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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I want to see it out of morbid curiosity more than anything else just to see what they've done with it. I do agree that IMDB hate is from people who'll hate it for no justified reason and are probably the same people who drove it the rating of Dark Knight Rises to 9.8 on release.


On paper it has the makings of a solid movie and I was happy to hear when Josh Brolin got the part. Will Smith was rumoured at one point when it was going to a straight adaptation of the manga rather than a remake of the movie

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I watched Saving Mr. Banks, the other night. Come the finale, I think the whole cinema was either in tears or trying their hardest to hold them back; an old couple that were sitting next to me were in bits.


Tom Hanks was very good as Disney, but Emma Thompson makes the film a good watch, delivering some very dry lines superbly.


The parts where the Sherman Brothers are coming up with the songs and making corrections was forced and seemed rammed in.

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The Host - It was on Netflix and my girlfriend wanted to watch it. Obviously she's abit soft and liked the Twilight films and this was made by the makers or something. Sadly she enjoyed this film and it was just over 2 hours long. Meanwhile I was sat there watching hating every minute of it. Just bloody awful. It makes the Twilight films look like Raging Bull in comparison.

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The parts where the Sherman Brothers are coming up with the songs and making corrections was forced and seemed rammed in.


did you not hear the real tapes being played over the credits? If you look at the real story, she really hated the songs and refused for the stage show to feature their songs (before she died, so...)

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  • Awards Moderator
Every year I link to this in this thread, so if anyone's interested, the first part of my mammoth year-end best movies list is up. It's all the stuff that didn't make the top 20, and the shittest movies of 2013.


Have at it.



- Love, Spamstro Spammywood.


Huzzah! I've been looking forward to this, reading it last year inspired me to do a mega-post on all the films I'd seen that year, and it really made me think about what my favourites were. I'd like to think it wasn't a total slog to read as well, but I'm fairly certain it was, aside from the bit about the family who chuckled all the way through Life of Pi because it had monkeys in it. I'm definitely planning on doing the same this year, but I'm going to wait until I know I've seen all the 2013-released films I want to, to save editing to plonk Smaug or Anchorman or possibly Walter Mitty in there after the fact.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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The parts where the Sherman Brothers are coming up with the songs and making corrections was forced and seemed rammed in.


did you not hear the real tapes being played over the credits? If you look at the real story, she really hated the songs and refused for the stage show to feature their songs (before she died, so...)

You missed my point (and I left as the tapes were playing, although I knew the story). An example is when they're playing the Spoonful of Sugar chorus and then one of them clumsily says "well that doesn't sound right! The line is 'medicine goes down', so why don't we go up", then Walt Disney walks in as they correct it and then he gleefully praises the change. All that stuff just seemed a bit forced and poorly written, to me. It's a minor criticism, but one that stood out.


Don't get me wrong, though, the scenes where Travers is taking great pride in being difficult with them is one of the highlights of the movie; the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious joke being a treat.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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  • Awards Moderator
The parts where the Sherman Brothers are coming up with the songs and making corrections was forced and seemed rammed in.


did you not hear the real tapes being played over the credits? If you look at the real story, she really hated the songs and refused for the stage show to feature their songs (before she died, so...)

You missed my point (and I left as the tapes were playing, although I knew the story). An example is when they're playing the Spoonful of Sugar chorus and then one of them clumsily says "well that doesn't sound right! The line is 'medicine goes down', so why don't we go up", then Walt Disney walks in as they correct it and then he gleefully praises the change. All that stuff just seemed a bit forced and poorly written, to me. It's a minor criticism, but one that stood out.


Don't get me wrong, though, the scenes where Travers is taking great pride in being difficult with them is one of the highlights of the movie; the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious joke being a treat.


I didn't feel that way watching it, but I can see your point. I don't know how much of the real story as regards the Shermans was represented in the film, but it's possible that 'Spoonful of Sugar' incident actually happened - presumably it would still be on one of the tapes, which is the really fascinating thing! I suspect the late-night rendition of 'Feed The Birds' was probably invented, and is likely to have been featured because it was Disney's favourite song, but I really liked that bit and it was good to see Disney as a character outside of his encounters with Travers.

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It could be real, of course, but I spent that time saying to my self "piss off! That never happened like that!". For me, serendipity in a biopic, in regards to a creative process, can feel well hokey sometimes.


It was only a minor annoyance. I thought the film was good.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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  • Awards Moderator
Every year I link to this in this thread, so if anyone's interested, the first part of my mammoth year-end best movies list is up. It's all the stuff that didn't make the top 20, and the shittest movies of 2013.


Have at it.



- Love, Spamstro Spammywood.


Christmas has begun!

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I actually expected to like The Heat, but thought it was awful. Good to see The Conjuring continue to get some good press. It's not been the worst year for horrors. Really enjoyed In Fear and You're Next too, although the latter was more down to the comedy of it.


I really find it difficult to want to watch The Last Exorcism II because 1) I love found footage horror an don't know how I'll take to the change and 2) As you said, it's such an under-rated movie. I think the change in perspective might make me take it as a stand alone movie easier though. I think you've pushed me to giving it a go.


EDIT: Meant to say that yes, The Purge is shit. Like you I thought the premise was great, if a little silly.

Edited by The Cum Doctor
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