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Wrestling Pod Casts / Radio Interviews


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Two of my favourite things have combined: Radiolab has covered the Montreal Screwjob. It's presented by Peter Rosenberg, clips from Wrestling with Shadows, with restrained interjections from Russo. It's a great recap from a rube's perspective.



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I only started listening to the Jericho podcasts a couple of weeks ago and have been consuming them at a rapid pace. I know his personality grates on some people but I've always liked him and really enjoy his shows. The one with Zayn and Neville was particularly good and very funny, and the latest with Lance Storm is a great look back at how they both started out together. Contrary to what others thought, I also really enjoyed the shows with Shawn Michaels, and the subsequent one Michaels did with Austin. Both very different, as Jericho's was more about the wrestling and Austin's was more about his salvation and his post wrestling life. Have to say it did make me want to buy his book, so job done there.


Very tempted by Piper's as the list of guests look good, but I am put off by bad audio quality. Not checked out any of the others, of which there seem to be a lot of these days. Tas has never done much for me so I'm not sure how bothered I'd be listening to him chatting to people, though maybe he's a far better podcaster than in ring performer, for my tastes.

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If you skip to the main interview on Jericho's show, he's usually not that bad.

that's what i do. I probably listen to Jericho's the most these days because he's getting the better guests out of all the podcast one podcasts.


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I still listen to Cabana's the most, probably more out of habit than anything else. He has Vader on this week I think.


Tried giving Jericho's a go, but I hate the pricks voice, as well as his constant delusional mentions of being a top player in the WWE.


Not even bothered with JR, Piper or Tazz's ones.

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Think the wrestling podcast market must be a bit oversaturated now surely, tried listening to one of Jericho's but he annoyed me within about 5 minutes so I binned it, JR sounds like Kryten in that Red Dwarf episode when time goes slow on half the ship, I'd rather an hour of his over the top Stone Cold Stone Cold shouting than him sounding stoned and even Austin has annoying little sayings


In summary, they're all shite unless Heyman's on

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JR interviewing Victoria is a bit uneasy. His lack of awareness that he's coming across as an absolute pig is quite interesting. He seems under the impression that Victoria knows she's to old to ever be back on TV, but she actually isn't. When she's talking about not being on TV for TNA, JR says something along the lines of "and you know the fans are gonna yell about your age" and then went "people want to see 20 year old hardbodies". Its like "fucking hell, mate". Personally thought Victoria was quite stunning when she was last seen on TV in TNA. Really stood out as the old bird with a young boyfriend. She shouldn't feel disheartened because she doesn't get JR's willy solid.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I know from doing occasional wrestling ones for the website I write for it was basically:


Get a decent recording programme (there are loads to choose from), download audacity to edit it if needed, get a decent microphone, get a soundcloud account, record something, upload it, share it.


If you want to record over skype, you can use Amolto which is free, and then just cut it together with audacity. 


Obviously, if you want to spend some cash, you can get better equipment, better software etc you'll have a better sound quality/production values, but if you want to do it on the cheap to try it out, that's what I'd do.

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