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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I'm not sure it really warrants a sequel but I'd definitely give it a watch. I don't know about Franco and his standing in the acting world but he's a guilty pleasure of mine. He's got a certain charm to him which I'm sure other people would consider punchable!

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To get any enjoyment out of James Franco you've got to believe he's in on the joke otherwise he's just a massive pretentious twat, unlikeable even by Hollywood's standards.


I watched World War Z last night, too much stupid shit happens and it ruins the film. The zombie apocalypse is actually the most plausible part of the film.

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Yeah, it was more to do with things that I imagine didn't translate from the book to the film that were so implausible they stretched the imagination beyond the suspension of disbelief. Stuff like nonchalant amputations and impalings having no real affects on the characters or falling out of the sky then walking, severly injured to the destination that they had no idea where to find it.

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Grand Piano is a fucking blast. The perfect B-Movie. It's basically Phone Booth, but with Elijah Wood held hostage at a concert piano. If he gets any notes wrong, HE DIES. It's the rare high-concept thriller that manages to be every bit as fun as the pitch makes you hope it is. These things never usually live up to the idea you've got in your head when you say "that sounds great."

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I hear Chest Rockwell's a big fan of his!


I don't know if I've seen him in anything else, to be honest. He seemed fine in this.



I've actually been warming to him since seeing this film and his roast. And despite hating him before he has actually been in a bunch of things I've enjoyed and he is a decent actor.


He is still a terrible writer and I am still appalled by the fact that he had/has a University teaching position.


But let's put it this way... he's no Shia LeBoeuf.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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If you want to cry watch dear Zachery. I'm not saying anything about the story but if you don't shred one tear your sick.


My god, I just read the sypnopsis of that and i dont think i could put myself through that!

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