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Raw discussion. 15/10/12 ***Spoilers***


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I still don't see the downside of having Ryback win by stoppage, have him physically dominate Punk and beat the absolute shit out of him. Ryback looks strong coming out of that, he's given Punk a beating that no one has, not Cena, not HHH not Taker.


Next night on Raw, Heyman pulls out the legal paper bullshit, stating how the match contact notes a winner will be determined "By pinfall or submission" and note Ryback did neither. Everyone knows Ryback won the match, but Punk wrangles his way to another survival with the title. Come the time of the rematch, Cena is back in the picture and can be the fall guy in a triple threat.


Ryback spends the next few months being ducked by Punk but takes the Rumble by absolute storm, beats Kane's single rumble elimination record along the way. Punk comes out clean in his match with the Rock because of Cena running in, thus setting up Cena/Rock II at Mania, and Punk can no longer avoid Ryback, who promptly beats the shit out of him to take the title at Mania.


Having a storyline where the champion pulls out every low weasel move to avoid the biggest threat to his title, is one that you can burn over months. Between now and then Ryback can run roughshod over the roster, build up his win streak (which needs to be start being mentioned by number soon) and possibly take the US title along the way, the guy has that physique to look good wearing a belt, give people the idea in their head that he suits gold naturally. Then he can drop the US belt post Mania, letting them build up their midcard in a tournament.



Ryback can't lose between now and Mania in my opinion, but nor is Ryback/Rock the draw that Punk/Rock is.

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The downside is that it's yet more "lol I had my fingers crossed" cop-out booking from WWE that leaves everyone who bought the PPV on Sunday night feeling like a fool on Monday night and less likely to buy future ppvs for fear of anything big being retconned the next night. At least when they did it with Rock and Mankind, they did it on the night and had a proper main event booked to follow it.


If Punk's keeping the title, your suggestion probably is the best way to do it, but it's still not ideal.

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That's a bullshit finish. Fans don't buy that crap anymore. You can't have someone win the belt on the PPV and have him give it up the next night rendering the previous nights event (that people actually paid for) meaningless. WCW used to do that. If the Rock wins it in January, in the build what if the fans just go "I'll watch Raw instead, they'll probably just find a way out of it". Especially in a Hell in the Cell. It would murder the Hell in the Cell gimmick as well.


You should either have him win it or don't have him win it. Everyone (the fans, the wrestlers and the promotion) loses having him win it and then changing it the next night.

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If Punk's keeping the title, your suggestion probably is the best way to do it, but it's still not ideal.


It's not ideal, but the whole situation isn't in the way they've booked themselves into a corner with this.


Right now Ryback doesn't need the title to look strong, he just needs to beat the shit out of anything put infront of him and keep winning. The only reason people are saying "he needs the belt" is because he's in a match with the Champion. He needs to beat Punk, and beat him in a way that no one will dispute who the better man is. When his streak gets to a point where he's 40-0, 50-0 and more then there's going to be the expectancy to be Champion.




It reeks of a Russo swerve, but the night before isn't deemed completely irrelevant. Everyone will see Ryback beat Punk to a point no one ever has, and they can keep that fresh in people's heads for some time. We're only 3 months to the Rumble itself, having him throw Punk around the cage, through the cage (horizontally before someone thinks I'm talking a stupidly high cage-bump) and beating the shit out of him from pillar to post is going to keep him momentum till he wins the Rumble. Once he's won the Rumble, you've got him booked to take the win.

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He didn't have to win the belt a few weeks back, but on the last few episodes of Raw they've booked themselves into a such a corner and shoved Ryback so much, that on TV everyone expects him to win the belt. Here's the thing, people are judging this like its Undertaker, Cena or Orton going for the belt. This is completely different. They are established and have the trust of the fans to come back from shit like this. Ryback doesn't. If he fucks this up, he's Lex Luger. I read this thread and people are talking as if Ryback is something they can always come back to later. But you can't. He's caught fire and the time to do something is now. That didn't mean give him the belt, but they decided to put him in a Hell in the Cell match against the WWE champion. They could have just slowly built up a match over time, but they decided to give him a title shot. They find themselves in this situation. Its either they panicked because Cena was hurt or they have looked at the roster while Cena is hurt and thought "we must get a new star in the mix".


Ryback has came out of nowhere and they made the Champion so scared of him, he runs each time he sees him, the biggest star in the company has essentially said "I'll step back, because Ryback will kill you". Vince has even given him the stamp of approval. He's been booked so strong, a title win seems like the only option. This is a Lex Express type of push. He's had onscreen endorsements from Cena and Vince and the WWE champion runs from him. Everything from the build up to the stipulation to the anticipation for the match says he's winning the title. If I'm a fan just watching it and Ryback doesn't win the belt, why would you pay to see him in another title match? The unstoppable babyface fails to win the WWE title inside a Hell in a Cell? How big of a loser do you have to be to fuck up with those odds in your favour?

