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You can't judge a book by it's cover and all that, but Stevie Richards always looks as though he's just a really cool guy. I have no idea if he is or isn't, but i'd be pretty surprised if it turned out he's supposed to be a bit of an arsehole.


Either way, he was great as a lower card/comedy guy, always made a good go of whatever he was given to work with.

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There's a million reasons why he didn't make it past the level he did. In his prime he was to skinny to be a big guy, to big to be a small guy, not good enough to mix with the likes of Benoit, Jericho and that lot when the roster was stacked and established as a loser thanks to a thousand different gimmicks and defeats every week. He didn't seem to mix. Like Don Callus in many ways. Also he was always one bump away from another neck or throat surgery.


I think the best run of his career was Dr Stevie in TNA. He started off in the company with a clean slate. He had a fresh gimmick, a valet and he was the one doing the manipulating. I liked the idea of Raven being his lackey when they brought him back. Shame for him, because when everything clicked in his career, it was to late in the day.

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There's a million reasons why he didn't make it past the level he did. In his prime he was to skinny to be a big guy, to big to be a small guy, not good enough to mix with the likes of Benoit, Jericho and that lot when the roster was stacked and established as a loser thanks to a thousand different gimmicks and defeats every week. He didn't seem to mix. Like Don Callus in many ways. Also he was always one bump away from another neck or throat surgery.


I didn't realise he was in such bad shape. A shame, as he had a lot of fire and seemed like a solid hand.


I think the best run of his career was Dr Stevie in TNA. He started off in the company with a clean slate. He had a fresh gimmick, a valet and he was the one doing the manipulating. I liked the idea of Raven being his lackey when they brought him back. Shame for him, because when everything clicked in his career, it was to late in the day.


I thought he was great as Dr. Stevie, and it was also the best work I've ever seen Abyss do - the pay-off when Stevie was beating him down with the cane, threatening his girlfriend, and the crowd was braying for Abyss to fight back led to the biggest pop I think I might have heard in the Impact Zone to date when Abyss finally snapped and fought back.

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I didn't realise he was in such bad shape. A shame, as he had a lot of fire and seemed like a solid hand.

I don't think he is anymore, but for years he had a lot of neck and throat problems. He retired loads of times. I think he was actually in retirement when WWF hired him originally. If you notice throughout his WWF run, he had a lot of times where he was either playing a comedy interference runner or he was a manager or leader of a stable or off TV. He had major throat surgery before his WWE release and I dont believe its had much trouble since.


Some scar he got from it:


Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Poor Tammy, hope she can get the help that she desperately needs.

She's been getting the help she needs. WWE pays for her rehab, and she went through the full course recently - it's not made any difference.


None at all:



Sad state of affairs but she's had plenty of chances to get straight and not done so. There is only so many times she can be excused.

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A real shame if you think about it. She was massive in 1996. There's an argument she was WWF's biggest name. When WCW was battering them, she was the most downloaded girl on the internet and selling more merch and getting higher ratings than the WWF champion. She was a huge asset to them in their darkest period. Now she is completely useless. WWE was using her on house shows a few years back, but now she is completely off their radar. She is such a waste of space TNA agreed to bring her in in 2011 (when Jeff Hardy was walking about like a zombie) and thought twice about the negative affect it would have on the promotion if they put her on TV. So they hired Chyna instead. When Chyna is the safe bet, you know you are fucked.


This just isn't going to end well. She is completely on her arse.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Man, my memory is really going to shit. When did they hire Chyna in 2011? I remember they brought her back a few years previously for a match with Angle, but didn't see anything with her two years ago.

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Man, my memory is really going to shit. When did they hire Chyna in 2011? I remember they brought her back a few years previously for a match with Angle, but didn't see anything with her two years ago.

They only ever hired her once and that was in 2011. She teamed with Kurt Angle to wrestle Karen and Jeff Jarrett.

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Poor Tammy, hope she can get the help that she desperately needs.

She's been getting the help she needs. WWE pays for her rehab, and she went through the full course recently - it's not made any difference.


None at all:



Sad state of affairs but she's had plenty of chances to get straight and not done so. There is only so many times she can be excused.



Jeez! To think I used to crack one out over that!!! If anything she should be the voice of the darker, seedier side of wrestling. Although everyone thinks of people like Rude, Perfect and others being the real tragedies of Wrestling (and don't get me wrong they certainly are!) it's people like her who are perhaps more so as they still have to endure their demons. When you think how big Sunny was - she could've had seriously mainstream appeal, with TV shows etc. I've always thought she'd have been perfect for Rom-Coms, hell put her in the roles in that genre of film that Cameron Diaz had and she could've been a run-away star. But instead wrestling took another victim, by swallowing her up and spiting her out! Is there any other industry, even the porn or music industries, where stars are destroyed so horrendously as wrestling?

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