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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Agreed. One of the best entrance musics ever I'd say.


Triple H's "My Time" takes a lot of beating I'd say. I take it there's been a best theme poll on here countless times?

I'd love to see him come out to that again, just once. I suppose he'll never use it again now; what's it been, 13 years since he last did?


There was a promo video WWE played for one of his comebacks a couple of years ago which featured a remix/mash-up of 'My Time' with 'Time to Play the Game'. It sounded the dog's bollocks. Think I only saw the video once and never heard it referred to again.

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Triple H was still using My Time by the time Chyna got her own theme. I think she used it until around Survivor Series 1999 which was about 6 weeks after she left Triple H.


I think Triple H used My Time from about mid-1999 to late 2000. He had a shite generic PPV theme guitar based track before it.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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She used My Time, then the ECW theme and she either accompanied Jericho and Triple H to the ring before she became GM of Smackdown. So she used it for a period. She used it when Triple H was out with his quad injury. I swear that was the theme she used when Shane introduced her as the ECW owner.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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