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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Lance Storm is a massive cunt. His credibility is dead with everyone who isnt Bryan Alvarez. Read his twitter. He's a wanker. He's also a Canadian wrestler. They all turn into dribbling messes with no tact or self awareness once they get past 35. Storm doesnt like charities, doesnt like libraries of all things (fuck knows why), said Connor's Dad should have "kept his speech short" or some shit at the Hall of Fame. Went on a big bumming session defending Hugh Morrus (like JR did) without actually understanding why he was sacked. He's basically JR or Bret Hart or Cornette. People who sounded incredibly smart when you didnt hear EVERY ... SINGLE ... FUCKING ... THING ... they had an opinion on. But in 2015, there are forums where these people dont shut up. And you hear them comment on everything. Proper hate watches.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I seem to remember him going mad about charities or similar once saying something like people are idiots to donate anything to charities as it all goes into admin. It's just odd. 

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Yeah in August last year he told fans on Twitter to stop asking for retweets for Cancer Charities that had helped their family members as "they are a total scam and do more damage than good."


He also did a blog on the subject a few years ago. Big conspiracy by big drug companies.




Bit OTT.

Edited by Suplex Sinner
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To be fair loads of people moan about charities nowadays, bit strong advocating that people shouldn't donate but even so it doesn't make his opinion of a wrestling company any less credible


His commentaries and tv interviews after Benoit were easily some of the most sensible anyone in the industry was coming out with and he's refreshingly not bitter like 99% of ex-pro's


The libraries thing was a bit weird though

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I'm not saying it makes it less credible. Just saying it was a weird reaction. He went off on one, blocking people on twitter and everything. I asked him about MacMillan Cancer Research and all the great work they do and did for my dad and he ignored me :(

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So The Undertaker returned to settle the score with Lesnar on the strength of Heyman flapping his gums about how Brock ended the streak. Now keep in mind that Heyman has been bragging about Lesnar's win in almost every promo since last April. So what I'm thinking is it would've looked better if Taker sat out the match at Mania 31 because let's be honest it had no hype and the match itself was nothing to crack on about and plus there was no streak on the line anyway. I just think it would've looked better if his appearance at Battleground was the first time we had seen him since Mania 30.


Or a more logical storyline would've been for him to attack Lesnar during his match with Reigns at WrestleMania and then have Rollins come out and cash in.

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Yeah it does sound a bit odd, I don't follow him on Twitter anymore, just visit his site so maybe he tweets shit without thinking about it, I do vaguely remember him doing a commentary about charities so I'll dig it out and see if it's more than the standard 'they only get 23%!!! The rest goes on admin' moaning I hear in the pub everytime a charity ad comes on the telly


Yeah its about the same level of argument as the pub bores



Edited by Dr.PeterVenkman
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And the Ice bucket challenge




I actually agreed with the part about people doing the videos and not donating money as I know a lad whose dad has MND and was pissed off with seeing videos with no mention of the charity but then he goes on the same tirade as the anti-cancer charity commentary and sounds like a knob

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If you've been to the doctor in the last decade you've no doubt already discovered that doctors no longer treat patients, they prescribe drugs to them. If you go to a doctor because you are experiencing severe back pain, the first course of action is to prescribe painkillers. A good Dr. if you are lucky enough to find one of the good ones, will also advice you that weight loss and exercise to reduce the strain on your back and strengthen your core would probably solve your problems completely, but unfortunately most people are too lazy for that and would rather just fill their prescriptions.




When he does go off, he really goes off weirdly.

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If you've been to the doctor in the last decade you've no doubt already discovered that doctors no longer treat patients, they prescribe drugs to them. If you go to a doctor because you are experiencing severe back pain, the first course of action is to prescribe painkillers. A good Dr. if you are lucky enough to find one of the good ones, will also advice you that weight loss and exercise to reduce the strain on your back and strengthen your core would probably solve your problems completely, but unfortunately most people are too lazy for that and would rather just fill their prescriptions.





When he does go off, he really goes off weirdly.

He comes across as a total cunt there.


On the point of charity's I'm very selective on who I give my money and time too. Just because there both limited so I want it too make as big an impact as possible

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