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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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If Bart Gunn got a manager and kept his long hair, he'd have been over. He sparked everyone out. People were loving him during that thing and he looked the part. Having his get short, back and sides and putting jeans on him made him look like a nobody when he turned up after a few months off.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I thought this was rather funny. A drunk Kevin Nash promo on Ricky Morton. Stumbling like a motherfucker. Also includes a Rock n' Roll express vs Nash and DDP match, commentated by Dutch Mantell! Bonus! Or does it? This is one of the most interesting things I've seen in wrestling in years. It's from 2011, so I'd imagine it's been spoken about alot, but WOW! Outstanding stuff. Just weirdly entertaining.



Edited by Ladiesman345
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I ruddy love Scott Norton. Always a solid big man, built like a tank, and made all of his offence look convincing (possibly because he was being somewhat 'stiff'). Had a cracking match with Randy Savage on one of the early Nitro episodes. Underrated massively.  

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If Bart Gunn got a manager and kept his long hair, he'd have been over. He sparked everyone out. People were loving him during that thing and he looked the part. Having his get short, back and sides and putting jeans on him made him look like a nobody when he turned up after a few months off.


Yeah, I agree. The fans shit on some of the early brawl for all stuff but they went mental for his knockouts of Godfather and bradshaw. he looked the business in his HBK shorts with the long hair. He could have done well as a babyface with the knockout gimmick.


Seemed to get punished for daring to win the thing. That company will never make any money with that attitude.

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I thought this was rather funny. A drunk Kevin Nash promo on Ricky Morton. Stumbling like a motherfucker. Also includes a Rock n' Roll express vs Nash and DDP match, commentated by Dutch Mantell! Bonus! Or does it? This is one of the most interesting things I've seen in wrestling in years. It's from 2011, so I'd imagine it's been spoken about alot, but WOW! Outstanding stuff. Just weirdly entertaining.





Why do you think Nash is drunk?  Doesn't look it.


Is WWE not interested in Nash wrestling then?  He seems still in good shape.  Pretty fun match that, considering the age of those involved.  

Edited by Loki
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Posted by a wrestler I know on Facebook.  :rolleyes:


I've changed the settings on this status so the guy I'm on about can't see, but this made me laugh! Haha last night I made a status about how I don't like 'vaguebooking' where people write vague often attention seeking Facebook statuses without explaining what they mean. (And the reason I don't like it, is because if you tried that shit in real life, you'd be a dick! "No I'm not telling you I'm just dropping hints!" haha).

But anyway a few minutes after making that status I receive a message from a not very well known wrestling promoter who has enquired about booking me for a not very well known wrestling promotion later this year. He messaged me saying he hopes the status wasn't about him, he then confirmed the date of the event with me and said he 100% wanted me on that date, because he didn't want me to think he was doing any 'vague booking'! Made me laugh cuz I'm pretty sure he wasn't trying to be funny  So yeah while I'm at it, either book someone for a show or don't book someone for a show! No one likes a vague booking!
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The Steve Corino Drinking Game has just one phrase on the card and that phrase is "Stuff like that".


This game when played for any "Old Scool" with Steve Corino shoot kills all men.

Edited by aaron
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I think it was Undertaker's best match ever up until 2006 or 2007, although I often forget his cell match with Lesnar. Regardless, I think his WrestleMania 23 match with Batista surpassed that first HHH one, and then the Edge and both HHH/HBK matches did as well. I did love that WrestleMania X-Seven one at the time though, and I've probably not watched it since about 2002.

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I was down at my Granda's today. He has a fairly new PC, with Windows eight on it. One of the Apps on the desktop? The WWE App. An eighty four year old with that app made me happier than it should've. I used to watch Raw and Nitro back in the day with him, but haven't spoken to him about wrestling since about 2005. It's brilliant that he's still following it. I don't know why that's brilliant, but it fucking is.

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