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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I went to see the new Godzilla last night and that film is really bad. The human interest stuff is stupid and I was bored through the majority of it. If the people in the film did nothing then it wouldn't have mattered the film would've ended the same way and in fact it would've been better off if they did nothing.

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I was hungover to shit on Sunday and me and my bro watched a lot of films on telly. The one that stood out the most to me was Around the World in 80 Days with Steve Coogan and Jackie Chan. That was a really fun family film. Some genuinely hilarious moments, nice set pieces, good cameos, historical references, etc.


Thoroughly enjoyable all round. And that French girl was very nice....

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I came in to this thread and wondered why I couldn't see that post of mine. It turned out I had put it in the superhero movie thread so I moved it here.



(clearly the only reason no one had responded was because they hadn't seen it, amazing post that it is)

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Well, I liked it and thought it wonderful. So much so that I'm going again tonight.

I went to see Godzilla last night and really enjoyed it. It is flawed and it's as easy to criticise as any other film in the Godzilla series, but I was entertained for the 2-hours.

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Saw the Zilla last night again and it didn't lose it's appeal at all.

In fairness, I was giddy in anticipation of waiting for the final third and Edwards emptying his creative bowels all over the screen, but it was just as good second time around.

And I don't think anything - this year anyway - will top that skydiving scene for giving me a hair on the back of the necker stander upper.

It was also nice to see the Interstellar and GOTG trailers on the big screen, and 'Hooked on a Feeling' has rifled back to the top on my playlist after a 20 year absence (from when I was a kid and hooked on Reservoir Dogs) thanks to that lovely GOTG trailer.


Tonight, I shall be watching Serenity.

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Has anybody watched a British film called "Unarmed but Dangerous"? It's in your local Poundland right now. It's a martial arts film with a guy with deformed arms (legit) and it's very fucking odd. It's on in front of me right now and I don't know what to make of it. I legit can't stop looking at his arms. Whole film looks in very bad taste indeed. It has somebody called Faye Tozer in it, who appears to have been in the band "Steps", so you know the quality you're dealing with here. Film just looks very cheap and filmed with a camcorder. It's bizarre. Some film review site considered it "cripsploitation" (urgh). Anybody else catch it? Cheers!



Edited by bAzTNM#1
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That's Matt "The Thalidomide Ninja" (can't remember his last name). He's ace. He used to pop up in Bizarre magazine back when it was worth reading. He had an MMA match despite having no punching or grappling ability at all.

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