but the acting all around was fucking atrocious even though it looked nice.
I thought Ambrose would impress me by his presence and swagger alone but he's a charisma vacuum on the screen and his over exaggerated walk might work on WWE TV but it's quite laughable here.

He has about 20 lines of dialogue to say and seemingly 12 of them are a countdown as to how many rounds he has left.
In fairness, it was his first acting gig and his pots must have been gone as he's so rigid when it's his turn to do anything, but given his alledge self confidence I'd have put money on him not letting the task phase him and him delivering, but alas, it wasn't to be.

Orton and Cena were much better in their roles in the franchise to be honest.

Have to say the last line sent it from average to utter shite, looking back. I'm not fucking spoiling anything either with this but it's something like "I even kicked ass on my first day back". Why would you say that to anybody, ever? Atrocious.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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