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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Watched another 4 films after my post yesterday


Killer Klowns from Outer Space - Batshit mental but absolutely hilarious, well worth a watch


Sleepaway Camp 2 - turned it off just over halfway through, too many kills for stupid reasons


The Brain That Wouldn't Die - crazy premise but enjoyable


The Thing From Another World - absolute classic that spawned one of the greatest film remakes

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The Guest is just wonderful. That soundtrack too.


Speaking of love letters to 80s teen slasher movies, I watched The Final Girls over the weekend. I was really looking forward to it based on the trailer, but it's not very good. A good premise and a couple of good performances can't save a poorly written script, and some of the more serious beats come across as laughable. Plus the studio forced a PG-13 rating on it, dunno how you can make an homage to 80s slashers without any norks or gore.

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I normally like Adam Wingards movies, but thought this one was just terrible. Predictable all the way through and uninteresting characters. Was really looking forward to it too.

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Another 3 films off the list today


Nightbreed - awesome film from start to finish, if you liked Hellraiser you'll love this for the dark tones it has


Zombies vs Strippers - shit, shit and more shit


Dolls - good film, had a Child's Play/ Puppet Master vibe to it

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Nightbreed - awesome film from start to finish, if you liked Hellraiser you'll love this for the dark tones it has

I used to have a real soft spot for Nightbreed, but I always felt it could have had a bit more to it.
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Nightbreed - awesome film from start to finish, if you liked Hellraiser you'll love this for the dark tones it has

I used to have a real soft spot for Nightbreed, but I always felt it could have had a bit more to it.


I need to see the directors cut, I haven't seen it since my VCR swallowed my old copy of it sometime in the mid 90s.

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So yesterday I watched


New Years Evil - paint by numbers slasher, came out in the wake of Friday the 13th


Famous Monster - documentary on Forrest J Ackerman, the first man to coin the term SciFi and creator of Famous Monsters magazine


A Bucket of Blood - decent horror comedy from Roger Corman

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Nightbreed - awesome film from start to finish, if you liked Hellraiser you'll love this for the dark tones it has


I used to have a real soft spot for Nightbreed, but I always felt it could have had a bit more to it.

I need to see the directors cut, I haven't seen it since my VCR swallowed my old copy of it sometime in the mid 90s.

If you can get it the US Netflix has the DC version. Really need to watch it myself.

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Nightbreed - awesome film from start to finish, if you liked Hellraiser you'll love this for the dark tones it has


I used to have a real soft spot for Nightbreed, but I always felt it could have had a bit more to it.

I need to see the directors cut, I haven't seen it since my VCR swallowed my old copy of it sometime in the mid 90s.
If you can get it the US Netflix has the DC version. Really need to watch it myself.

That's how I managed to watch it as I have Hola installed to get the US version


Yesterday I watched


Happy Birthday To Me - an ok teen slasher film


A Thousand Faces - terrific documentary on the great Lon Chaney Sr that came as part of the BD release of Phantom of the Opera by BFI


King Kong - the original 1933 version, still a classic

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