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So, for all the talk of TNA's money issues, apparently they made a play for CM Punk, offering him the money they were paying Hogan in the hopes he could secure them the bad man TV deal and shit.


He said no.

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Ive heard Heyman speak about his plan for TNA where he wanted to sign Bryan and make him THE man in TNA.


Does anybody know when this was going to happen? I would have thought before the Hogan deal got signed so about late 2009?


Have you got a link? Would love to hear Heyman’s thoughts.

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Ive heard Heyman speak about his plan for TNA where he wanted to sign Bryan and make him THE man in TNA.


Does anybody know when this was going to happen? I would have thought before the Hogan deal got signed so about late 2009?

That was in mid-2010 when Bryan was released by WWE for a while.


Have you got a link? Would love to hear Heyman’s thoughts.

Heyman's never talked about the Bryan to TNA scenario in depth, I believe. Gabe Sapolsky was the one who did in a blog. Here's the blog:



You might have heard the new Paul Heyman interview from over the weekend where he revealed some of his plans if he went to TNA last summer, particularly with younger, new talent. I'll add something to that involving the man now known as Daniel Bryan in WWE. I was in the loop with Heyman about going to TNA. Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't about to give up Dragon Gate USA and EVOLVE, which are both very close to my heart, but I was going to figure out a way to possibly be involved with everything and even possibly tie in DGUSA and EVOLVE, but that's another subject for another time and was a long, long way from happening.


In the middle of all the TNA/Heyman talks, Bryan Danielson was fired by WWE last June. After Bryan called me, I immediately called Heyman and in just a little while Paul had a brilliant plan to make Bryan a star in TNA. It was a four parter:


1) Have Bryan debut a new submission and tap out EVERYONE in under a minute.


2) At the same time introduce a new, huge monster with a new high impact move and have him beat everyone quickly. I'm thinking Goldberg meets 911 here.


3) After 3-6 months, have Bryan and the monster collide and have Bryan tap him out in under a minute. This puts over the submission and Bryan like a million bucks. Have Bryan continue tapping people out. After a year or so, Bryan cuts a promo saying "I've tapped out everyone in this company..."


4) This all leads to Kurt Angle, after one year, coming out and confronting Bryan saying that he never tapped him out and that TNA is Angle's company. Bryan vs. Angle is on! Tell me that wouldn't sell some PPVs with that build up.


I don't know if Bryan would have signed with TNA, but I do think there was a window in June/early July of last year where he probably would have if Heyman and I went there. Now the window on everyone is slammed shut. Just another "what could have been."


Edited by pgi86
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An indie darling tapping everyone out in under a minute for a year is the kind of nonsense that has keyboards covered in jizm when Dem Wans hear it, but you just know they'd be complaining within about two months of it actually starting. "Danielson should be having five asterisk matches with Joe instead of pointless squashes" etc.


It's not far off the new Russo thing, where he does the generic criticisms of Raw and fantasy books stuff to pander to the worst kind of fans in a bid to make them think he knows what he's doing (and buy subscriptions to his site).

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Mid 2010 would have been to late I think, the Hogan and Friends rot had well set in.


Aug/Sep 09 would have been the best time, TNA had Styles champ and the likes of Joe, Beer Money and even Daniels were all in the mix at the top.


Matt Morgan could have been the monster to push?

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Obviously a little misleading because you've got the Japanese guys on the show and you've got the farcical situation with the titleholders/contenders being missing, but this is the full list of guys from the number two promotion in the US appearing on their biggest show of the year:


James Storm

The Great Sanada 
Team 3D


Tommy Dreamer 
Samoa Joe

Low Ki

Kaz Hayashi

Ethan Carter III




Velvet Sky


On the positive side, if TNA manages to pick up a new TV deal but it's on a crappy station, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Bound for Glory 2015 is at Wembley Arena and loaded up with British Bootcamp guys.

Edited by JNLister
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It is, well worth checking out.


Yeah, keep hearing about it so was planning to. It’ll be the first episode of Impact I’ve seen in months.


So what’s happening with Impact after this week/Bound For Glory? How far in advance have they taped, and at what point do they run out of taped episodes?

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