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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Imagine a whole show dedicated to IRS, fake Sting and Virgil?


Speaking of Bischoff has anyone watched the documentary from his DVD yet? If so is it worth a watch or is it full of the same Raw V Nitro tales we've already heard many times before?

Its really good. His wife looks like porn star Tabitha Stevens. There's some great bits showing Bischoff as a kickboxer and a commercial for some ninja star game he developed before he got in the business. Its a pretty good documentary.


Some of the stories are the same, but they mostly are on these. WWE seems more willing to give WCW credit rather than be all "he fucked that up didnt he?"

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I was driving to Devon last week and listened to a few of Cabana's podcasts. Magnus talked about the UK wrestler Domino in his, and Taz talked about Gypsy Joe in his. I'd never heard of either of them before, and now they've both died this week. Weird.

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I've always liked both guys but after watching recent skits they've been involved in together I see big potential in Fandango and Tyler Breeze. They have an Edge & Christian humour to their act. Hopefully the brand split allows them to shine.

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The the nWo did the Horsemen parody which got so much heat they changed the War Games main event from something else (cant remember) to the Horsemen vs the nWo.


It was scheduled to be the nWo vs Lex Luger, DDP, Flair and one more TBA. Commissioner Piper changed it due to the twin factors of the Horsemen frothing at the gash to get at the nWo, and Luger and Page not getting on and it looking like their tension would be detrimental to the team's chances. Ironic when you consider not only what happened with Hennig, but that on the Fall Brawl undercard Luger and DDP tagged up to wrestle the order (Hall & Savage) and won.


As daft as it sounds, Hogan and Bischoff are the worst parts of the NWO. Everything is about them.

Similar to how Triple H was the worst part of DX.

You mean the original version? He was awesome as the bastard leader in 2000.


I'm pretty sure he means 1998 edition. The Outlaws were entertaining, X-Pac could really go in the ring, and all three seemed cool in a way that Hunter just didn't, at least to some.

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I've been watching various Nitro's from 98-99, such a bizarre show at times loads of heel/face turns, being commissoner is defended like a title belt, way to much Hogan, Piper, Nash and Flair,


nWo just melting and vanishing is a shame given how hot an angle is was, they should've pulled the trigger when is started to go down and book a big loses leaves town type deal but obviously ego's would've always stopped that from happening.


I always forget that wcw and wwf boom period wasnt exactly at the same time,I would say wcw was 98-99 and wwf was 98-2000 although some may not agree, fans may have gotten bored of wcw and nwo leading them to wwf with fresh Austin, Rock, DX etc 

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When the WWF got hot, more fans jumped on board. There was a larger audience when the WWF was hot. WCW was still doing massive ratings and buyrates when they were in 2nd place in 1998, but Bischoff's ego was rotting away with each passing week losing this "war". Which led to WCW doing a million thinks that ran fans off. If WCW just held their cards and just continued to do their own thing instead of obsessing with week to week ratings, WCW may have recovered eventually. It definitely wouldnt have sank to the lows it did in 2000. WCW totally lost their bottle in 1998. Bringing in the Warrior for example was like when Keegan bought Asprilla when they were top of the league. WCW were so desperate to try a quick fix instead of address the real problems. Even though the narrative is that WWF beat WCW into submission and they couldnt keep up, the reality is WCW ran their audience off.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Imagine a whole show dedicated to IRS, fake Sting and Virgil?


Speaking of Bischoff has anyone watched the documentary from his DVD yet? If so is it worth a watch or is it full of the same Raw V Nitro tales we've already heard many times before?

Its really good. His wife looks like porn star Tabitha Stevens. There's some great bits showing Bischoff as a kickboxer and a commercial for some ninja star game he developed before he got in the business. Its a pretty good documentary.


Some of the stories are the same, but they mostly are on these. WWE seems more willing to give WCW credit rather than be all "he fucked that up didnt he?"



Yeah Bischoff's wife does look pretty fine.  I'll give it a watch over the weekend.

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So many odd things and lack of new ideas, as you say warrior was an ego filled mess, and given how often hogan, savage etc where going off tv with injuries they never seemed to push new guys into place while they could get 'the rub'.


A Hogan vs Scott Steiner feud could've made scotty alot soomer than late 2000, could've done similar to what Hogan vs Lesnar was

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I'm watching a Nitro from 2000 right now but I'm gonna bump an Old School thread for thoughts on that, because when they tried to make new guys, they fucked it up so badly you don't know whether to laugh or cry.





I had the thought the other day at the NXT show that Bayley was the best babyface in the company, and thought I'd share why.

So, I was really looking forward to the show in the build-up. Fair enough, all of the "names" on the show I'd seen wrestle before, some at NXT in Blackpool in December and all of them for other companies either on tour over here or in Japan. But with the touring roster including Balor, Joe, Aries, Nakamura and Bobby Roode, I knew there was a good chance of either a couple of dream singles matches or the Balor/Nakamura v Joe/Aries tag match, and that excited me massively.

On the night however, it was Bayley that ended up being my highlight, completely unexpectedly. At the entrances of the tag match I was very pleased to get to see Nikki Storm mixing it up with an established star like Bayley, but when Bayley's music hit, for the first time of the night, I stood up. It was completely involuntary ; I found myself standing to clap a performer without planning. Watching her running around the ring and giving the kids hugs, I realized that I like her far more than I thought. Before the start of the show proper they had shown clips of the Sasha match from Brooklyn and I'd had goosebumps remember how I felt watching that match the first time - the match was excellent and perfect storytelling for Bayley's character. She's a complete throwback to the days when a key element of being a great babyface was being believable as a good person. I like Bayley's character, and watching her work as hard as she does to entertain little kids who adore her makes me like her a person too. The character could so easily be considered corny and be rejected by adult fans, but she nails it. Watching her do her thing the other night made me happier than I've felt watching live wrestling for years, meaningless tag match on a meaningless house show it may have been. There's two great reasons to support Bayley - I like the character and want her to win, and I like the person behind the character, and I want her to succeed. She just nails "goodie" like few others on the planet.

On the heels of last Sunday when at Rev Pro I got to experience an unbelievable rush of York Hall giving a thunderous "welcome home" pop to conquering hero Will Ospreay, it's been quite a week for live wrestling giving me buzzes that I really can't explain to non-fans. Probably sounds daft too to some of you for whom the wrestling is just one of your things, that you like to catch on TV from time to time but don't get THAT into, but it's pretty much my THING, so it's capable of stirring some pretty powerful emotions in me. I'm not even sure football has had the same effect on me that some of the most powerful experiences I've had watching wrestling have. The only emotion I can compare to it in terms of power is being in love. I apologize if that makes me sound like a fully paid up one of "dem wans" but in a lot of ways, that's what I am.

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A.J. Styles, the main event heel VS Xavier Woods, one third of the popular upper midcard Tag Team Champions trio, is exactly the kind of match that should be happening on TV every week, rather than every televised match being guys at the same level fighting each other ad infinitum. That's how everything becomes a Kofi v Ziggler. TV having a PPV calibre lineup every week is what made PPVs stop feeling special.


Plus.... it's only SmackDown.

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