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Gallows was good value when he was in the SES too. Trouble with Aces & Eights is he's in a large group and all their gimmicks are also 'member of Aces & Eights'. Bully Ray and maybe Devon are the only blokes that are more than that.


Also, I'm not having a bad word on here about Bad Influence. They're like a 2013 version of E&C. Not only can they be well funny, but they've had some cracking matches.

Edited by Blackson Jackson
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I think Gallows's a solid hand to have for TNA. He has a great look and I think he is pretty decent. Despite that he hasn't really shown anything since signing with TNA other than being "Another Aces and Eights Guy below Anderson" which I think is a shame. I can see where Ian is calling him useless as he has done pretty much nothing throughout his time in TNA but I'm a fan of him and would like him to be doing something better than he is currently doing.


I still think Devon/Angle wouldn't be all that. Both are doing fuck all and I'd be interested in seeing a feud between the two.

Edited by Twinn
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I've not seen his TNA stuff at all bar one or two bits, but I've found Gallows useless at anything besides Festus and podcasts. The SES seemed perfect for him, and he was just boring. Aces and Eights seems even more perfect for him so it's a shame that he's not impressing people.

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It's the way his tits stick out above his t-shirt when he wrestles. It completely undermines his attempts to look intimidating.


I'm not sold on him at all, Ian's been touting him for ages so I was pumped, but like the rest of you I can't ever remember a match of his in WWE or TNA that was anything other than bland. He just looks like the lost 3rd Disciple Of Destruction to me.

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Something I've noticed about TNA is how the monthly PPVs going hasn't properly enhanced their telly. Instead of being able to play out their longer term angles without the pressure of monthly pairings getting in the way, it seems like they start pairings off but then fail to pay them off properly without a monthly PPV. That's totally arse about tit. They nailed it with the Bully/Jeff rematch, and Hogan and Sting's angle is following the necessary formula, but the rest of the card has fallen into a bit of a holding pattern, and I bet they'll end up rush building to the next PPV anyway.

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It's bollocks (no pun intended) in my opinion. The way I took it was as him just acting as if she wasn't there and doing his usual pose. For a sport where 50% of the time you're either touching someone's crotch or have your face in it, I really don't see why she's being so arsey about it.

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Because she's a married woman who got shouted at and then got a pair of bollocks shoved in her face. Then he doesn't apologise for it afterwards and takes to twitter to call her out on it. There was really no need for him to do anything. Mistakes happen. Its a proper dick move in my opinion. I usually like Aries as well, but he's totally in the wrong here. I dont think he should be sacked though. If they sack him, I'd be wondering why Bully Ray and Jeff Hardy are still there.


The fact TNA has been silent all week doesn't spell good news for them. This has went above Dixie Carter and its Spike dealing with it.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Because she's a married woman who got shouted at and then got a pair of bollocks shoved in her face. Then he doesn't apologise for it afterwards and takes to twitter to call her out on it. There was really no need for him to do anything. Mistakes happen. Its a proper dick move in my opinion. I usually like Aries as well, but he's totally in the wrong here. I dont think he should be sacked though. If they sack him, I'd be wondering why Bully Ray and Jeff Hardy are still there.


To me, the entire thing came off as him playing heel, up to and including him climbing the turnbuckle. Even when she told him to back off I didn't see anything out of the ordinary until people started saying it was sexual harassment. Unless he specifically got up on the turnbuckle to shove his balls in her face (which I don't think he did) then I see nothing wrong with it. I think in the long run, this will fair much worse for Hemme than it will for Aries, as I can't imagine many people backstage looking at it like sexual harassment either.

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I don't think Aries will be shit-canned but it was a prick maneuver to make, to follow on was even more daft. Hasn't he got a history of being a bit of a dick, as talented as he is mind. He didn't shove his balls in her face but climbing the turnbuckle coming to level with her face with his crotch and not moving is pretty well implied. He didn't need to throw in a Rick Rude thrust for definition. I doubt this will harm Hemme, it would be fucking incredible if it did, and backwards beyond belief.

Edited by Chilli_Mondeo
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I don't think Aries will be shit-canned but it was a prick maneuver to make, to follow on was even more daft. Hasn't he got a history of being a bit of a dick, as talented as he is mind. He didn't shove his balls in her face but climbing the turnbuckle coming to level with her face with his crotch and not moving is pretty well implied. He didn't need to throw in a Rick Rude thrust for definition. I doubt this will harm Hemme, it would be fucking incredible if it did, and backwards beyond belief.


When does he thrust? I just watched it again and didn't see it.


It wouldn't shock me if it did harm Hemme. It depends how everyone else looks at it backstage I reckon, and how much pull Aries has backstage. I mean, I doubt I'm the only one that watched it and didn't think anything of it.

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