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There's nothing bizarre. This place just isn't the "mindless sheep" sort of forum. Enjoy that other place if you want three pages of people agreeing with each other.

Best thing about this place is that you'll probably only agree with about two other people and you just want to argue with everyone else.
Keep in mind though that when you were wrestleuk's age, you were rage quitting because everyone didn't join in with the "Cena sux, push the cruisers" stuff. It takes a while for a young lad of limited intelligence to acclimatise when they've only ever been used to everyone around them agreeing with the Internet hivemind opinion. Some kid landing here now from other forums would vomit with confusion upon reading a post about Cesaro not being world title material.


Although in TNA's case, every fucker on the Internet has abandoned them for NXT now anyway, so it must be a right little pocket of resistance that are still living in the bubble of TNA being great.


Erm out of interest how old is it you think I am exactly lol


Bare in mind as I've said many a time I was a long time wcw viewer who never really watched wwf

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Weird belly button guy is apparently Marshe Rockett. I hadn't heard of him, actually.


TNA have put out a press release where they've gone all "use their real names and hint at what they've done before".


The Frenchies are apparently "following the career path of Bram and Eli Drake".

I just looked at a bit of paper I had on the floor (yes I'm a lazy bastard), and it's got Marsh Rockett against Lince Dorado for some TEW booking I was doing about a couple of years ago.

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Weird belly button guy is apparently Marshe Rockett. I hadn't heard of him, actually.


TNA have put out a press release where they've gone all "use their real names and hint at what they've done before".


The Frenchies are apparently "following the career path of Bram and Eli Drake".

I just looked at a bit of paper I had on the floor (yes I'm a lazy bastard), and it's got Marsh Rockett against Lince Dorado for some TEW booking I was doing about a couple of years ago.

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I'm surprised they haven't picked up Bull Dempsey yet, he seems like the type they'd usually sign. You know, quite shit and a former WWE jobber.


I think he - and Sami Callihan - have an eye on a return one day. Going to TNA would jeopardise that. It may be a long shot, but the WWE landscape could change overnight if one or two people retired, so you never know.

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I'm surprised they haven't picked up Bull Dempsey yet, he seems like the type they'd usually sign. You know, quite shit and a former WWE jobber.

I think he - and Sami Callihan - have an eye on a return one day. Going to TNA would jeopardise that. It may be a long shot, but the WWE landscape could change overnight if one or two people retired, so you never know.

Sami was picked up by Lucha Underground. Could be a good fit.

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I see TNA are pulling their wrestlers form Southside and PCW for some odd reason. Probably their wrestlers biggest paydays come from over here as well. TNA doing their wrestlers a grand service as usual.



It saddens me to announce that TNA have issued the withdrawal of EC3/Ethan Carter from our April 3rd PCW show. The other international talent booked being Ken Anderson, Jade, Eddie Kingston, Cedric Alexander are all still confirmed to appear.


Wrestle Mania weekend is the hardest time of the year to secure a replacement talent but I have worked hard to secure somebody and subject to him finding his passport we may have another guest from the USA.


I did reach out to TNA management but was told ''Unfortunately nothing can be done. This is a network commitment and something he had no control over''.


Considering TNA was publicly vocal about not being happy when AJ Styles pulled out of an agreed deal with them, it does seem double standards to me that the company would ask talent to back out of a deal that has been in place for many weeks. I have lost out financially having paid for an extensive promotional campaign with EC3 clearly front and centre promoting his appearance but most of all I feel for fans who have used their hard earned money and booked travel to see/meet EC3. We have gone above and beyond to try source a replacement in tough times for those fans but it is a shame that when asked for assistance TNA told us ''nothing can be done''.


I will in future be thinking twice about using TNA talent to avoid repeat scenarios as even WWE respect that when a date is agreed it is agreed and do not try to pull talent from it. I try give my fans more than value for money and will continue to do so but even though I do take full responsibility for the change in the line up, you know I will always be honest with you all.


The show will still be amazing and tickets are available from www.prestoncitywrestling.com


PCW owner - Steven Fludder

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Time to send Chris Masters round to Dixie's front door, then.


Shitty from TNA, but doesn't surprise me. Put it this way, I don't think they're likely to attain IIP accreditation with the way they've treated some of their guys over the years.

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Are both PCW and South side owned by same guy?


Just seems strange that this paragraph is vurtually word for word (replacing I for We) in both statements...


Considering TNA was publicly vocal about not being happy when AJ Styles pulled out of an agreed deal with them, it does seem double standards to us that the company would ask talent to back out of a deal that has been in place for many months especially after pulling him from us last October. We have lost out financially having paid for an extensive promotional campaign with EC3 clearly front and centre promoting his appearance but most of all I feel for fans who have used their hard earned money and booked travel to see/meet EC3. We have gone above and beyond to try source a replacement in tough times for those fans but it is a shame that when asked for assistance TNA told us ''nothing can be done''."

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