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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Interesting wrestling titbit in a super long Eli Roth interview I'm watching. Pre-Cabin Fever, he made a series of animated shorts that were funded by WCW and set to air on Nitro, like how the Simpsons started on the Tracy Ulman Show. Two days before the first one was due to run, Bischoff got fired and they were pulled, and never saw the light of day.

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WCW was in the middle of a very expensive "it's nearly 2000, lads" type re-branding. Back then there was an attitude of "its almost the 21st century. We need to get some gel in our hair and listen to Eminem". So Bischoff probably tried to make WCW super trendy. MTV's Riki Rachtman was becoming a regular on Nitro, they had DJ Ran pumping out music and talking about being "all up" in our "area". You had live bands every other week. Its the first time I've heard about the Eli Roth thing, but the direction Bischoff was taking them in would fit with all that. Gene Simmons was meant to get heavily involved with the promotion as well. They were going to do pay-per-views based around a stable of KISS characters. WWF was such a beast, I imagine the idea was to make WCW into completely different format with live bands, mini movies, celebrities and a Hulk Hogan main event. I sort of wish Bischoff never got sacked. It might have been shite, but WCW was shite anyway. I'd have rather them die on their arse with Paul Stanley main eventing Slamboree.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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WCW was in the middle of a very expensive "it's nearly 2000, lads" type re-branding. Back then there was an attitude of "its almost the 21st century. We need to get some gel in our hair and listen to Eminem". So Bischoff probably tried to make WCW super trendy. MTV's Riki Rachtman was becoming a regular on Nitro, they had DJ Ran pumping out music and talking about being "all up" in our "area". You had live bands every other week. Its the first time I've heard about the Eli Roth thing, but the direction Bischoff was taking them in would fit with all that. Gene Simmons was meant to get heavily involved with the promotion as well. They were going to do pay-per-views based around a stable of KISS characters. WWF was such a beast, I imagine the idea was to make WCW into completely different format with live bands, mini movies, celebrities and a Hulk Hogan main event. I sort of wish Bischoff never got sacked. It might have been shite, but WCW was shite anyway. I'd have rather them die on their arse with Paul Stanley main eventing Slamboree.


Not going to lie, I would have absolutely loved that. I like my wrestling full of showbiz fluff. Any more details about what the KISS deal was going to consist of?

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Watching The Necro Butcher's shoot interview (his lack of self-esteem makes him quite an endearing bloke), and he talks about his matches with Samoa Joe, where Joe didn't want to work with him and constantly looked down on him and at the end of the match Joe boots him in the face and runs away from Necro not wanting to face the receipt. Necro took this as a badge of honour by saying "he's a big star, so I can at least say I made a big star run away from me".


It got me thinking. Is there really much difference in terms of name value between Necro Butcher and Samoa Joe? Necro was in the Wrestler and has been on news broadcasts the world over as "that daft cunt with the drawing pins, through his feet". He's a pretty notorious guy. I wouldnt say there is that much of a difference between the pair when it comes to star power in 2013. They are both known for having shit looks that will only take them so far. Joe seems like a bit of a knob.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I think its the opposite. I think he's been great for the Shield recently. The Shield are good, but the thousand six man tags they've had since December have had one continuing factor about them. Its been Daniel Bryan's A-1 performances. He's by far and away the most consistent and best performer in the world right now and the fans aren't stupid. They can see a mile off how hard he works and respect him for it. He's in Benoit territory now, though. They'll put him against Curtis Axel and have him put him over, they'll put him against Ryback next and put him over. Bray Wyatt will probably feud with him on route to whatever big things they have planned for him. He's probably always going to be WWE's Mr. Reliable, but never get a proper run as a main eventer.


It's so depressing that it's almost universally accepted that WWE are going to make these mistakes. As MOM said, to get such a huge reaction on Smackdown (the pop at the end with everyone on their feet - amazing) shows how awesome he is, although it was in Canada and the crowd demographic seemed less kiddie than usual. But not to take anything away from him. He's always been phenomenal, he's just taken it to the absolute top level recently. Someone mentioned before, that there isn't anyone else on the roster that is so universally liked. He sells shitloads of T-Shirts. He could be the next guy if they wanted to get behind him.


So maybe have Ryback defeat Cena and then have Bryan go for the title soon after? They could easily string it out over 3 or 4 PPV's.

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I think its the opposite. I think he's been great for the Shield recently. The Shield are good, but the thousand six man tags they've had since December have had one continuing factor about them. Its been Daniel Bryan's A-1 performances. He's by far and away the most consistent and best performer in the world right now and the fans aren't stupid. They can see a mile off how hard he works and respect him for it. He's in Benoit territory now, though. They'll put him against Curtis Axel and have him put him over, they'll put him against Ryback next and put him over. Bray Wyatt will probably feud with him on route to whatever big things they have planned for him. He's probably always going to be WWE's Mr. Reliable, but never get a proper run as a main eventer.


It's so depressing that it's almost universally accepted that WWE are going to make these mistakes. As MOM said, to get such a huge reaction on Smackdown (the pop at the end with everyone on their feet - amazing) shows how awesome he is, although it was in Canada and the crowd demographic seemed less kiddie than usual. But not to take anything away from him. He's always been phenomenal, he's just taken it to the absolute top level recently. Someone mentioned before, that there isn't anyone else on the roster that is so universally liked. He sells shitloads of T-Shirts. He could be the next guy if they wanted to get behind him.


So maybe have Ryback defeat Cena and then have Bryan go for the title soon after? They could easily string it out over 3 or 4 PPV's.


I keep meaning to catch up on all these great Bryan/Shield/Ryback/Hell No matches and segments that have happened since WrestleMania when they get mention on here, but haven't had much chance. I'm going to make the effort tonight, what am I looking out for? Off the top of my head I can remember this Bryan-Shield bit from this week, Bryan vs Ryback, and Ambrose vs Undertaker - anything more? Which Hell No vs Shield match is best to watch, for example?

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I keep meaning to catch up on all these great Bryan/Shield/Ryback/Hell No matches and segments that have happened since WrestleMania when they get mention on here, but haven't had much chance. I'm going to make the effort tonight, what am I looking out for? Off the top of my head I can remember this Bryan-Shield bit from this week, Bryan vs Ryback, and Ambrose vs Undertaker - anything more? Which Hell No vs Shield match is best to watch, for example?


I thought the Raw tag match this week was pretty good. Then his singles match vs Reigns on Smackdown was also highly impressive. The ending of Smackdown was where he got the biggest pop. He was a man possessed.

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