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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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A lot of the OVW crew had a big buzz about them around that time because Jim Ross would rave about them in his blogs in Raw magazine and on the WWE website. Might sound unlikely by today's measures, with infinite online and social media opinion available, but back then those columns would have had a pretty decent influence on the smart mark audience.

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There was an article in a Raw magazine that showcased the ovw lads too


Was that the one that really went to town hyping Ron “H2O” Waterman? What happened to him, any way? He seemed to be the love-child of Scott Steiner and Goldberg, and primed to be the next big thing.

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There was an article in a Raw magazine that showcased the ovw lads too



Was that the one that really went to town hyping Ron “H2O” Waterman? What happened to him, any way? He seemed to be the love-child of Scott Steiner and Goldberg, and primed to be the next big thing.

Yeah him, leviathan ( Batista) and shelton were the future according to that

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There was an article in a Raw magazine that showcased the ovw lads too


Was that the one that really went to town hyping Ron “H2O” Waterman? What happened to him, any way? He seemed to be the love-child of Scott Steiner and Goldberg, and primed to be the next big thing.

Yeah him, leviathan ( Batista) and shelton were the future according to that


Really odd how seemingly-benign articles stick in your mind. That particular issue must have been published nearly 15 years ago now.

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Back before the Internet, magazines got multiple readings. we had no sight into anything other than main roster, so was a big deal to get such a story. Simpler times when it was still real

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I really miss Wrestlers coming out in non ring gear, this probably bothers me a lot more than it should but it's doing my head in. I miss Austin coming down in his jeans and cap, or Rock in a loud silk shirt, trousers and brogues, Trips in his leather jacket and jeans etc.


I just can't understand why Rollins or Reigns come trotting out for a promo segment fully togged up, I literally don't think I have ever seen Reigns in anything other than that shit riot gear he wrestles in. Get him out there in a smart jacket and decent clobber.

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I agree and it gives you a bit more character or real life depth to them seeing how they dress,


Just not suits, cant stand guys wearing them if it doesnt suit there character, there a heel thing to wear and they look so bland in them.


even wearing jeans or shorts or whatever and there own wwe tshirt least is something 

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Rollins has worn suits a few times -- the problem is his character is a bit more refined than the band t-shirt/stupid cap combo he wears in real life, so it's probably easier to just slap on the wrestling gear and t-shirt than the suit usually.


Roman Reigns wrestles in trousers anyway so it'd be silly and pointless of him to wear other trousers, same as John Cena (and Ambrose, and the Wyatts, and to a lesser extent Kevin Owens). And Reigns usually wears his latest t-shirt if he's only out for a talk with no match.


It would be good if everyone did have their "non-wrestling" outfit but really, who even needs one? Most of them don't do much besides wrestling.

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You know when you've watched a match a thousand times, know all the beats, twists, turns, and KNOW you love it, but still get a massive kick every time you sit through it? I just watched Bret/Owen from Mania X tonight (dunno why) and it was fucking brilliant. Particularly enjoyed a bit where Bret bollocked him (in character) for a sly cunt toe poke in the face. Wrestling's ace.

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With you there NEWM. The best matches are the ones that get better with time and with each repeated viewing, kinda like movies. It's rare you can enjoy a match out of context at the best of times but like the one you mentioned, there are a few that are timeless. Bret vs Austin is the one that springs to mind. Shawn vs Taker in the Cell and the Foley vs HHH street fight are others I imagine will still hold up in another 15/20 years too.

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