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January Hate Thread


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I actually had a little sympathy for him when he was going through personal stuff etc, but if he's had a time out and has come back only to try and wind people up for his own entertainment, then he deserves everything he gets from people. I don't get why he has to be such a prick.

Without meaning to kick a guy while he's down, his "only just found out about my Gran having cancer" appeared on here almost a month after he "only just found out" about it on Facebook.


I find Tommy's stupidity and complete lack of self awareness hilarious, but this last year he's demonstrated a really unpleasant streak to his personality, and the above incident was like "I'll mention this to cover for my recent behaviour".

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Yeah, I almost commented at the time but worried it would seem very cold but his post at the time felt a bit like "I've tried everything to be accepted so now I am going to share this situation I am going through in order to get a bit of leniency".


Obviously I don't take light of the situation as both my grandmothers have gone through battles with cancer in the last year or so but I wouldn't use that as an attempted shield from the (often) deserved abuse someone might get on here.

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Without meaning to kick a guy while he's down, his "only just found out about my Gran having cancer" appeared on here almost a month after he "only just found out" about it on Facebook.

Christ. That's messed up.


For his own sanity, or what's left of it, it's probably for the best he's suspended.

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Nick falls into the same 'posts too much, tries too hard' bracket as air_raid and it's pathetic shit like this -


She should basically be considered royalty.


- that deserves scorn, not encouragement.



Well, I'm never buying YOU cool drumsticks again. Fucker.




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Nothing specific, and I skim over most of his stuff to be fair but when I don't it normally just irks me some how.

There's just *something*.


It's quite irrational.

I have to agree with this and Mr Seven's comments about air_raid. Particularly Tommy's line; "There's just *something*." That sums it up. I cant quite put my finger on what it is about him that I don't like, but *something* just doesn't sit right. Most of his posts can be really good, but there is a definite sense of "try hard" about him. This whole 'trying to hard' gets thrown around as an insult very frequently lately on here, but I cant think of anyone it applies to more than air_raid.

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air_raid sometimes puts a bit too much spin on it, as Ian does from time to time. It's more than redeemed by the positive effort he puts into starting interesting discussions, threads and so on.


Slick Dick, next time you should just try "look at my horse":



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I genuinely don't get the air_raid criticism. That's not me being a bummer or arse licking or anything, I'm just not sure where people are coming from.

It's odd, cause I agree with you, even though I'm one of the ones criticising him. I don't get it either, his posts are usually very good, informative and often funny. Like I said, I can't quite put my finger on what it is that I don't like.


Actually, i've thought of something. Grammar nazi's piss me off. We all want the place to be easy to read and some posters took the piss with their spelling, but in the last year or so people have gone way, way over the top with their nit picking of people's poor grammar and spelling mistakes. A real pet peeve of mine is people who incessantly correct the "should have/of" mistake. I know "of" makes no sense in those situations, but IMO that should be the most easily forgivable mistake that people make. "Should have" pretty much always gets abbreviated into "should've" especially when we speak. When someone says should've/could've/would've, it sounds exactly like Should of/could of/would of would sound, and that's where the mistake comes from. It's such a simple error to make. On top of that, it's not a mistake that makes the content any harder to comprehend. People who constantly bitch, whinge and act elitist over someone making a mistake as simple and as small as that one piss me off. If someone writes; "CM Punk should of dropped the belt to Ryback", then big fucking deal! They made a mistake. It's not like they are clogging the place up with txt spk or something.


air_raid is the biggest offender when it comes to picking on people for making the "should of" mistake, and I think that may be the source of my irritation.

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Actually, i've thought of something. Grammar nazi's piss me off. We all want the place to be easy to read and some posters took the piss with their spelling, but in the last year or so people have gone way, way over the top with their nit picking of people's poor grammar and spelling mistakes. A real pet peeve of mine is people who incessantly correct the "should have/of" mistake. I know "of" makes no sense in those situations, but IMO that should be the most easily forgivable mistake that people make. "Should have" pretty much always gets abbreviated into "should've" especially when we speak. When someone says should've/could've/would've, it sounds exactly like Should of/could of/would of would sound, and that's where the mistake comes from. It's such a simple error to make. On top of that, it's not a mistake that makes the content any harder to comprehend. People who constantly bitch, whinge and act elitist over someone making a mistake as simple and as small as that one piss me off. If someone writes; "CM Punk should of dropped the belt to Ryback", then big fucking deal! They made a mistake. It's not like they are clogging the place up with txt spk or something.


I don't think I tend to do it on here, but I have a slow-witted mate on Facebook who a group of us do it to all the time because he's so vociferous on the issue and easy to wind up.


I think being a lecturer and having to correct so many of the fucking things has warped my perspective somewhat, because it's the sort of thing that, when you encounter it as frequently as we do, makes you boil with silent rage like D-Fens. I actually think in one or two cases it can be quite helpful, though, albeit in an amusingly patronising way - especially in the case of more common ones like 'should of', or misuse of 'loose' and 'lose'. If people genuinely don't know the mistake they're making, surely it's better that they find out from some pedantic wanker on a wrestling forum than have a prospective employer bin their CV because of it.

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