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Because everyone watching on the night knows who won. Everyone who watches Raw the next night knows who won.


They see a guy get screwed over by bullshit and see the belt put on a guy who doesn't deserve it instead. The Rumble has been used before for people who get screwed over or ducked at every opportunity to guarantee them their fair shot. Have him wisen up, make sure there's no loopholes in the contract come Mania, there's nothing for Punk to wrangle out of, he's Ryback's and there's no getting out of it.


Everyone knows that Ryback is the bigger man, and with no way for Punk to weasel out, there's no reason to doubt Ryback's ability to take the title.


Hell, even have Punk interfere in the Rumble itself when you're down to the final two, trying to cost Ryback the opportunity, only to have it backfire spectacularly. Your closing image is Ryback staring down Punk. The momentum won't die because Ryback got contract clause screwed, if anything there'll be a hunger to see him take the belt.

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The Royal Rumble hasn't been relevant in years. Nobody gives a shit who wins the Royal Rumble anymore. You win the Royal Rumble, you usually get the opening match for the shit version of the belt. Rock will be winning the belt at Royal Rumble and he'll face Cena for the belt at WrestleMania. Its the only thing on the cards that will do huge business at WrestleMania. If Ryback doesn't win next week, he isn't winning the WWE title for fuck knows how long. And by the time its 'his turn', he'll probably be dead on his arse after feuding with the likes of the Miz and Dolph Ziggler in programs nobody gives a toss about.


Fuck finishes should be reserved for people like Mick Foley who are there to gain sympathy. Not muscles heads who usually look stupid if they don't walk out doing what they intend to do.

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Fuck finishes should be reserved for people like Mick Foley who are there to gain sympathy. Not muscles heads who usually look stupid if they don't walk out doing what they intend to do.


Cena was saying the other night, Ryback is a guy who isn't interested in winning titles, as much as he is hurting people.


He's a rookie, he's in his first year, he might be physically unstoppable but he isn't the smartest guy out there, then it takes Paul Heyman to do some contract wrangling to fuck him over?



There's no reason they can't make the Rumble relevant again, nor is it difficult to keep his momentum going till then. Beating the shit out of Punk, being ducked on tv constantly in an active storyline. Come the start of January Ryback just needs to make his intent to win the Rumble. You're honestly telling me between the end of this month and the start of January, they can't keep momentum on the guy?

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You're honestly telling me between the end of this month and the start of January, they can't keep momentum on the guy?

I doubt it. They never do. They didn't with Wade Barrett when he was the leader of the Nexus or CM Punk last year or Sheamus when he first turned up or Randy Orton when he booted Vince in the head and created a stir 50 times more interesting than this Ryback push. Why should Ryback be any different? Especially when you have Lesnar, Triple H, The Undertaker and the Rock coming back eventually to knock him down the card if this goes tits up. We've seen it so many times over the years. This is no different. I'm just looking at it from a perspective of wanting to see Ryback break out. If they fuck him up or if he is exposed for not being very good (because the jury is out on him still), then whatever. We'll all get on with our lives and nothing will change. But it would be a shame if they waste this bloke. People actually like him.

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But it would be a shame if they waste this bloke. People actually like him.


I absolutely agree with you, but I feel this is a character they can do the old "Road to Wrestlemania" style route with for his first title. Remember when they built up Lesnar to win King of the Ring, the reward of that was a title shot at Summerslam? I honestly think he's big enough to put the belt on him at a major PPV, but I also think he's got the momentum and the interest factor to last to the Rumble.


It's one of those moments you want to see replayed not just over the months after, but years down the line to keep airing it again. I honestly think Ryback is the first character they've had that fits the WWE market to replace Cena as the defacto company face. With Cena/Rock being set up between Rumble and Mania, they need to give this guy something to do. Because having him lose to the Rock would kill his momentum dead. He'd be the unstoppable monster who lost to a part time movie star.



And I still think Punk/Rock is a better sell than Ryback/Rock. Punk has been taking digs at him for ages, go right back to THAT PROMO

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He's a rookie, he's in his first year,



As Ryback. How many people remember the few weeks of Skip Sheffield? He's an example of one of their best repackage attempts in years.


Go back even further! Guy was in Tough Enough.


However your right, as far as we are concerned Ryback is a first year rookie.


Also I wouldn't be surprised if Ziggler ends up involved some how. Wwe have a history of rewriting rules, so wouldn't shock me if Ziggler cashes in against Punk / Ryback and snatching the belt.


One scenario I've always wanted to see is for a wrestler to use MITB midway through a wwe title match... Effectively cancelling the match mid progress. If Ziggler did this just after Ryback hit the shell shock you'd get:


- NEW WWE champion Dolph Ziggler.

- No more Ziggler vs Sheamus... That has ran out of fuel before it even got going.

- Ryback is still undefeated.

- The chance of Ziggler vs The Rock which would be fucking epic.

- A real shock of an end to the ppv.

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