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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Over October I thought I'd hace a little fun and watched a slasher movie a day. every day I had another person select the film of their choice from collection. It was great fun and I'd recommend it to anyone.


I was pretty regid in my rules of what ever got picked I HAD to watch. This led to me watching a few I probably never would have watched again and actually really made me appreciate hem much more.


It's statistics time people...




Over October I watched...


31 Slasher movies over 31 days


9 different people chose the films

8 were men

2 were women


1. Sorority House Massacre - 1986

2. The Collector - 2009

3. The Collection - 2012

4. Girls Gone Dead - 2012

5. Bloodsucking Pharaohs in Pittsburgh - 1991

6. The Burning - 1981

7. Stitches - 2012

8. Triangle - 2009

9. You Can't Kill Stephen King - 2012

10. Suspiria - 1977

11. Drive-In Massacre - 1976

12. Midnight Meat Train - 2008

13. Candyman - 1992

14. The Prowler - 1981

15. Peeping Tom - 1960

16. Dream Home - 2010

17. Bloody Mary 3D - 2011

18. Grizzly Park - 2008

19. Hatchet - 2006

20. Tucker & Dale Vs Evil - 2010

21. The Bloodstained Shadow - 1978

22. The Toolbox Murders - 1978

23. Madison County - 2011

24. Child's Play 2 - 1990

25. Seed of Chucky - 2004

26. The Ward - 2010

27. D-Tox - 2002

28. Lost After Dark - 2015

29. See No Evil - 2006

30. Blood Runs Cold - 2011

31. Friday the 13th part 2 - 1981


1 film from the 1960's

4 films from 1970's

4 films from 1980's

3 films from 1990's

8 films from 2000's

11 films from 2010's


2012 was the year that the most slasher films came from of any one year, which totalled 4.


2010, 2011 and 1981 were runners up with 3 slasher films each


The most films from any 5 year period was easily the 14 that came from between 2008 and 2012


2765 minutes was the total number of time spent watching slasher films over 31 days.


Which is just over 46 hours or nearly 2 full days.


109 minutes was the longest slasher movie, The Bloodstained Shadow aka Solamante Nero.


61 minutes was the shortest slasher movie, Drive-In Massacre as it was the TV edit.


18 of the films were produced by the USA, which was easily the most prolific region.


Of the remaining productions 7 were co financed by various different countries.


6 of those co productions were also part financed by the USA.


The remaining countries of origin are as follows...


2 from Italy

1 from Ireland

1 from UK

1 from Hong Kong

1 from Canada

1 co production from UK & Australia


3 of the movies featured special make up and effects by Tom Savini.


Now for a few fun spoiler free grizzly halloween stats...


10 of the Killers from the 31 slasher movies wore masks.


18 of the 31 films I could find approximate bodycounts for...


163 victims


Of which,


80 were male victims


83 were female


20 ft square is the average size of a grave


Which means the combined carnage of these movies is...


3260 square feet of graves


3 hours was the average time to dig a grave by hand


Which means it would take...


489 hours to dig their graves or over 20 full days.


432 callories per hour digging holes which would mean...


211248 callories would be burnt in total.


Which is equal to...


6213 bags of treat size Haribo. (A heck of a lot of doors to knock on next Halloween.)


2, the number of thumbs of the guy who wrote this that enjoys slasher movies! (Points to self with thumbs)


Until next year slashfans...

Edited by DEF
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"The Burning" is a great film. My dad had the LP of the Rick Wakeman musical score for it (which is supposedly worth a bit of money now, if you have it) and played it to fucking death. Can't wait for the Blu-Ray release, so I can replace my shit Vipco version. People mix it up with "Friday the 13th" a lot.


If you're into your cheesy films, you should look into getting http://www.fullmoonstreaming.com for a month. Few "Video Nasties" on there. "Snuff", "Cannibal Man" and a few others in the Grindhouse section. You don't need a US proxy, but the price is in dollars.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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"The Burning" is a great film. My dad had the LP of the Rick Wakeman musical score for it (which is supposedly worth a bit of money now, if you have it) and played it to fucking death. Can't wait for the Blu-Ray release, so I can replace my shit Vipco version. People mix it up with "Friday the 13th" a lot.


If you're into your cheesy films, you should look into getting http://www.fullmoonstreaming.com for a month. Few "Video Nasties" on there. "Snuff", "Cannibal Man" and a few others in the Grindhouse section. You don't need a US proxy, but the price is in dollars.

The Burning is class. I've had the US blu for a few years.


I love a bit of Full Moon. Didn't realise they had streaming site though. Cheers for that.

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I watched The Exorcist on Halloween, because scary. Its the original one, and i'd never seen it before. 


I found it to be "OK". I'm sure it was much scarie rduring its release, but I just didn't find it scary at all. As a movie overall, it was alright, although I was a bit disappointed, after years of "oh my god, have you seen Exorcist, its super scary". I had the same reaction to Poltergeist as well, although I enjoyed that a lot more. 


Also watch Stephen Kings It last night, which generally is ok. I believe it was a 2 part TV film originally, which shows in parts, thanks to terrible special effects. Tim Curry is great in that though, and makes it highly watchable just to see what he'll do next. Need to get the book at some point.

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I've never watched it but..


it supposedly has an ending that'll have you in tears



"It" is ok until that really crappy ending with the really crappy CGI. Still very creepy though.

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I thought I, Daniel Blake was awful. It was like Lost in Translation on the dole by way of Unhappy Birthday by the Smiths.

I sat there thinking "This reminds me of fucking Kes" which is a horrible, grey, poxy bleak film that I had to watch in school a few times because we were reading the cunting book, and I just googled Kes and turns out it was directed by the same chap. So, that's that.

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 "This reminds me of fucking Kes" which is a horrible, grey, poxy bleak film that I had to watch in school a few times because we were reading the cunting book, and I just googled Kes and turns out it was directed by the same chap. So, that's that.


I also was given that book to read at school and I just couldn't bring myself to read it, as its total garbage. The film is just as bad, but it got me through English GCSE, so i cant complain.


I still shudder every time I think of that book + film

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I thought I, Daniel Blake was awful. It was like Lost in Translation on the dole by way of Unhappy Birthday by the Smiths.

I sat there thinking "This reminds me of fucking Kes" which is a horrible, grey, poxy bleak film that I had to watch in school a few times because we were reading the cunting book, and I just googled Kes and turns out it was directed by the same chap. So, that's that.


Cheers, you've just sold it to me.

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I watched "Legend", the one about the Krays. Tom Hardy did his Tom Hardy voices but thought the film was pretty shit. Took a few liberties with the facts and all that, which I don't mind, but felt they were trying to portray Ron as a sort of comedic character.

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Everybody here must have had "Kes" for English. It must illicit the same type of feeling for everybody. "Of Mice and Men" too, but the middle 90s film version of that with Gary Sinise is actually quite decent.

Excellent. Loved Malkovich in it and of course I did the voice everytime I read out loud in class.


Shout out to Lord of The Flies too, but the film version is rubbish...plane spinning into the sea??? We'll just hold a picture in front of the camera and turn it...

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I watched "Legend", the one about the Krays. Tom Hardy did his Tom Hardy voices but thought the film was pretty shit. Took a few liberties with the facts and all that, which I don't mind, but felt they were trying to portray Ron as a sort of comedic character.

There was no real storyline to it either. You had no idea if you were still in the middle of the film or near the end. It seemed to go on forever.


It seems to have taken over from Lock Stock and Snatch as the films that 'lads' quote while necking pints of Carling, listening to Stone Roses on the Jukey and looking for fights.

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