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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Yeah, I'm looking forward to that as well. Some crackers on Mubi at the moment - Brute Force, Kuroneko, M, The Holy Mountain, Kwaidan, Ghost World, Confessions and a few others.


For 2.99 a month (damn American keyboard), it's a bloody bargain.

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I watched 20,000 Days on Earth, on Wednesday. Being a Nick Cave fan, I thought it was excellent. Funny, moving and rather inspiring. Cave gives viewers just enough of a peak behind the curtain, without ruining his mystique or enigmatic persona. The highlights are definitely when the band are playing, whether that be in the studio or on stage, where Cave explains certain aspects of performing.


I'm interested to read what none Nick Cave fans think of it. As I wonder if people will just think he's some verbose bloke that dresses like a bingo caller.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Watched The Call the other night on SKY. Considering it's a WWE Films piece it wasn't totally terrible, but far from any good also. Halle Berry is decent but Michael Imperioli is criminally misused and ever since Fritzel, every baddy in film seems to have an underground lair of some kind.

Watchable if there's nothing else on

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If WWE must insist on making films, I'd rather they try and make some decent action films rather than trying to make serious genre flicks. I want to see Jason Statham and The Miz in a mismatched buddy cop film.

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If you’re a fan of American Football and haven’t seen The Program, you’re either unfortunate or a lunatic.


Hands down, absolutely the best football movie ever made.  As well as a realistic take on the workings of a college football program, it successfully takes characters which could have easily become caricatures  in another movie, and makes every single one of them human, and relatable.  For example,


James Caan plays the head-coach desperate to run a clean program whilst satisfying the powers that be who demand success

Joe Kane is the handsome Quarterback with a drink problem and a death wish.

Darnell Jefferson is the kid from the hood with speed

Alvin Mack is a destroyer on the field, but can barely read or write and is being ‘greased through’ the system

Steve Lattimer is a good guy at heart who takes to steroids to compete on the team with predictable results


There are other key  characters in the movie, but what’s most impressive is the development that goes into each of them.  It runs for just shy of 2 hours and neither drags, nor feels rushed and every one of the guys I mention above has you rooting for them in one way or another, even the ones who, for the most part, you shouldn’t be all that fond of.


Although some of the events could be predicted if you’ve seen football movies before, they are treated here with such credibility that everything means something, it all matters, it’s not just a plot device or a cliché, it’s a life changed, altered or affected in some way – admittedly, I ran around in a field in front of one man and his dog for a few years, but I think if you’ve played the game, or to some extent, any sport at a competitive level, you’ll struggle not to connect with one, if not more of the lead characters.


Caan puts in a hell of a turn as the HC and while the main focus is on Kane and Jefferson, I found the stories of Mack and Lattimer most emotionally stirring.  What I enjoyed most though, was a genuine sense of excitement watching the football scenes, there’s no fake punt, halfback, reverse, option, flea flicker to win the game shite, it’s real and raw and made me realise for the first time in many, many years just how much I miss playing.


There’s nothing corny about this movie, some characters go on to happy endings, others don’t and as such, you don’t forget about the film as soon as the credits roll, you’re left with a lot of what if’s and I wonders.


On one hand, I don’t expect many people read reviews on here and go and hunt a movie down, so I’d love to point out my favourite moments, but by the same token, you need to see them in the context of the film to truly do it justice.

Can’t recommend highly enough. Get it watched.

Edited by John Matrix
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If you’re a fan of American Football and haven’t seen The Program, you’re either unfortunate or a lunatic.


Hands down, absolutely the best football movie ever made. 



Better than Wildcats?!

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Just about.



The Program - Which is hard hitting.

Any Given Sunday - Where someone is hit so hard their eye falls out

Wildcats - Where someone is hit so hard they change from a black man into Woody Harrellson.

Edited by John Matrix
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