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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Yeah that was Jim, and it's not his worst gimmick either. He did a stint as a KKK member in some Las Vegas indy (NWC, i think), actually a pretty decent little fed that had quite a bit of money behind it,

Edited by Merzbow
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I haven't seen the said promos but Ryback and Roman Reigns seem to be having trouble in that area from what iv read, I wonder why WWE seems to have soured on having managers represent wrestlers who struggle with promos, with that said Ryback and Reigns are both face so I think it wouldn't do them many favours standing behind a manager but I'm sure they could make it work.


If these guys cant get basic promo skills down then I think they are going to struggle long term connecting with the fans. John Cena was lucky he had decent promo skills, I can't see him being were he is today if he nose dived everytime he had a microphone in his had. Early on in any wrestlers push or starting out being able to connect with fans verbally for me is really important, in ring ability will only get you so far.

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They fucked Reigns by doing his subtle push around the same time Bryan was obviously winning the title at Mania, I don't care what anyone says, there's not a chance Bryan wasn't ending up with the belt at Mania after the end of Summerslam, Reigns dominating Survivor Series and the Rumble happened a year early basically


You should care, because you're wrong. Their plan was to turn Sheamus heel and have him face Bryan at mania. Then they changed their minds. Why bring back Batista on (presumably) big money and have him win the rumble, only to have him tap out to a guy in "his" main event, the same guy who was going to have a run as a member of the Wyatt family (remember that?) Coincidentally, that's something that also got nixed because the Yes chants started getting serious mainstream attention in the US.


Just because it all worked out in the end doesn't mean they planned it all along. That would be putting far, far too much faith in the ability of this company to do effective long term planning.

Edited by hallicks
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I wouldn't be surprised if all the stuff about him facing Sheamus at Mania being leaked was a work, surely if that was the plan they'd have still turned Sheamus anyway?


End of the day they gave Bryan the Austin Autumn '98 treatment, even TNA at their worst wouldn't book someone to go through that then have them end up winning some midcard match if that wasn't the plan all along, if they genuinely didn't rate Bryan as top level he would've lost to Cena at Summerslam then Orton would've cashed in on Cena, why give him the belt at all if they didn't have plans for him ?


I think people forget how over Bryan was prior to the whole Authority thing, when he was in tags against the Shield everyone was going mental for him, as incompetent as the booking squad can be even they recognised he needed pushing

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I don't know where to put this. But it has some tie to grappling:


My poor, poor Da. So much stuff has happened like this over the years, that it’s cruel...to all parties.

I go back to me da’s for a bit of lunch today and he says “I was cleaning out the shed and I found a few of your old comics”. The ‘comics’ were old Powerslams and PWI’s from between 1996 and 1998. There were 9 in total and at 6 were used to Yop into.

I opened one of the PWI’s and only the first three and the back three pages were readable as there was what is now a septic yellow crust that had seeped through and engulfed the whole magazine, and had formed a substance that resembled concrete over the last nigh on twenty year.


The gas thing is, I actually remember this one because I was peddling over pics of Sunny (one in particular where she was wearing a thong and a golden jacket in some sort of promo/photoshoot picture that was the size of a stamp)


Why I was drowning the rest of them in gruel is anyone’s idea. And I’m also sure (a) my da knew what that was in the mags and (b) he was wondering why I’d be doing it into a magazine that was 99% made up of scantily clad males.


Powerslam issue 57 was salvageable, however and quite the good read.

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