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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Incredible that Vince was paying show a million a year to faff about in tag teams with Billy Gunn and Spike Dudley. He must have been choking on his own rage!


"Show-Gunns" really did nothing, didn't they? I recall one match and that was it. Just seemed rather pointless.

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Random thoughts after looking at wrestlers ages and thinking back 20 years. When NWO forms Hall and Nash are cool and fresh, Arm Anderson is the old veteran, Michael Hayes is Dok Hendrix. These are all 36 or 37, less than a year between them.


Bret Hart was part of the mid 90s "new generation" and and he's older than any of them (39). Hogan isn't much older (42)


Kerry Von Erich would only have been 36, his peak was over a decade ago and he'd been dead for years.


Paul Heyman was 30 going on 50.

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Age isnt the issue. Its how you look. Jake Roberts got the whole "old fucker who is trying to prove he still can" spot in 1996. Compared to New Generation figure head Bret Hart, who wasnt much younger than him. Dok Hendrix always scares me, though. In 1995 he was in his mid-30s. Yet he looked like he should someone Smashy and Nicey would have in the studio as a nostalgic guest.

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Has anyonw had more finishers than Big Show. They should have just stuck with the Chokeslam for fucks sake

Edge. Started off with the Downward Spiral, then the Buzz Killer/Edgecution, the Edgecator (reverse Sharpshooter he used to do), then the Running Hug Of Doom. As many, if not more.


Only other one I can think of (apart from Test, as Butch has mentioned) is Scott Steiner - Frankensteiner, Steiner Screw Driver, Steiner Recliner, the reverse DDT and Novocaine.

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Has anyonw had more finishers than Big Show. They should have just stuck with the Chokeslam for fucks sake

Edge. Started off with the Downward Spiral, then the Buzz Killer/Edgecution, the Edgecator (reverse Sharpshooter he used to do), then the Running Hug Of Doom. As many, if not more.


Only other one I can think of (apart from Test, as Butch has mentioned) is Scott Steiner - Frankensteiner, Steiner Screw Driver, Steiner Recliner, the reverse DDT and Novocaine.



Jericho is on the way surely. 2 different versions of the Liontamer, the Lionsault, Breakdown (Full Nelson Facebuster), Codebreaker.

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Shawn Michaels had a good few finishers before sticking with the superkick. Piledriver, teardrop suplex, flying elbow drop, there might have been others there too? And then that figure four variation he started doing in 2007.


Undertaker's had the Tombstone, the Last Ride, the dragon sleeper, the gogoplata (which if we're just going by finisher names, they went through a good eight dozen ideas for what to call it). And given the gimmick, he had to improvise finishers against big fat monsters in the early years, so you can definitely count the chokeslam and the elbow drop.


Jericho is up there. He had a couple of failed finishers around 2002, the falling sleeper one and the full nelson facebuster. Then there's the lionsault, the two Boston crabs, the codebreaker.


Del Rio's had four or five. The armbar, the backstabber, the mule kick, the double stomp. I'm sure I'm missing one or two.

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How many finishes did Test have? I can only think of the top rope elbow drop, pumphandle slam and the running big boot. I'm watching Raw's from September 01 at the moment and Test is doing Steph's bidding in a mini feud with The Rock, who doesn't half sell the big boot brilliantly. 

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The weird thing about HBK for me is that I never remembered the Teardrop Suplex - for some reason, it seemed like he'd had the superkick ever since he turned on Jannetty; I don't remember him ever using anything else at all until the reverse figure four thingy.


The Undertaker - should've thought of him straight away. I remember them calling the dragon sleeper the "Taking Care Of Business", and the gogoplata the "Hell's Gate" (didn't hear of any other names, though; what were they?).


Jericho's a good shout - I completely forgot (ironically) the Flashback sleeper drop thing, but I remembered the Breakdown.


The Rock wasn't too far off, either, IIRC - float-around DDT, Rock Bottom, People's Elbow and Sharpshooter.


EDIT: Having seen the Test ones, we still missed out two! The fireman's carry to forward facebuster (was in Smackdown 1 I believe) and his diving gutwrench powerbomb that Jack Swagger used.


2ND EDIT: His partner Albert's had a load too - he had a neckbreaker version of that Test Grade (think it was called the Spin-Out Pancake in the games), the Baldo Bomb (De-Railer when he became A-Train) along with the Train Wreck dropping Canadian backbreaker, then the poison-mist-encrusted Iron Claw when he came back as Tensai.

Edited by Carbomb
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The weird thing about HBK for me is that I never remembered the Teardrop Suplex - for some reason, it seemed like he'd had the superkick ever since he turned on Jannetty; I don't remember him ever using anything else at all until the reverse figure four thingy.


There's a couple of different Virgil matches he wins with it on Coliseum tapes and a few MSG matches on tubes sites against the Snukas of the world where you can see him winning with it. When he hits it on Bret at Survivors 92 they act like it's a big deal when the Hitman kicks out.


"Teardrop Suplex" must come off a merchandise package or sticker album though, it's never named as such on commentary.

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I'll have to check those out; I really don't remember all that much about SS92. I think I must have missed out on a lot of WWF stuff by just watching the TV - I watched it on Sky One and Sky Sports, and we'd just get repeats of the same programme over and over for one week (Superstars and All-American Wrestling), so I don't remember seeing much variation until RAW began, and even then that took a while.


Ooh, somebody else who comes to mind for multiple finishes: Goldust. Started off with the Curtain Call lifting reverse DDT, then, when he came back from WCW, that became a bodyslam lift into a Rude Awakening, then the Shattered Dreams/Golden Globes, then the Electric Dreams twisting suplex neckbreaker. And if you count his stuff as Dustin Rhodes (and, if you really want to hurt yourself, Black Reign), he has even more.

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