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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Dont know if it has been mentioned already but i was thinking about the upcoming Wyatt/Ambrose match and i think WWE have missed a trick.


Remember the Shield/Wyatts match at Elimination Chamber when Ambrose just went missing at the end of the match?


Surely that could have been incorporated into this fued? The possibilities of what could of happened are endless and i dont think we got an answer from Ambrose as to his whereabouts during that match.

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Whats the story with Batista? I know Guardians was a much bigger hit than expected and made him a wanted man in hollywood plus his last run wasnt great, but didnt he sign a 2 year deal or something and was due back after his Guardians tour but it seems he wont be back at all now apart from maybe a retirement match against Triple H which is a shame I enjoyed seeing him back just a shame it didnt go to plan and he had'nt moved with the times

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From what I've read, he was/is fuming by the way his last run went. WWE promised him a babyface run with the WWE title, if he returned, and it didn't happen. He supposedly told them where to go when WWE wanted him to lose to Bryan in a main event (again). IIRC, Batista was underwhelmed by the money he was making too.


He would be mad to let the wrestling get in the way of his film career, though. His name is linked with big productions like Bond.

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Batista reckons he was against them bringing him back as a babyface in the first place, and that the rumour about him refusing to put Bryan over was bollocks. But he said he definitely wasn't happy with the creative side of things and how little input he had, and he seems very uninterested in returning for much beyond the Triple H feud.

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I just googled it to find out, apparently it was Jericho's podcast. I was sure it was some UK video interview he did before Guardians came out, but perhaps he said the same stuff in more than one interview.




“It’s like, what else can I do, man? I was still getting grief from a lot of fans. There was even some rumor got started that I wouldn’t put Daniel Bryan over over the next PPV and they were pissed at me about that.”




Yeah, and I told them from the beginning (bringing me back as a babyface) was not going to work. ‘Oh, yeah, they miss you, they miss you, they love you’. I was like, ‘no, that’s going to last for like 30 seconds. They want to hate me and I’m good at that, you know, I’m good at being the guy they want to hate.’ It was a struggle creatively, like right off the bat. It went on for a while and then they finally started working with me a little bit.”


Of course, him being a wrestler, he might be spinning the babyface/heel thing after the fact.

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On Jericho's podcast he sounded surprisingly keen to return to WWE in the future, but made it clear that he would want much tighter creative control of his character. So something's going to have to give to get him to come back. To be fair to him, he was booked absolutely horribly last time and he has every right to be upset about that.

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Something that really shouldn't matter in this day and age, but still kind of did, was the fact that he didn't quite look like 'The Animal' any more. Don't get me wrong, he's still a huge human being, but Hunter and even Orton matched him size wise, which took something away, for me at least.

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The Randy Savage documentary is a massive disappointment. It's so vague that it barely focuses on any specific other than the WM3 match with Steamboat. It just gently skips over everything and for the most part the talking heads are completely inconsequential. You've got guys like Hogan, Flair and Bret who don't talk about their matches and feuds just generally about his character. It jumps from 1989 to SummerSlam 1991 and then to the announcing and then to WCW without mention of the Macho King, Sherri, the Warrior match, the Jake feud, etc.


The major contributor is Lanny Poffo who seems full of shit for the most part. That there is no Vince McMahon on it is pretty inexcusable. It's not worth doing without hearing his side.


The last 15 minutes is pretty emotional and that and the 1993 interview that I hadn't seen before is all it's really worth watching for.


Starting the doc with highlights over a spinning tyre that screeches to a halt before going into his death in car accident is just the poorest taste imaginable. Even from WWE. Left a pretty bad taste in the mouth.

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Suprised they haven't mention the WM7 match with Warrior, especially as both men have now passed on. I know it's made it onto other releases in the past (it was defo on Self Destruction of Ultimate Warrior, can't recall if it was on the first Savage set or not), but that for me is one of the best pro-wrestling matches ever

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