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I feel what your saying with wanting them to go under. I would never want a competetiorless WWE or people out of a job but I get the impression GFW will snaffle everyone up at the end off it and we may get things done a bit better. If they could run sustainable shows and recreate something close to 2005 TNA I would be happy.


Basically what I'm saying is now that there is someone around who will give all these people jobs I don't care too much if a TNA go under and some off the better wrestlers might actually have a stronger platform.

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Angle not re-signing with them, and he's mental. Does seem very much like the end or at least a massive downsize.


I don't want wrestlers & ring crew etc. to go out of jobs, but natural talent selection will at least be there for the wrestlers, and they can all go in much better directions. Certain staff and people behind the scenes should be nowhere near the business though.


Shame though cos they actually have one of their few good World Champs atm, utilizing a guy better than WWE could, which is what they were supposed to be about, but otherwise you just have MISTERR...UHH, ANDERSON and Lashley booked so weakly it's near impossible to care. A fair few other talents around but the show just feels like a big waste of time, cos it is. And they have the worst commentary of any big company I can think of

Edited by sj5522
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I'm slightly torn. On one hand, I don't want people to lose their jobs but, one the other, TNA just so utterly deserve to go out of business. Has any company in history been both as arrogant and as clueless as TNA has been? They've shat on pretty much everybody who has tried to help them over the years. From lying to the Spike executives who stuck by them despite what must've been a mountain of broken promises ("We need two hours\Hogan\Mondays" etc), to constantly burying and disrespecting their own talent, up to the production staff that they basically strong armed into working for free. They treat people terribly and then they wonder why no one likes them.


It was all so avoidable as well. They had so much potential, especially around '95/96 and they've squandered the lot of it.

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Even in 05, which I assume is what you meant, yeah the X Division was on point, as were a few of the tag teams but the world title scene felt so insignificant in comparison once you watch a couple shows back. Screwing Monty Brown out of the title with a shitty, lifeless NWO rehash called "Kings of Wrestling", then a couple months later, thankfully the Kings of Wrestling is a thing of the past but they turn Brown heel and align with Jarrett in the main event v DDP, all after convoluted interferences from Billy Gunn, X-Pac & Road Dogg. Just so little sense in that division. Those were the defining points because I'm not sure who had the patience to watch the weekly PPVs on a regular basis, so cementing a 'TNA guy' as a champ, a decent way into their monthy PPV/TNA iMPACT! schedule, it could've been big for them, and Brown himself. Astounding they didn't try it, cos the dude could've even had a short-ish reign where he gets screwed over, but a reign nonetheless, building for AJ Styles to get promoted at a marquee PPV, but the way they did things was just so energy-sapping..


For me the bigger shame is that ROH wasn't at the same level of importance. It's more or less caught up to TNA today, so I would've liked to see the two on even footing somehow back in 04/05. With ROH keeping all that talent, only having to worry about WWE stealing their top guys rather than 2 companies and putting on consistently good main events

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I know we all took the piss out of that Jeff Hardy is EC3's personal assistant angle but give Impact a watch this week.

That's why you have a guy like EC3 at the top. He can make most anything massively entertaining. The 20 minute promo to open the show was better than any Raw's done in ages.

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Apparently, Panda Energy have bought out Jarrett's shares and he no longer owns a part of TNA. Panda now owns 100% of TNA.


EDIT - And now there's an article about TNA/GFW on Sports Illustrated's website where it's said that Jarrett basically traded in his shares in exchange for GFW getting air time on Impact. In the same article Dixie says they're contracted to Destination America until the end of the year and are "currently in discussions for 2016".

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The last tapings were at the end of July, with 3 more episodes to be shown and then Bound for Glory on the 4th October. There are no further tapings scheduled so episodes after BFG could just be miscellaneous stuff from the tapings which haven't been shown unless they get something sorted quickly and also rumours of tapings in India in November as well.

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So Jeff's realised his shares were fucking worthless? He still should have held out for half a curly wurly and a packet of love hearts tho.


Did you just indirectly compare shares in TNA to the John Major sex tape??



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