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I can't believe people are defending it still somewhat.


No-one is actually defending what he did though, are they?


Everyone in this thread (I think) has said that he went too far, Christy has every right to be pissed off and so do TNA. The only point of argument seems to be that some people think he got angry, broke character and abused her, while others think he heeled it up too much (and abused her). The end result was the same and he'll get what's coming.


No-one has said he was right to do it or that she's out of order for complaining about it. I think he just got sucked in to being a dick heel and went too far. He's still in the wrong.


That mong pity found on some other forum was defending it, but no-one here is. I was just pointing out what I thought was his reasoning for doing it, not trying to provide an excuse. I have made that clear a few times already.

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I'm not defending Aries here, but having watched it, I think what he did was him being in Charcater and being a Dick Head heel, he saved the situation a little bit by playing up to it, over stepped the line a little bit, obviously for Christy to make a complaint about it.


But I have a question regarding the situation. Had Christy made this complaint, and everything got sorted out behind the scenes, would we really be talking about this? Did anyone actually notice this whilst watching Impact and think "fuckin hell mate, that ain't right. That's sexual harrassment that is"

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Had Christy made this complaint, and everything got sorted out behind the scenes, would we really be talking about this? Did anyone actually notice this whilst watching Impact and think "fuckin hell mate, that ain't right. That's sexual harrassment that is"

What's that got to do with anything? We are talking about it because we now know its real. If it was fake, it wouldn't have mattered. If it was real and we didn't find out about it we'd have all assumed it was staged, because it happened on a fake show. If Sting really broke Devon's back in the Scorpion Death Lock, would we be talking about that if we didn't know about it? That paragraph makes no sense. We are talking about it because the TV channel, the TNA president and the person involved are pissed off and Austin Aries acted like a bitch on twitter. It was made public because the heads of TNA and Spike TV and Christy Hemme found it offensive.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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My point is about the sexual harassment. I watch it now, and even based on what everyone has said, I don't look at it and think "Sexual harassment" I think "Austin Aries being a dick". The whole situation could have been sorted out and handled so much better than it actually has

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Fucking hell. You know, I just don't get this at all. I mean, it doesn't fucking matter AT ALL what Aries intentions are or how it came off on TV to certain individuals on here or anywhere else. These are the facts:-


1) He stood on the turnbuckle and placed his genitalia a short distance from the face of a female colleague.


2) She did not consent to it nor have any idea what he was going to do.


3) He has not apologised for the incident and Hemme has publicly stated she was uncomfortable with what took place.


4) Therefore it is sexual harassment.


THEIR RELATIONSHIP PRIOR TO THIS EVENT IS IRRELEVANT. ARIES' ROLE IN THE COMPANY AS A TALENT IS IRRELEVANT. It doesn't matter what it looks like to you or whether Aries got carried away with his role and took something too far. It may have been a mistake on his part. But it doesn't matter. It's still sexual harassment and as such he should be fired.


I don't even know why these facts are being discussed.

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Did anyone actually notice this whilst watching Impact and think "fuckin hell mate, that ain't right. That's sexual harrassment that is"

What on earth are you on about? When X-Pac did a bronco buster on Trish Stratus or Terri, nobody thought it was sexual harrassment because it was part of the show -- if it later came out that the girl had no idea about it and Waltman forced her to do it, it would be a different story. There are a million things that have happened on wrestling that would be sex crimes if they weren't pre-determined. The difference here is this one wasn't pre-determined. This was a bloke shoving his knob in a woman's face because he's got a Napoleon complex.

Edited by King Pitcos
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I don't think either of you are quite getting what pryko is trying to say. He's not saying any of us could of watched it and thought it was predetermind, it was quite clearly Aries improvising in the moment.


What he is saying is, if Mark Madden and the others hadn't petioned TNA and the network calling it 'sexual harrassment', would people actually give it that label, rather than just using the only actual words of Christy Hemme that we know of, I.e, that it was, "unacceptable".


Using a label like sexual harrassment amd saying he should be fired etc, to me is just hyperbole and undermines what seriousness the incident actually has. TNA have dealt with it appropriately, I think, for what it was.

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What he is saying is, if Mark Madden and the others hadn't petioned TNA and the network calling it 'sexual harrassment', would people actually give it that label, rather than just using the only actual words of Christy Hemme that we know of, I.e, that it was, "unacceptable".

Well yes, because Mark Madden and "others" were the ones who were watching and spoke up about it in the media. What he did offended a number of people. Do you think Spike TV executives watched it and went "oh, bang out of order that like". The bad publicity forced them to ask TNA what was going on. It became a sexual harassment issue because it gained a mini uproar in the media, thus giving TNA and Spike bad publicity because one of the wrestlers went off script and stuck his cock in a womans face. Sticking you groin in a womans face who wasn't expecting it, is a form of harassment. Just because TNA didn't get away with it, doesnt make a bit of difference to how some people took it.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Well that I agree with that somewhat, the problem escalated when rather than dealing with it internally, it got to twitter, TNA continued to ignore it and the TV network had to step in and sort it out before it became more of a PR disaster.


That hasnt covered anyone in glory.

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TNA came out of this looking worse than anyone really. Hemme will be fine in the end. It was an unfortunate incident but she'll be back to work next week. And by the looks of her deleting her tweets, she didn't want this to be a big publicity thing. Aries is above it all by the looks of things, so he probably isn't to fussed. TNA on the other hand, has just put a tick in the sexual harassment box, to go with the homophobic slur and the countless times they've been sued for not paying people when they've been injured in their ring. The fact Spike's had to come out and handle this themselves puts TNA in a right old position. There's going to be a time when Spike wonders what TNA is playing at. They always seem to get themselves in scrapes like this.

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Using a label like sexual harrassment amd saying he should be fired etc, to me is just hyperbole


No it isn't! It was sexual harassment! It isn't hyperbole or anything of the kind. The facts are there. Sexual harassment in the workplace usually, in the vast majority of cases, means termination.


I'm not arguing about this any more, this is absolutely infuriating. I just don't get the sheer volume of people who are not understanding this, fucking hell.

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I don't get why people think 'acting a heel' is akin to a cloak of infallibility.


Whether he was in character or not, he went too far if Christy was unhappy and it wasn't pre-planned. Which she was. And it wasn't.

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