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Kurt Angle actually looks like he could drop dead at any moment. He was bright red and shaking on Impact, I know he's been a mess for years now but it surely can't go on much longer than this


Just reading a recent interview with him earlier and he said that he has at least 5 years left before retiring :confused:

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Tna really has died of death on here hasnt it? I record impact but hardly watch any of it, i just keep up to date with it if im honest. Willow does interest me though.


Its the big ppv on sunday sacrifice and i cant remember there being a main event as bad as magnus v eric young for along while. I mean would you pay to watch that?

Edited by bono
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The thing TNA needs is a guy who will question decisions. They need a continuity proofreader. They need someone to ask all the questions that we all ask such as:


"Why was the PPV main event announced on TV 13 minutes from the end of the go-home show?"

"Why was Gunner's dad in the front row at a show where the announcers said he was in hospital after being malkied with a bottle the week before?"

"Why was Eric Young's title win rushed with no build, when Gunner was given a ton of vignettes that actually made you believe in him as a contender, only to lose the match?"

"Why is Willow dissing Meltzer in nonsensical promos?"

"If Sam Shaw lives in his mum's basement, then what the hell was the deal with that fancy apartment that Christy interviewed him and where he kept that shrine?"

"What happened to Knux's dad's carnival that got flooded, now that Knux is leaving again?"

"Why is our World champion a comedy character parodying the company who are the dominant force in our industry that we are trying to present ourselves as an alternative to?"


WHO? WHAT? WHY? These should be things people are asking. They shouldn't be dragging their arse on stupid plotholes that even the most casual fan can pick up. Someone needs to stand up and stop being a Yes man and address the stupid fucking decisions TNA are making day in, day out. They need to stop surrounding themselves with mindless drones and actually get someone who will upset the apple cart and sort things out.


But they won't, because they're TNA. They'll continue to employ the same lazy bastards who half-arse it every week and take no attention to detail and they'll continue to make stupid mistakes like cameramen who veer between not being there to engaging in conversation and then back to not being acknowledged in the space of a segment. They will continue to parody WWE or not build their PPVs and the fans will continue to not buy the PPVs or take anything they do seriously.


This is probably the worst I've ever seen Impact (although to be fair, I've only been watching since the heydays of the MEM). Wrestlers are leaving in droves, their PPVs are so non-consequential that it's hard to even remember they exist, and people just don't care about TNA anymore. It all reeks of last-chance-saloon desperation plays in an effort to try and get back to what it once was. The fact that people have been burned so many times with TNA is bad enough, but the fact they're still doing it is just depressing.


At least WCW 1999/2000 didn't show it's arse when it came to it's dying days. They still tried to act like they had loads of cash, blowing it on monster trucks and KISS concerts. Even then, you had mental shite like Chavo selling Avon, Scott Steiner fighting people in a giant steel thimble or Dave Penzer accidentally winning the World title to keep you going.


WCW was like watching a madman trying to fight his way out of an FBI siege. TNA is like going to see an uncle with a terminal illness every few days in hospital as he watches the clock run down.

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To be fair to them it's not like there's any point trying, they're done. They've been done for a long time. There's no lightening in the bottle for them. They've got nothing. It doesn't really compare to the dying days of WCW because they still had something of a future even at the end.

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They spoke to everyone from Paul Heyman to Jim Ross to Dusty Rhodes to Eric Bischoff to Bruce Prichard to Vince Russo, and either they ran a mile or could do nothing with them. They've had Hogan, Hardy, RVD, Angle, Foley, Hall, Nash and all these other huge names turn up and they've not made that much of an impact. You might as well get rid of everyone and use $20 a night talent. Their business isn't going to go up. They made their bed. Nobody seems to give a shit about TNA anymore, sadly. TNA used to have a bit of buzz to it, but not anymore. When Eric Young and Magnus is the main event of your PPV you're in trouble. ROH's first PPV will probably have a bigger main event.

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There's only so many times you can enjoy half a dozen amazing performers in front of crowds of a few hundred. My interest in TNA really revolved around the fresh talent, and now that they've all wrestled each other there's nothing left to tun in for.


I really hope it folds, so the guys under contract can move on to WWE or Jeff Wrestling.

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I really hope it folds, so the guys under contract can move on to WWE or Jeff Wrestling.


I just want three discs of Kurt Angle with all his best (non-Benoit) WWE matches, a fresh sit-down career introspective and input from the relevant talking heads - Jericho, Hunter, E&C, Rock, Austin, Vince, Lesnar, Show. Conveniently stops in 2006 and ends with Kurt saying "It was great to come home and finally tell my story."

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They could cover the 2006-2014 period, just with vague mentions of him slumming it in the minors and getting into various drink and drug problems. Then end the DVD with the triumphant comeback when he finally returned to Raw after the best part of a decade away and waved at the fans. What are the odds of him being able to even do a DVD interview coherently and without his mad fucking eyes on the go though?

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He needs to go to DDPs, get properly clean and then return to WWE. That's now the recognised way of returning to the fold. If they welcomed a near-dead Warrior back into the family, a clean Angle would be a shoe-in.

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