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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Between that and finding out the name "Lesmonds" for where women with short hair get it cut this morning I've been tittering like a schoolgirl.


:laugh: :laugh: I'm definitely saying this to Mrs. Malcolm this morning.

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Anyone watch Smackdown? The women match had the worst backdrop I've ever seen. Naomi was lucky not to have been killed or lost a tit.


OK, I just looked this up on YouTube and fucking hell.



About 15 seconds in. Christ almighty.

Edited by Devon Malcolm
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I watched it, but paid no attention to that particular match. The Usos vs Real Americans tag match was great fun though. Heels on Wheels!


New Age Outlaws had a match with the Rhodes brothers. Who would ever have thought you would see Billy Gunn, Road Dogg and Goldust tearing it up in 2014.


Also, what a fucking mesmerising talker Bray Wyatt is. I thought his promo at the start of the show was sensational.


It was a decent show this week.

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I understand the reasoning behind turning the NAO heel (i.e for a short term storyline) but it reminds me of when TNA turned Hulk Hogan heel. In 2011, no one wanted to boo Hulk Hogan as he was a novelty act, unlike 1996 when people were getting sick of him.

In 2014, no-one wants to boo the Outlaws. The longer term fans are just happy to see them, and the newer fans will just sit and watch largely bemused. I can't see what's to gain there.

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I see no problem with it. Road Dogg and Billy Gunn are old pros who are a value to the people they are working with. Having them on the shows and working with the likes of the Usos and whatever young team there is around is probably what WWE wants out of them. And its hard to have them on TV as babyfaces, because their whole act is to do the rhymes and the catchphrases and to put themselves over. They always had better matches as heels anyway. I'm happy they are moving past more than just a nostalgia act and they are regulars. I think there's a massive chance they'll go into WrestleMania as tag team champions. I think they'll get a run out of this in the next few weeks.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Yeah I'd have thought they'd take the straps at the Rumble leading to friction between Cody and Goldust. Then one eliminates the other in the Rumble match leading to a Mania match. Simple. Then you can do the Outlaws against The Usos or something at Mania.

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I think he's very good given his limited experience in the business, but a long way from being the finished article. I think his promo skills are actually better than he has been allowed to show on Raw so far. Like most of the midcard, he suffers from not really getting many opportunities to stand in the ring with a mic in his hand.


My problem with him is his look, despite the massive muscles he doesn't have much of a tough guy aura about him. He's got too friendly a face to look like a bad ass.

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Big E is developing nicely considering his Raw debut was 13 months ago. They have tested him a bit beyond his level just recently, but it's a chance for him to learn things for the future. With the big stories kicking off leading up to WM30 he'll probably have to wait until the summer for more big matches now.

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