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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Paige is unbearable as a promo. Wade and Regal were smart enough to speak with their own tongue and in their own style. Problem with people like Paige and Davey is using words, diction and sentence style that's very American, but with a British accent, and it's horrible. Kinda like hearing a British commentator spewing JR-isms, just cringeworthy.

Edited by Liam O'Rourke
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Some would say Benoit killed his family to save the business from a 10 year Mr Kennedy run on top.


I now support a Benoit Hall of Fame induction.





I know it's mentioned a lot but Bret vs Bulldog at Summerslam 1992 really is the shizzle isn't it?

I watched it s few weeks ago and came to the conclusion (I posted it here somewhere). I think by modern day standards it is, but of the time and the context (Bulldog having a marquee match on home soil) it would have been a different feel.

I think Shizzle means good pal. Unless im completely out of touch, which according to my son i am.



I'll be in the minority here but... I prefer Bret v Bulldog from IYH 5.



You're not in the minority, you're in the "Absolutely fucking right" section.

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What we need is a white young bloke from England coming to the WWE speaking that ludicrous Brixton fake Jamican accent and bumping in to Regal in the corridor to exchange pleasantries.


Funny you should say that; one day I was having a fantasy booking daydream and conjured up a character that William Regal introduces as his uncle but turns out he is 25 years younger and a Cockney wide-boy, due to his grandfather being a randy bastard impregnating women up and down the land. Weeks of backstage vignettes then follow with William’s uncle showing him how to be a man by teaching him to fish, shave and how to repair a car.


I really need to reduce my medication.  

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What we need is a white young bloke from England coming to the WWE speaking that ludicrous Brixton fake Jamican accent and bumping in to Regal in the corridor to exchange pleasantries.

Funny you should say that; one day I was having a fantasy booking daydream and conjured up a character that William Regal introduces as his uncle but turns out he is 25 years younger and a Cockney wide-boy, due to his grandfather being a randy bastard impregnating women up and down the land. Weeks of backstage vignettes then follow with William’s uncle showing him how to be a man by teaching him to fish, shave and how to repair a car.


I really need to reduce my medication.

All of the above, set to some shoddy remix of "Real Man's Man" - I'd watch. ;)

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The more I think about it, the more Owen Hart's piledriver to Austin was pretty fucking disgraceful really. Austin told him not to do it before hand, and he pretty much ended Austin's longterm career with that. Could have put him in a wheelchair for the rest of it life. Why did he do it? It makes no sense to try and do something so dangerous. Especially someone as experienced as Owen Hart. Imagine if anyone did that now? I dont care who it is, they'd have been sacked on the spot.

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I don't get how he thought he could do that piledriver without hurting Austin. Looking at the way they were positioned, there's not really a safe way to do it. Especially with Austin being taller than Owen, chances were always going to be that his head would be too low for Owen to properly protect him. Stupid. And couldn't have come at a much worse time for Austin considering the momentum he was riding and the monster push he was starting to get.


Didn't Austin say Owen never once called him to see how he was doing as well?

Edited by wandshogun09
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I've always found that really odd. It's the only blotch on Owens career baring his death. Either Owen was a prick and did it, and then never apologized or anything. Or the discussion about said move wasn't as big as Austin states and Owen had a brainfart and the move. Or there is something else, not sure at all.

Edited by WWFChilli
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Or his death has left a certain rose tint surrounding his character? Very few of his generation/road buddies from that era covered themselves in glory afterall.

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It is strange. Owen really didn't have a reputation for being reckless. It's doubly weird when you think Austin did exactly the same thing to Masa Chono about 5 years earlier. Stone Cold knew that move was a really bad idea, so I can easily believe he'd have been absolutely insistent with Owen not to do it.

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I know but every one goes out of their way to say what a great guy he was. Cynical but was there such a thing in the 80's/90's? Guys like Steiner, Hogan, HBK, Flair. Never particularly dangerous in the ring but it was a bit of a dick move for such a great guy.

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I like Paige's voice a lot, I must really be in a minority though because I've never heard anyone else say anything nice about it ever.

I couldn't listen to her on Austin's podcast - her accent is weird. She's got that "OMG, like totally!" American thing going on now.


Random thought: AJ Styles is fucking amazing. Probably the best in the world right now.

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