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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I always though Regal was a terrible boring worker - he walks like a chicken and everything he does is slow & awkward. Great character though - just always found his matches shit.


Everyone has an opinion, its just that some of those opinions are WRONG!


Easily in my top 5 workers ever, so I'm slightly biased.

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I seem to remember Power Slam holding a very similar view on Regal. Seemed like Fin never enjoyed his matches and would inevitably label them awkward.


Each to his own, I've got to say I love his stuff, but can see it being divisive because it's so different to most of the US 90s/00s style it was surrounded by on the card.

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Miz vs Wyatt could be good as they are polar opposites.  Miz in his celebrity lifestyle is something Bray could easily fight against.


Its really annoying that they had a good opportunity to turn Bray Wyatt face and they didn't.  When the Rock was bigging him up and saying how great he was, if Braun and Rowan had of just decimated the Rock, until Bray started looking at the crowd and then getting cheers and saving him, that would have been a good rub. 

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He hunches when he's a heel to make him look more mischievous. His logic is that if he's at full height, fans might not think they'd have as much of a chance against him whereas when he's smaller fans may think 'I could have him' and be more brave with their heat. Of course this was more relevant in the UK in front of crowds that believed it more.

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When he joined WWE he was going through some alcohol/drug shite wasn't he? I'm not surprised some of his stuff at the time looked a bit naff to some, saying that if you didn't know him before, he defo became a grower for me. Brilliant as the sneaky heel in the ring and his commissioner role (although not really in ring related) was marvellous.

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Regal was left-handed, wasn't he? I'm sure I read some guys had issue with that as he'd do things to the opposite side to what they were used to, which sounded like cobblers.


Regal has always been a quality character - I remember years ago on whatever Saturday afternoon show Pat Sharp presented that had odd WCW Worldwide matches on it, being in fits when Regal was on commentary while tucking into afternoon tea. "I'm sorry, but could you repeat the question? I was chewing on a piece of currant."


He had his drugs wobble and Real Man's Man stint, then cleaned up and head that famous match with Voldemort on the indies that got him back in WWE's good graces.


For a Brit guy, I always thought he struggled to blend the UK and US styles. He was a better brawler than technician. The punchup with Finlay in WCW was a blinder, and in later years, I think he massively improved by basically slinging all the tech and getting down to solid striking. He hasd a good no-nonsense vibe. It made a change to the usual WWE wristlock/headlock warmup having him come and start lumping folk. I was crushingly disappointed at a Smackdown O2 taping years ago when we had Regal vs Barratt, only expecting 10 minutes (including entrances) of stiffery, but getting little more than a corner flurry from Regal, Bullhammer, pin.

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Regal was left-handed, wasn't he? I'm sure I read some guys had issue with that as he'd do things to the opposite side to what they were used to, which sounded like cobblers.

Most Pro wrestling moves, baring the odd few are done Left on Left or at least leading in with the left side (except in mexico where its the opposite I've heard), so I don't think it'd be a massive issue unless he's doing he Right facing moves with his left, (like hip-tosses for example) as that'd just mess things up

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He had his drugs wobble and Real Man's Man stint, then cleaned up and head that famous match with Voldemort on the indies that got him back in WWE's good graces

That Pillman Memorial Show match is an absolute classic and a true example of how Regal could work when he wasn't gimmicking it up.


But it was gimmicking it up that got him his money, plus the headbutts were at a minimum.

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The matches I remember most are the ones v Naked Mideon, Rikishi etc where we'd get those tremendously funny facials.


Which is not to say I didn't like him doing all the brawling or technical stuff as that was always great too. He did have a unique way about him but to me that just differentiated him and was most definitely a positive. I do remember that the opinion posted on the last page of him being lumbering and shit tended to be the prevalent view among sections of the old internet workrate community.


As great as many of his matches and runs have been, if all I could see was endless commisioner office skits and goodwill ambassador commentary of Al Snow matches, i'd still be as happy as a pig in shit. 


He's a fine man. The world of American wrestling would have been a whole lot gloomier and less interesting over the past two decades without the presence of the bold William.

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He would fit in a great deal more now than the early 2000s where matches where short and generic. He admits short matches on tv didn't let him do his thing.

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