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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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"New" Cannibal Holocaust released by Shameless DVDs leaves some of the animal cruelty in there for some reason. I think they left the "quick kill" stuff in there (like the shooting of the pig).. Not on. It's supposedly a new edit from the director for over here. Apart from that, I find it pretty tame now.


Totally uncut "Cannibal Ferox" is still fecking brutal though.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Add me to the dopes who thought the first Blair Witch was legit.

It finished, credits rolling and me and the ex walked out of the cinema on opening night saying "That's a cunting snuff movie!!! How did they get away with that?"

But with me you're dealing with somebody who didn't get the twist in the Sixth Sense until the way home from the flicks in the car, when my girlfriend at the time had to explain it to me.


There's a moment in all the hoohah of Blair Witch's release that stayed with me forever. It was from Cannes, where it was first shown, and they'd put MISSING posters of the cast everywhere to really sell it; a girl comes out of the theatre hysterical. She's sobbing, shaking, and half-sits, half-collapses onto the pavement outside, head in her hands, repeating "oh my God" in a wavering voice, barely able to breathe. In that moment, witches were real to her. Supernatural evil was real. Her whole worldview was shook. You'll never get that now. Everything is pulled to pieces within seconds of appearing online. It was like the last moment of innocence before everything went digital and know-it-all. Now, the only genuine terror people have is the 'shame' of being fooled by something.



Excellent post by the way. I bet you could still fool people these days into believing something was real. It would have to all happen on Youtube. A lot of stupid people are on there. Thinking of something is tricky, but you could probably still get away with it. I never read up on it, but is that "Slender Man" shite over in the USA still happening? 

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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So I watched Session 9 on the back of Astros’ recommendation.

Why I left it so long to watch this movie is beyond me, as it truly was one of the most effortlessly unsettling and disturbing flicks I’ve seen in a good while.

I don’t know what I expected from it, (I think I expected a ghost movie set in an asylum with some jump scares thrown in) but I didn’t expect it to get under my skin as much as it did. An absolutely chilling movie, and in particular the final ten minutes or so that are still playing on my head now, this minute.

I’ll be watching this again with the young lad over the weekend when he’s over with me, as it’s one I need to see again.

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The new Blair Witch is tremendous. I posted a wee review of it a few pages back, and if you want spoilers Barry, I'm your mang.

The final third is something else. It just takes a turn into the absolutely crackers (in a good way)

You see the witch for a brief shot in what looks like - from what I remember - a cross between Slender Man, Eddie from Iron Maiden, Cloverfield monster and the Ring dead face, and from what I gather, time is irrelevant in the woods


I will say the tunnel scene from the trailers is ridiculously claustrophobic.

If you like the whole Blair Witch 'mythos' (I even liked Book of Shadows) you'll love this. If not, then it's just going to be another faceless horror.

I went to see it this morning and while I agree with a lot of what you say (here and in your previous posts on the film), I didn't find to be tremendous, even if I really, really wanted it to be.


The build-up is pretty much the same average stuff you see in most found-footage films (and a lot of average horror films) and can be pretty dull. When they eventually get to the woods and camp for the night though it gets much more interesting. The final third and end sequence in particular (last 10-15 minutes?) really is the best part of the film and it does get really tense at times.


Spoiler for the end of the film:


When they get to the house it does get really good and the end with them facing away from the witch is really, really tense.

I really would have liked to have seen the time-displacement(?) idea developed much more though. 

Also the ending felt very flat. Not sure if it was because it was obvious how it was going to end, but everyone in the cinema seemed to want a little bit more as the credits rolled. It was probably the only way it was really going to end, but it just felt like something was missing,



I enjoyed it though and it is very effective at times, and as a whole it probably is better than the first film (even though it will not have the influence the 1st had at the time). It verges on a 6/10-7/10 film.


But as you say though, if you liked the first film and found-footage films then you should like it, but if you hated the first film (and found footage films) then it is not going to impress you in the slightest.

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For anyone that's seen the new Blair Witch



am I right in thinking that the shot where she's outside the house and gets a glimpse of the witch that she's next to the burnt tree where they found the tape that started it all and that the footage in the tape of the woman running up the stairs that he thought was Heather was actually the events from the end of this film so it's a weird repetitive loop?


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For anyone that's seen the new Blair Witch



I went to see it again last night and that's it Chokey

time is irrelevant in the woods and there's no way out from the loop


I adored the movie, but probably because I was fascinated with the whole Blair Witch mythology since the first movie.


but I saw bones and a camera in the cellar and they must be Mike and Heather's and if it was a proper time loop wouldn't they have probably bumped into the other cunts from the first flick. Do many questions


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Went to see Hunt For The Wilderpeople last night. Best film I've seen this year, just excellent. If it's on near you, go and see it.

Fantastic, eh? I wouldn't go all the way and say best of the year, but it's a film loaded with so much charm it's impossible not to come out of the cinema with a smile on your face. Think Pixar's Up, but with more jokes.

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Watched rob zombies new film 31 today and my God is it shit hot.


The perfect game of cat and mouse with some truly oh my god moments in it this is a complete return to form for rob.


The cast is also pretty perfect although I missed Sid haig & Bill Mosley the cast is perfectly put together with a few familiar faces thrown in if you have seen any of robs previous work.


All In all well worth the wait for me 9/10 brilliant dialogue & some scenes that will make most horror fans feel abit queasy

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