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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Val Venis. What a bloody character. The music with the incredible sax climax, the entrance video with the purple helmet, geyser, train through the tunnel etc. The Money Shot and how wide his legs are when giving it. The licking the thumbs. Then he got his locks chopped off.

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Anyone else find it weird that Neville amd Enzo seem to be travel chums on the road? Surprises me seeing them together on Snapchat a lot

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Val Venis. What a bloody character. The music with the incredible sax climax, the entrance video with the purple helmet, geyser, train through the tunnel etc. The Money Shot and how wide his legs are when giving it. The licking the thumbs. Then he got his locks chopped off.

He's one of the worst haircuts I can think of. I maintain it done in Test as well. Test looked cool as fuck in '99. Okay he was never going to be a top, top player anyway but once he got the locks cut off he may as well have been Shawn Stasiak. Though to be fair he was dead in the water by the time he was an Un-American after a year of his gimmick being trying to get dates with girls backstage then treating them like dirt.


He had Undertaker at SummerSlam 2002 - admitedly at a time when that meant diddly squat - and I remember thinking it you can't just push someone and keep that kind of gimmick. It's the kind of midcard cheap heat you've got to shake.

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Anyone else find it weird that Neville amd Enzo seem to be travel chums on the road? Surprises me seeing them together on Snapchat a lot



What’s weird about two colleagues being friends?

They just seem polar opposites, didn't expect them to be road buddies

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Anyone else find it weird that Neville amd Enzo seem to be travel chums on the road? Surprises me seeing them together on Snapchat a lot


What’s weird about two colleagues being friends?

They just seem polar opposites, didn't expect them to be road buddies



Ones a big mouth and the other is a Geordie. Perfect match

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I watched SummerSlam 2000 last night and was blown away by how the Hardyz didn't win that TLC in their hometown. If you recall they would pick up the belts the next month anyway in a cage match at Unforgiven. I really don't think them defending would have mattered that much to that PPVs buyrates given the context of how well the division and the entire company was doing at the time. It just struke me as a huge missed opportunity to give a classic match a massive end of match moment because that crowd were popped for the second half of it and would have tore the roof off the place.


WWE really trusted E&C to be the most logical ones to be carrying the belts in that whole dynamic, didn't they? WrestleMania 2000, TLC 1, TLC 2. They won every one of them.

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I remember Vince laid down a rule that most guys had to have their hair cut, that's why they all seem to have been shorn around the same time.


Didn't Kazarian lose his job because he reused to cut it? Then cut it of his own accord less than a year later. What a numpty. 

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I think Val was before the "hair cutting" phase. Val cut his hair while being managed by Trish and during his second IC title run, i'm not sure if it was in preparation for right to censor or just coincidental as it helped his clean cut almost morman look when he joined the stable.


The hair cutting stuff was between 2002 and 2004/5 I believe when Christian, Test, Hurricane and possibly a few others had the snip. I'm not sure there was any real big conspiracy but didn't people say some were asked to cut their hair because Triple H had long hair and they looked similar?

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