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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Watching Sky last night. Has anyone made it through the first 20 minutes of A Million Ways To Die In The West?

I watched the whole thing. I was living on the hope it would get better, or even funny. It didn't. Pile of shit.

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The Babadook.


A rare horror that makes you feel for the main characters. Brilliantly acted and genuinely creepy. I really enjoyed it, I know some haven't but yeah, quite an emotional film as well as a scary one.


I thought it was blinding — if it wasn't marketed as a new shock horror film (which it very much was), the lad and the mum would be getting all sorts of plaudits. I like that bloke from the nursing home too, the one who was the killer in The Snowtown Murders — very understated actor.

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I really enjoyed AMWTDITW but then I'm a big Western and MacFarlane fan so was always going to appeal to me.

I'm a big MacFarlane fan too, not so much westerns, but I love piss takes like Blazing Saddles. Just could not find a single funny thing in this though. Maybe I was expecting too much as I loved the trailer.

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The Babadook.

A rare horror that makes you feel for the main characters. Brilliantly acted and genuinely creepy. I really enjoyed it, I know some haven't but yeah, quite an emotional film as well as a scary one.



I thought it was blinding — if it wasn't marketed as a new shock horror film (which it very much was), the lad and the mum would be getting all sorts of plaudits. I like that bloke from the nursing home too, the one who was the killer in The Snowtown Murders — very understated actor.

Yeah, it was difficult to buy him as the nice guy after seeing Snowtown but you're right, very good.
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The Babadook.

A rare horror that makes you feel for the main characters. Brilliantly acted and genuinely creepy. I really enjoyed it, I know some haven't but yeah, quite an emotional film as well as a scary one.

Really good film, although I did want them to explore the whole is it sleep deprivation that is making me believe these things are happening? more as it seemed to distance itself from that in the last 25 minutes or so.

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Watching Sky last night. Has anyone made it through the first 20 minutes of A Million Ways To Die In The West?

Nope, that's where we jumped off. If a comedy doesn't make you laugh once in the first 20 minutes it's unlikely to later. I really liked Ted but it was McFarland at his worst. The film equivalent of The Cleveland Show

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Speaking of the West, I've just watched Once Upon a Time in the West. Not sure how I felt about it. I had high expectations going in, really thought I was gonna get something on par with The Good, the Bad. I didn't seem to grasp what was going on until the final stretch. I'll probably enjoy it more watching it again and having an idea of what's happening.

Edited by Undefeated Steak
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I had similar problems with the movie, thought I would love it but it was all over the place and a real mess. Didn't have a clue what was happening in some scenes, particularly flashbacks with Henry Fonda. Don't get me wrong it was pretty good but didn't live up to what I'd come to expect after the excellent dollar trilogy. 

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Well, Expired Michael, Fury Road : It gets a bit messy at times, the plot is minimal and no doubt cunts will pick holes in it, but it’s wonderfully, wonderfully entertaining and a full on action onslaught that will make you happy to have a set of bollox clanging off your thighs.

Few points:

Hardy is that good in the titular role, you actually forget about the Gibbo comparisons in minutes.

Theron is magnificent and reaffirms her status as the most attractive woman on the planet yet who I frequently forget about...being so. Good grammar there, boss.

There’s a harsh scene which actually made me uncomfortable, and all credit to Miller for having the stones to do it.

The soundtrack is absolutely pulsating and I’m all over it on release. Well done, Junkie XL.

I can’t wait for the Vertigo imprint prequels.

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Nice one. I’m glad Hardy does a good job. I’m a huge fanboy of his so Hardy in the Max role was pretty much dream casting for me. I just hope it’s a success so they’ll make more, I read that Hardy is signed for 3 more should they option them.


The plot being thin doesn’t concern me too much, re-watching the originals the things that stood out most was how little Gibson actually speaks, in MM2 he’s only got about a dozen line!. I always found the world Miller created for Max absolutely fascinating, I’m hoping this has enough of his quirks that it holds it far enough apart from standard Hollywood blockbuster fare? Already got a babysitter lined up so we can see this on the big screen. Fuck 3D though.

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